Love Islands: Swept Away. Natalie Anderson
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Название: Love Islands: Swept Away

Автор: Natalie Anderson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474096102


СКАЧАТЬ of the villa, the area was flat and clear of trees, within full view of the beach. Not that Lucca would ever be alone, but Romeo was satisfied the security posted at various points around the island would have a perfect view of where Maisie and his son were at all times.

      The head of the three-man construction crew he’d hired spread out the blueprint on a portable table and began discussing design and schedules, with Lucca merrily pointing out where he wanted his rocks and fountain situated.

      Leaving them to it, Romeo strolled to where Maisie stood several feet away, her gaze on the beach a quarter of a mile below.

      Her head jerked up as he neared, and she inhaled sharply at the force of his stare, her eyes widening before she attempted to avert her head. He caught her chin and held her still.

      ‘You want to tell me what’s going on?’

      That blank stare again. ‘Sorry, I don’t know what you mean.’

      ‘I thought we agreed to make this work,’ he rasped.

      ‘We are.’

      ‘You call this making it work?’ he blazed under his breath.

      ‘Romeo, why are you annoyed with me?’

      His low mocking laughter grated. ‘I suppose I should be gratified that you’ve noticed that I am annoyed.’

      She pulled her chin from his hand. ‘If it’s about me forgetting about the time of the duck-pond visit—’

      ‘Don’t do that, gattina. It’s beneath you,’ he cut across her.

      ‘I don’t know what you want me to do. I’m here for Lucca. Isn’t that what we both ultimately want?’ Her voice pulsed with something he couldn’t put his finger on.

      No, he wanted to say. I want you to stop shutting me out.

      He stepped closer and her delicate apple shampoo and sunflower perfume washed over his senses. ‘What he needs is parents who exchange more than a greeting and a “pass the salt” when they’re in the same room. I may not know enough about little boys yet, but I know he’ll pick up the tension between us if we don’t clear the air.’

      She shook her head. ‘But there is nothing to clear.’

      He begged to differ. About to demand the truth, he looked deeper into her eyes and finally got why the atmosphere between them had altered so drastically.

      ‘Dio, how could I have missed this?’ he muttered almost to himself.

      Panic flared in her eyes, darkening the striking blue to an alluring navy. He allowed himself a smile, a little less unsettled now he knew the root cause of her frostiness.

      ‘We’ll take this up again tonight, when Lucca is in bed.’

      ‘I have nothing to take up with you,’ she blurted.

      ‘Then you can enjoy your meal and listen to me talk.’

      Enjoying the heated suspicion in her eyes, he turned and strode back to join the group. The final design of the pond was agreed, an ecstatic Lucca skipping back to the buggy.

      Back at the villa, he watched Maisie rush away with an excuse of rustling up a snack for their son. Romeo curbed a smile, satisfied now that he knew what the problem was of fixing it. He was pussyfooting his way through the unfamiliar landscape of being a father. The tension between him and Maisie stood to jeopardise that. The unnecessary argument in his study this afternoon had proved that. It needed to be resolved. And by midnight, the situation between them would be rectified, with results he was sure would please them both.

      He picked up his son and hurled him in the air, his heart tumbling over when he received a shriek of delight in return.

      ‘Again!’ Lucca urged.

      Romeo’s smile widened and he complied.

      He’d never relied on luck to achieve his goals, but with a tiny bit of luck he’d get his son’s mother shrieking those same words to him by the time he was done with her.

      * * *

      Maisie inspected the multitude of new dresses in her wardrobe and finally selected a bronze-coloured cotton shift with a crossover bodice tie. She knew she was risking being late, but ever since her conversation with Romeo earlier she’d been dreading the seven-thirty dinner he’d asked Mahina to prepare.

      To say she was terrified of that sudden light that had dawned in his eyes after he’d demanded to know what was going on would be an understatement. And that self-assured smile he’d worn from then on had been an even more ominous sign that whatever he intended to discuss with her tonight would be something she might not be able to deny him.

      She tied the knot beneath the bodice of the dress and shakily clipped her hair into a loose knot at her nape. The sleeveless design of the dress would ensure she remained cool in the sometimes sultry evening heat.

      And if all hell broke loose, there was also the swimming pool to jump into. She gave a short hysterical giggle and slipped her feet into open-toed platform heels.

      Knowing she couldn’t linger any longer, she hurried to Lucca’s room and checked on him, smiling at Emily, who was folding laundry in the walk-in closet, before making her way to the terrace.

      The light from fat candles giving off evocative scents blended with solar lamps dotted around the garden and pool.

      Next to the table set out for two, a tall silver ice bucket held a bottle of champagne. Romeo was nowhere in sight.

      Before she could breathe a sigh of relief from the nerves churning her stomach, she sensed him behind her and turned.

      He was dressed in black trousers and a fitted black shirt, his sleeves rolled back to reveal bronzed forearms and a sleek watch. With a few buttons opened at his throat, it was impossible to miss the light wisps of hair or the strong neck and the rugged jaw thrown into relief by all that black. That image of a dark lord, master of all he surveyed, sprang into her mind again.

      Maisie swallowed and willed her hormones to stop careening through her bloodstream. But even at this early stage in the night, she knew it would be an uphill battle to continue fighting the need that whistled through her with the ominous sound of a pressure cooker reaching explosion point.

      ‘There you are,’ he murmured in a deep, hypnotic voice. ‘I was beginning to think I’d been stood up.’

      ‘I wasn’t aware this was a date,’ she replied feebly. The setting sun, the soft Hawaiian music playing from hidden speakers...the way he looked at her, all pointed to this being all about the two of them and nothing to do with their son.

      She took a tiny step back as he came towards her, all dark and brooding. His eyes told her he knew what she was fighting. And the calculating gleam told her he intended to make sure she would lose.

      ‘Come, sit down.’

      He walked past her, trailing an earthy scent of spicy sandalwood and his own potent musk that drew her like a supercharged bee to pollen, and pulled out a chair.

      With СКАЧАТЬ