Silent Sabotage. Susan Sleeman
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Название: Silent Sabotage

Автор: Susan Sleeman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: First Responders

isbn: 9781474056847


СКАЧАТЬ was before you killed my sister.”

      She looked up from fastening the vest’s Velcro loops, terror in her brown eyes. “I didn’t kill your sister. It was an accident. She fell and hit her head on the curb.”

      Delmar’s lips curled in a sneer. “If you hadn’t reported my plan to the cops, Cindy would be alive today.” He got in her face. “And you deserve to pay with your life. The world will be better off without you.”

      She gasped and stepped back, her worn Birkenstock sandals slapping on the concrete. “You can’t mean that.”

      “I can and I do,” Delmar bit out.

      Archer cringed at the unfettered fear in her eyes now, but kept his focus glued to his scope. He was desperate to save this woman’s life, yet he still hoped he wouldn’t need to fire.

      “You’re not being fair,” she said. “I was afraid your bomb at the bridge would take lives.”

      Bomb at the bridge.

      Aha...that’s it. How Archer knew the name Delmar. Though Archer wasn’t the negotiator and hadn’t responded with the First Response Squad to a bomb callout at the Interstate Bridge, he’d heard about the incident. Turned out there was no bomb, but a woman died in an unfortunate accident.

      And Delmar, this man armed to kill, wanted revenge. On Emily. Maybe on the FRS for their response to the bridge callout.

      A sick feeling sent acid burning up Archer’s throat.

      “I had to report you, don’t you see?” Emily continued.

      “And I have to end your life, don’t you see?” He ended in a high note, mimicking her.

      She gaped at him. “Is that what this is all about today? Shooting others to get to me?”

      “Big head, much?” He rolled his eyes. “No, seeing you walk in the door just gave me a chance to stop trying to make your death look like an accident and take you out in a blaze of glory.” He grinned, a mean, ugly smile. “Now close that vest so we can get on with my plans.”

      “What do you mean me dying by accident?” Her fingers shook as she finished the loops, then she raised her shoulders and stood staring at him, her arms hanging limply at her side.

      “Exactly what I said. A pot rack falling in your kitchen. An arrow barely missing you, lodging in the tree instead.”

      Emily gasped. “You... Those...weren’t accidents...? You did it? But when the police found a camouflage hat, they said the arrow was likely from a hunter who ran off because the season hadn’t opened yet. They never thought someone had tried to kill me.”

      Delmar grinned, but didn’t say another word. He drew out a trigger, the wires running straight to the bomb. Then he palmed the handheld trigger and proudly displayed it for the hostages.

      Archer’s heart sank. The guy had admitted to trying to kill her, which could mean he had nothing to lose and planned to die today.

      And was going to take himself and the hostages out with a bomb.

      Emily took a step back, her gaze roaming the area. Her eyes locked on Archer. Before she could respond and give him away, he jerked out his badge and held it up for her to see then placed a finger over his mouth, telling her not to speak.

      She took a deep breath then gave a jerky nod. Time stood still for a moment as he looked her in the eyes and transmitted confidence in his ability to end this standoff successfully. And before he looked away, he caught a flash of renewed strength in her eyes. She was a strong, courageous woman, and he was looking forward to meeting her once this was all over.

      Archer returned to his scope. Fixed it on Delmar, then zoomed in to get a better look at the bomb trigger.

      Archer wasn’t the bomb tech on the First Response Squad, but he’d seen his fair share of devices, and the unit in Delmar’s hand looked like a compression switch.

      This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

      If Delmar was shot or simply released his hand, the bomb would detonate.

      Oh, man.

      The game had dramatically changed. Not only was Emily—a woman Delmar hated and wanted dead—now his hostage, but he could take out the whole building with the simple release of his fingers.


      Archer stood before Delmar Withrow and the hostages. After seeing the bomb, he’d crawled out to notify dispatch that they were now in a hostage situation and to prevent arriving officers from rushing the building and firing on Withrow. Then he’d called the FRS and pocketed his phone to keep his connection with team leader Jake Marsh so he and the team could listen in.

      Archer had already gotten introductions out of the way with Withrow when he’d announced his presence over a bullhorn. Withrow demanded Archer leave his gun at the door before stepping inside to talk. Archer had no choice, and he’d complied.

      Before he started negotiating, he quickly glanced at Emily to restore their earlier connection. He couldn’t hold her gaze for more than a second, but that was all it took to see her confidence in him.

      Good. She was calm enough not to be a danger to herself or others.

      He turned his attention to Withrow to start by asking for something in good faith. “I’d like to bring in medics to tend to the wounded.”

      The gunman arched a bushy brow. “What’s in it for me?”

      Right. He really didn’t care about the hostages. Not surprising. Archer resisted gritting his teeth. “If you don’t take this any further, your prison time will be greatly reduced.”

      Withrow held up the trigger. “What makes you think I’m planning on going to prison instead of letting this go?”

      “You should consider it as an option.”

      “Maybe.” A sick grin slid across his lips. “Once my demands are met.”

      Now they were getting somewhere.

      Archer kept the hope for a peaceful resolution from his voice and spoke in Withrow’s deadpan tone. “Demands?”

      “Quit trying to yank my chain.” Withrow scowled. “I know you’re here to try to talk me out of this, but you won’t. You have to know by my actions that I’m committed to my cause and will stop at nothing for my voice to be heard.”

      “This isn’t the way to do it,” Emily said matter-of-factly.

      Withrow glared at her. “A real advocate of environmental causes would be here applauding me. Helping me. Not antagonizing me.”

      She gaped at him. “Do you really think anyone in Oregon Free would support murdering people?”

      “Some would.”

      “How do you know that?” СКАЧАТЬ