Fear Of Love. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Fear Of Love

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474029803


СКАЧАТЬ you mean Roger, then yes, I am.’

      Dominic looked bored. ‘Go ahead. But remember what I said about inviting him round here. I’m not as liberal as Gail and Trevor, I won’t allow you to take him upstairs to your bedroom. I’m too much aware of the temptation involved.’

      ‘You would be. Roger and I don’t regard it in that light. We merely go to my room to listen to records.’

      ‘More fool you.’ He stood up. ‘I’m going to my study, so you can use the telephone in here. I would appreciate it if you didn’t disturb me, I have some work to do.’

      ‘I have no intention of disturbing you,’ she said indignantly.

      ‘Fine. When you’ve finished with the tea things just ring for Charles and he’ll clear away. Dinner is at eight, by the way.’

      ‘Am I expected to dress up for that?’

      ‘Not particularly.’ His eyes travelled slowly over her slender body. ‘But I think I would prefer you to put on something more feminine than denims.’

      ‘Your likes and dislikes don’t come into it,’ she told him sharply. ‘But I have to go back to the house and pack a few things, so I might manage to change for dinner.’

      ‘You’re going to the house now?’

      She gave him a challenging look. ‘Do you have any objections?’

      ‘None, as long as you don’t use it as a meeting place for yourself and your boy-friend.’

      ‘You have a disgusting mind, Mr Tempest!’

      He laughed at her outrage. ‘I’m just realistic, Alex.

      She was still glowering at him as he left the room. She couldn’t stay here with him, she just couldn’t. They didn’t even like each other. But she didn’t see what else she could do; Gail’s health depended on her not causing trouble.

      She put a call through to the hospital before calling Roger, and was told that Mrs Tempest was asleep and not to be disturbed. It seemed to underline the fact that Gail’s health was very delicate at the moment. She left a message for them to tell Gail of her call and she sent her love.

      Her call to Roger wasn’t quite so easy, knowing he wouldn’t understand her reasons for being at Dominic Tempest’s house any better than she did herself. She was right, he didn’t.

      ‘You could come and stay here,’ he suggested. ‘My mother and father would love to have you.’

      ‘I—I never thought of that.’ Hope quickened her heart. ‘Do you really think they wouldn’t mind?’

      ‘I know they wouldn’t.’

      ‘Wait a minute, then, and I’ll go and see what Dominic says,’ she said eagerly.

      ‘What does it matter what he says?’ Roger demanded crossly. ‘After the way he spoke to you earlier I can’t believe it would bother him where you stay.’

      ‘You’re right, it doesn’t. But I— Look, I’ll just see what he thinks of the idea.’ She put the telephone down before he could raise any more objections. She knocked briskly on Dominic’s study door before entering.

      He looked up at her, an impatient frown marking his forehead. ‘I thought I said I wasn’t to be disturbed,’ he snapped coldly. ‘God, you’ve only been in the house an hour and already you’re making a nuisance of yourself.’

      Angry colour flared into her cheeks. ‘I did knock!’

      Dominic sat back, his eyes narrowed. ‘So I heard, but I don’t remember inviting you in.’

      ‘You’re impossible!’

      ‘Instead of standing there getting angry I think you would be better spending the time telling me what you came in here for, because in two minutes you’re going to be thrown out again.’

      ‘It doesn’t matter!’ She turned on her heel.

      ‘Alexandra!’ her name sounded like a whiplash. ‘Get back in here.’

      She blinked back the tears. ‘No, I won’t.’

      Dominic sighed. ‘You came to ask me something, you might as well do that now you’re here.’

      ‘I said it doesn’t matter,’ she said obstinately.

      ‘You have one minute left,’ he warned.

      Alexandra turned angrily. ‘Is your time so valuable you don’t have two minutes to spare?’

      ‘At the moment, yes. I have a schedule to meet. So what’s wrong?’

      ‘Roger’s on the telephone, he says I can stay at his house.’


      Her eyes were a deeper blue as her anger increased. ‘What do you mean, no? Why can’t I? Who’s to say I can’t anyway?’

      ‘I am,’ he told her calmly. ‘In view of the absence of Gail and Trevor I’m acting as your guardian, and I say you stay where you are. Now, if that’s all you wanted I have work to do.’

      ‘You have no right—–’

      ‘I have every right! You’re staying here, where Gail and Trevor can be sure you’re safe.’

      ‘With you?’ she scorned.

      ‘With me,’ he said grimly.

      ‘You’re just being pigheaded about this,’ she said angrily. ‘I’ve stayed at Roger’s house several weekends in the past. Gail and Trevor didn’t mind at all.’

      ‘A weekend is completely different from a full month. It could be even longer, we have no guarantee when Gail’s going to have the baby. No, you go back and tell your boy-friend that you’re staying here.’

      She slammed the door behind her. He was nothing but a bully and a tyrant! She snatched up the telephone receiver. ‘Mr Tempest doesn’t think it’s a good idea,’ she snapped.

      ‘Damn him, he doesn’t have any say in it!’ Roger sounded as angry as she was herself.

      ‘He thinks he does.’ She sighed, relaxing her body somewhat. ‘Can you come and pick me up, I have to go and collect some of my clothes? I’ll wait for you outside, I find this place oppressive.’

      They arranged to meet in half an hour, and for Alexandra the time dragged by. She ran over to the car when Roger arrived, getting in beside him before he had hardly had time to stop.

      She leant over and kissed him hurriedly on the lips. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

      Roger looked at her closely. ‘Hey, Alexandra, I’m sure that if you explained to your sister or Trevor how much you dislike being at Tempest’s house they wouldn’t expect you to stay.’

      ‘Gail СКАЧАТЬ