Pregnant By The Single Dad Doc. Louisa Heaton
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Название: Pregnant By The Single Dad Doc

Автор: Louisa Heaton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474090070


СКАЧАТЬ against her heart? It had made her ready for all the others.

      Physically, he looked different. Changed from the gangly youth of their teens into a broader, more solid-looking man. Wider at the shoulders, with a squareness of jaw that was now more pronounced. The years had been good to him and he’d clearly thrived without her.

      Would he look at her and think the same? Probably not. She wasn’t the entrepreneur she’d always said she’d be. She wasn’t at the top of some corporate ladder, wearing a power suit and waving a platinum card. She’d gone back to the beginning. Was a student again. She was on the bottom rung of the career ladder when she’d always aspired to be at the top.

      She noticed he wore a name badge clipped to his belt—a sign that he worked in this hospital, identifying him as a member of staff. A doctor, of course. He’d left her behind to become one. His father was an oncologist, his mother had been... She struggled for the memory. Oh, yes. An obstetrician. When Logan had left her to pursue his dream of medical school she hadn’t known what speciality he wanted to pursue. She hoped it wasn’t this one.

      ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, hoping he was just passing through. Maybe he was dropping off some notes for a patient and then he would be gone again. Hopefully to work in the department that was furthest from this one. Gerontology, perhaps?

      ‘I saw the name in the diary, but I didn’t think it would be you.’

      In the diary? Why was he looking in the department’s diary? Surely that was private to Dr Wilson and his staff?

      A sense of dread began to filter its way into her body, but she didn’t want it to show on her face. She looked up and down the corridor, past the black and white artistic photographs of babies, past the noticeboard filled with old notices that should probably have been taken down years ago. Looking—hoping—to see Dr Wilson appear.

      Perhaps if she concentrated really hard she could magic him up?

      But the corridor remained resolutely empty and she turned back to face Logan, her cheeks hot, smiling politely. ‘I’m here for Dr Wilson.’

      Logan nodded. ‘You’re the new medical student?’

      Her smile was almost a rictus, and she couldn’t stand there talking to him any longer because it hurt too much already and... Oh, Logan!

      ‘Yes. I am. So, if you could just excuse me? I need to let Dr Wilson know that I’m here. I don’t want him to think that I’m late.’

      And if I say his name often enough it might summon him.

      She pushed past him, glad to find that, yes, indeed her legs were still working, and were even remarkably co-ordinated.

      But as she passed him their shoulders brushed, and she inhaled a pleasurable scent of soap and sandalwood, and it was like being catapulted back to when she was eighteen years old and in his bedroom, sitting cross-legged on his bed, laughing at him because he was trying on different kinds of body spray for their date night. And then she’d got up from the bed and pulled him close to inhale the scent of his skin...

      ‘Dr Wilson isn’t here.’

      His voice stopped her in her tracks and she closed her eyes in despair. Heart pounding hard against her ribs, she turned back to look at him. ‘No? But he’s meant to be meeting me. He’s my mentor.’

      Logan looked uncomfortable. ‘He’s not. His wife...she died this weekend.’


      That was dreadful news. Terrible! What was she to do? She’d have to ring her university. Tell them she needed to be assigned another mentor.

      Shocked, she began to rummage in her bag.

      ‘What are you doing?’

      ‘I need to phone my tutor so they can assign me to someone else.’

      Where was the damned phone? It had been there just a minute ago, when she’d dug inside to find her water. It must have gone all the way to the bottom and—

      ‘They already have.’

      She looked up at him, frowning. ‘Who?’

      But she already knew the answer just by looking at his face. A face that looked both guilty and apprehensive. A face that she had once kissed all over in bright red lipstick whilst he slept and then taken a picture of to give him as a card on Valentine’s Day. A face that she had once caressed just to see how it went from smooth to bristly around his mouth.

      ‘It’s me. I’m your new mentor.’

      Her heart sank.

      * * *

       Ellie Jones.

      It felt strange, standing there just looking at her again. As if time meant nothing—as if all those years without her had been compressed into a microsecond of time. Her hair was a little longer, but still that dark so-black-it-was-almost-blue colour. Her eyes looked wary. Tired. As if she’d seen enough bad things in the world, thank you very much. Or perhaps it was just the way she was looking at him?

      He was very much aware that he had broken her heart once, ruined her expectations of life and let her down. So perhaps she was suspicious as to how he could be the best mentor for her? He hadn’t meant to break her heart. He thought he’d done the right thing for them both and she couldn’t possibly know just how much their break-up had affected him.

      But he was determined, here and now, to be the best mentor she could possibly have. As far as he was concerned the past was in the past, and though he’d hurt her once he would never do so again! He was going to push her hard during this placement, so that when she left she would realise that he had tried to make up to her for his failure in the past.

      It was the least he could do. If she wanted to be a doctor, then he’d make her one. The best doctor she could be.

       But can I stand to see her walk away from me again?

      She’d never mentioned wanting to be a doctor before. He would have remembered something like that. Hadn’t she wanted to run her own business? What had changed in her life to make her pursue this path? Because it wasn’t easy. Not by a long shot. But if this was what she wanted then he would give it to her.

      ‘I’ll show you where you can put your things.’

      She nodded, uncertain, clearly still hesitant.

      Perhaps he ought to clear the air? State his intentions?

      He turned. ‘Look, Ellie, I know this isn’t an ideal situation for us both, but I’m going to make sure you get the best education whilst you’re on this unit with me, okay? You’re here to learn and I’m here to teach. That’s all it’s going to be. All right?’

      He hoped he could remain true to his word without letting in those pesky emotions he knew were still running so close to the surface.

      * * *

      Rooted to the ground, she simply stared up at him. That’s all it’s going to be? What else did he think СКАЧАТЬ