Doctor, Mummy...Wife?. Dianne Drake
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Название: Doctor, Mummy...Wife?

Автор: Dianne Drake

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474037501


СКАЧАТЬ “But I wouldn’t change a thing.”

      * * *

      “Challenging case, Dr. Carson?” Simon asked after he walked Tommy and his mother back to the waiting room.

      “If I thought you were interested because you were really interested, I might answer that question, but somehow I think you’ll snipe at me for taking the easy cases today since you’re so distracted, so all I’ll tell you is that we divide them as they come in and leave it at that.”

      “That’s right. I’m not a partner. Just a lowly employee. I’m not privy to the inner workings of what goes on around here.”

      “You’re causing a scene over a case of pinkeye?”

      “You’re treating pinkeye, I’m treating a kid with possible asthma. Are you going to tell me it all evens out?”

      “I’m sorry for your diagnosis,” she said sympathetically. “And if you’d rather not...”

      “It’s not that I’d rather not. But what I was wondering is if we get to pick and choose our cases or if we just get them according to what’s up next, and who our established patients are.”

      “If you’re trying to insult me, I have thick skin, Doctor.”

      “Not trying to insult you, Doctor. Just trying to figure things out now that you’re back.”

      “Well, figure this out. It’s a fair system. I don’t take all the easy cases and assign the tougher cases to my colleagues. You were treating an easy case of nursemaid’s elbow when I was treating a little girl with Erb’s palsy. Unless a patient requests a specific doctor we take whoever’s up next, regardless of the easiness or severity of their condition.” She bit her tongue to hold the rest in but didn’t do a very good job of it because the rest slipped out. She knew this had to be tough on Simon, working in basically a new situation, especially with his credentials. “Trust me—it’s fair.”

      “It’s always good to know my standing.”

      “Sure it is. You got stuck in a jammed-up clinic when I was gone and you’re blaming me for it. So now you want some answers. Can’t say that I blame you. Reverse the situation and I’d be asking the same questions.”

      * * *

      Simon kicked off his shoes and set his mug of coffee next to the sofa. Sighing, he popped an old classic movie into his DVD player then dropped down on the couch with his bowl of cold cereal, contented to spend the evening vegetating.

      He’d gotten off to a rough start with Del and, to be honest, was surprised she hadn’t fired him on the spot. There really was no excuse for his questions, especially when he knew the answers. But he’d been in the mood to antagonize someone and Del had seemed to be it.

      The thing was, he’d called to talk to Amy this morning and was told by her latest stepfather that he had no rights to the girl any longer, to please not call back or he’d be served with a restraining order. Damn! He missed her. Red hair and freckles, with a little gap between her front teeth—sometimes he swore he’d stayed married to her mother just because Amy was so endearing. But that was obviously over and now he wasn’t even allowed to talk to her any more. It hurt. It stung to the bone because he missed Amy with all his heart. Didn’t know how he was going to get along without her. And Del, well...she’d just caught some of his fallout. Wrong place, wrong time and with a child who was making her so happy—happy the way he’d used to be.

      Well, one thing was for sure. He’d never, ever get involved with a woman who already had a child. It just opened him up to getting hurt again.

      In the meantime, he owed Del a big apology for being so confrontational over everything today. She didn’t deserve it just because she’d had a child.

      He owed her an apology and it wouldn’t keep until tomorrow. He opened his clinic information packet and found her cell-phone number. On impulse, he dialed.

      “Hello,” she answered, almost in a whisper.

      “Del, this is Simon Michaels.”


      “I may have been a little harsh with you today.”

      “Not so I noticed,” she lied. “It was a tough day for everybody.”

      “Still, I wasn’t myself and I’m calling to apologize.”

      “No need. I wasn’t at my best, either, this being my first day back and all. Look, you woke up my baby. I’ve got to go. Can I call you back?”

      “No need for that. I just wanted to apologize.”

      “Thanks, Simon,” she said, and with that she hung up on him. And he actually chuckled. She was interesting, to say the least. Definitely her own woman marching to her own beat.

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