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СКАЧАТЬ must have said she meant business, though, because Matthew left his place and skittered down on the floor beside her, his small face pale. The freckles on his cheeks stood out.

      “Mommy, I’m scared.”

      Her poor baby.

      “It’s okay, love, I’m going to call Chief Paul. He’ll know what to do.”

      Crawling over to the end table, she grabbed her phone and dialed Paul’s number with shaking fingers. It wasn’t until the phone started ringing that she wondered why she’d instinctively called him and not Jace. Because Paul helped her last night? Of course that was why. She moved to the window and peered out, taking care to keep out of sight. There parked on the street across from her was a dark sedan. Was that the one that had been sitting at the bearded man’s house?


      Paul’s deep drawl sent a shiver down her spine. She scolded herself. She didn’t have time for that. Sure, he was strong and was well respected in LaMar Pond, but he was hiding something. She was certain. Only, right now, it didn’t seem to matter.

      “Paul,” she whispered. “There’s a man sitting in his car outside my house. He’s watching us. And I can’t be sure, but it may be one of the people from that house. The car looks familiar.”

      “Irene, are the boys with you?” His voice had lost all trace of the lazy, relaxed drawl. Its intensity communicated his concern over the phone.

      “Yes, we are all here.”

      “Okay, this is what I want you to do. Make sure the doors are locked. And keep away from the windows. Whatever you do, do not answer the door unless it’s me or Jace. I’m going to call him right now. He’s closer to your house. I will be over as soon as I can.”


      She slid the phone back into her pocket and looked at the two frightened faces before her.

      “Boys, let’s go back to the kitchen.”

      “Aren’t we setting up the tree?” AJ asked, disappointment on his face.

      Matthew didn’t argue. He was already halfway there.

      “We’ll make Christmas cookies first,” Irene declared, coming up with an impromptu diversion. Both faces brightened.

      Her phone rang again. Paul.

      “Jace is on his way, too. Sit tight, Irene. We’ll be there ASAP.”

      Her nerves were shot by the time Jace arrived. She saw his car pull around the corner from the kitchen window. Immediately, an engine revved. She heard tires squeal as a car raced in the opposite direction. The watcher had left. The cruiser’s lights burst into a swirl of blue and red as Jace followed in pursuit.

      Less than five minutes later, someone pounded on her front door. Yelping, she dropped the bowl of icing she’d just whipped together. The silver bowl bounced, flinging white icing on the cupboard doors and all over her blue jeans.

      “Irene? It’s me. Paul.”

      Paul. She placed a hand over her pounding heart and closed her eyes, fighting the urge to wilt against the countertops.

      “Mommy, Chief Paul is here.” AJ frowned as the chief called out again. “Should I let him in?”

      “No! No, I will do it. You boys stay here and wipe up this mess. Please.”

      They looked less than thrilled, but both nodded. She had expected some protest. Especially from AJ. That neither boy offered even a token resistance told her that they had sensed the seriousness of the situation.

      She moved to the door and opened it. She came face-to-face with Paul, his hand raised to knock again. Patent relief flashed across his face as he saw her. His gaze moved over her, checking for injury or signs of distress. She knew the moment he spotted the icing by the way his mouth curled up at the sides. Not exactly a grin, but she could tell he was amused.

      Only for a moment, however. The smile vanished so fast she might have imagined it.

      “Jace went after the guy,” she informed him.

      He nodded. “Yeah, he almost caught him, too. The guy got out and took off running across the interstate. Unfortunately, Jace didn’t get a good look at him. The Zilchers are coming in to look through the data files. I think you should do that, too. Immediately, if not sooner. In the meantime, Jace is going to go over the car the guy abandoned. See what he can get from it.”

      There was no way she could refuse. If this was related to what had happened the day before, they had found out where she lived. The situation was as serious and urgent as it could get. “My kids...”

      Paul laid a hand on her shoulder. She shivered. The warmth of his hand spread out. Not now. This was not a good idea. She moved back.

      “Take them to your mom’s house. Jace already called her.”

      She had no choice. Reluctantly, she agreed. The reluctance was partially because she didn’t want to be separated from them right now. And, she admitted to herself, partly because she didn’t like this awareness of Paul that seemed to be returning. The thought of spending more time alone with him was unsettling. She wasn’t a high school girl anymore—what was wrong with her?

      As she bundled them up for the trip to her mother’s, she couldn’t stop the dread quivering in her belly. She had to work hard to keep her apprehension from showing on her face. Kids were sensitive. They would pick up on her disquiet in a heartbeat.

      But her mother’s heart wouldn’t let it go.

      “Paul,” she began as she made her way back to the living room with two boys wrapped up tight in their winter gear. She stopped. Paul was no longer alone. Jace and Miles were there, deep in conversation. The men stopped talking when she appeared.

      Paul nodded at the other two men and approached Irene and the boys. “Hey, guys. How would you like a ride to your grandma’s in a police car?” He grinned at the boys like he was suggesting an adventure, rather than moving to get them out of harm’s way. “Sergeant Olsen was wanting to visit your gran. Think she’ll have cookies he can swipe?”

      AJ nodded, his face serious. “Yeah, Granny always has cookies. But he better ask first.”

      “And say please,” Matthew added.

      “I’m sure he will.” Paul patted their heads affectionately.

      His eyes, though, when he glanced back at Irene, were completely devoid of humor.

      He’s as worried as I am.

      That scared her most of all.

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