Orphans of War. Leah Fleming
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Название: Orphans of War

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9780008184070


СКАЧАТЬ to the familiar territory of the Yorkshire Dales.

      Sowerthwaite is used to wanderers returning and the Old Victory pub is a good place in which to lick your wounds. It’s always been a refuge in the past. She should know, looking down to where they found the hidden bundle, now in police custody.

      How strange that all this time, the tree has kept a secret and none of them guessed. How strange after all these years…Fifty years is a lifetime ago. How can any of these young ones know how it was then or understand why she mourns this special tree; all the memories, happy and sad and the friends she’s loved and lost under it?

      There are precious few left, like Alf Brindle, who’ll remember that skinny kid in the gaberdine mac and eye patch arriving with just a suitcase and a panda for company with that gang of offcomers who climbed up the beech tree to the wooden lookout post to spot Spitfires.

      Maddy stares down at the fallen giant, now cut into chunks, choking with emotion.

      I thought you’d last for ever, see my grandchildren out, even, but no, your time is over. Could it possibly be that deep within those rings, in those circles of life, you’ve left us one more puzzle, one more revelation, one more reminder?

      Maddy’s heart thumps, knowing that to explain any of it she must go right back to the very beginning, to that fateful day when her own world was blown to smithereens. Sitting on the nearest log, sipping from her hip flask for courage, she remembers.

Part One


       Chadley, September 1940

      ‘I’m not going back to school!’ announced Maddy Belfield in the kitchen of The Feathers pub, in her gas mask peeling onions while Grandma was busy poring over their account books and morning mail.

      Better to come clean before term started. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to announce she’d been expelled from St Hilda’s again. Or maybe it was…Surely no one would worry about that when the whole country was waiting for the invasion to come.

      How could they expect her to behave in a cloistered quad full of mean girls when there were young men staggering off the beaches of Dunkirk and getting blown out of the sky above their heads? She’d seen the Pathé News. She was nearly ten, old enough to know that they were in real danger but not old enough to do anything about it yet.

      ‘Are you sure?’ said Uncle George Mills, whose name was over the door as the licensee. ‘If it’s the fees you’re worried about,’ he offered, but she could see the relief in his eyes. Her parents were touring abroad with a Variety Bandbox review, entertaining the troops, and were last heard of in a show in South Africa. The singing duo were looking further afield for work and heading into danger en route to Cairo.

      Dolly and Arthur Belfield worked a double act, Mummy singing and Daddy on the piano: ‘The Bellaires’ was their stage name and they filled in for the famous Anne Ziegler and Webster Booth, singing duo in some of the concerts, to great acclaim.

      Maddy was staying with Grandma Mills, who helped Uncle George run The Feathers, just off the East Lancs Road in Chadley. They were her guardians now that Mummy and Daddy were abroad.

      ‘Take no notice of her, George. She’ll soon change her tune when she sees what’s in store at Broad Street Junior School.’ Grandma’s gruff northern voice soon poured cold water on Maddy’s plans. ‘I’m more interested in what’s come in the morning post, Madeleine.’ Grandma paused as if delivering bad news on stage, shoving a letter in front of her young granddaughter. ‘What have you to say about this, young lady? It appears there are new orders to evacuate your school to the countryside, but not for you.’

      There was the dreaded handwritten note from Miss Connaught, the Head of Junior School attached to her school report.

      It is with regret that I am forced to write again to express my displeasure at the continuing misbehaviour of your daughter, Madeleine Angela Belfield. At a time of National Emergency, my staff must put the safety of hundreds of girls foremost, not spend valuable prep evenings searching for one ambulatory child, only to find her hiding up a tree, making a nuisance of herself again.

      We cannot take responsibility for her continuing disobedience and therefore suggest that she be withdrawn from this school forthwith. Perhaps she is more suited to a local authority school.

      Millicent Mills leaned across the table and threw the letter in Maddy’s direction, her eyes fixed on the child, who sat with her head bent. She looked like butter wouldn’t melt but the effect was spoiled by those lips twitching with mischief. ‘What have you to say for yourself? And why aren’t you wearing your eye patch?’

      It wasn’t Maddy’s fault that she was always in trouble at school. It wasn’t that she was mean or careless or dull even but somehow she didn’t fit into the strait-jacket that St Hilda’s liked to wrap around their pupils. Perhaps it was something to do with having to wear an eye patch on her good eye and glasses to correct her lazy left eye.

      If there was one word that summed up her problem it was disobedience. Tell her to do one thing and she did the opposite, always had and always would.

      ‘You can take that grin off your face!’ yelled Granny in her drama queen voice. ‘George, you tell her,’ she sighed, deferring to her son, though everyone knew he was a soft touch and couldn’t squash a flea. ‘What will your mother say when she hears you’ve been expelled? They’ve been footing the bills for months. Is this our reward?’

      That wasn’t strictly true, as her parents’ money came in dribs and drabs and never on time. Her school fees were coming out of the pub profits and it was a struggle.

      ‘Don’t worry, it’ll save you money if I stay here,’ Maddy offered, sensing a storm was brewing up fast. ‘I’ll get a job.’

      ‘No granddaughter of mine gets expelled! You’ve got to be fourteen to get work. After all we’ve sacrificed for your education. I promised yer mam…’

      When Granny was worked up her vowels flattened and the gruffness of her Yorkshire upbringing rose to the fore. She puffed up her chest into a heaving bosom of indignation. ‘I’ve not forked out all these years for you to let us down like this…I’m so disappointed in you.’

      ‘But I hate school,’ whined Maddy. ‘It’s so boring. I’m not good at anything and I’ll never be a prefect. Anyway, I don’t want to be vacuated. I like it in The Feathers. I want to stay here.’

      ‘What you like or don’t like is of no consequence. In my day children were seen and not heard,’ Grandma continued. ‘Where’s your eye patch? You’ll never straighten that eye if you take it off.’

      ‘I hate wearing it. They keep calling me one of Long John Silver’s pirates, the Black Spot, at school and I hate the stupid uniform. How would you like to wear donkey-brown serge and a winceyette shirt with baggy knickers every day? They itch me. I hate the scratchy stockings, and Sandra Bowles pings my garters on the back of my knees and calls my shoes coal barges. Everything is second-hand and too big for me and they call me names. It’s a stupid school.’

      ‘St Hilda’s is the best girls’ school in the district. СКАЧАТЬ