A Consultant's Special Care. Joanna Neil
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Название: A Consultant's Special Care

Автор: Joanna Neil

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474034289


СКАЧАТЬ so, you’re taking a huge step, moving away from everything you’ve been used to. Choosing a coastal area when you’ve been used to city life is an immense change. You can’t have come to that decision lightly.’

      ‘I didn’t, of course. I wanted to study emergency medicine, and the Roseland has a good reputation as a teaching hospital.’

      His blue-grey eyes searched her face. ‘So do a lot of others.’

      She sensed that he was still doubtful of her logic, and that he was expecting her to say more, but she didn’t want to go into her real reasons for moving down here. She wasn’t ready to talk to anyone about the worries she had back in London, least of all to Jordan Blakesley.

      If he knew that she was afraid of a man who had become too possessive, too demanding, his opinion of her would take a nosedive. He would probably dismiss her as incredibly weak and lacking in backbone. How could he possibly comprehend the way that Richard had begun to exert an insidious hold on her, refusing to let her live her life as a free agent? She could barely understand it herself.

      By now, they had arrived at the clifftop where her car was parked. Drawing up alongside it, Jordan cut the engine and let his gaze narrow on her. ‘Life down here is vastly different from that in the City, but if you’re expecting it to be easier, you’re in for a disappointment. In the summer months we’re inundated with visitors to the area and the hospital takes the strain.’

      ‘Yes, I guessed that.’

      ‘Are you sure? You’ll be under pressure a lot of the time.’

      ‘I appreciate that. I’m not afraid of hard work.’

      ‘There will be no time for indecision and wallowing in uncertainty.’

      Her mouth quirked in a wry grimace. ‘I’ll try to bear that in mind,’ she murmured. She guessed his opinion of her wasn’t great. No matter that she had managed to save a man’s life this afternoon, he believed that she had been uncertain and anxious, and he wasn’t a man to tolerate shortcomings in his colleagues.

      ‘Good. I’ll expect to see you tomorrow, bright and early, then. Just remember,’ he added on a warning note, ‘that if you do make any mistakes, I want to know about them straight away, so that they can be put right.’

      ‘I understand that.’

      ‘I hope that you do.’

      She hunted for her car keys in her bag, and then slid out of the passenger seat. ‘I must go. Thanks for the lift.’

      ‘You’re welcome.’ He watched her walk to her car, waiting until she had unlocked it and started up the engine. Then he drove away.

      Abby’s glance followed him, her emotions a chaotic jumble of uncertainty and apprehension. The man was an enigma and, not for the first time that day, she wondered just what she was letting herself in for.


      ‘WHERE are you going? Are you going to work?’ A small voice sounded by Abby’s side as she left the house to go to her car the next morning, and she looked down to see a young girl, around four years old, her golden curls gleaming in the morning sunshine.

      ‘Hello,’ Abby said. ‘Yes, I am.’ She smiled at the little girl. ‘You must be Chloe—do you live next door?’ Abby’s next-door neighbour, Jessica, was her brother’s girlfriend. She had met the woman once, when her brother had introduced them, but on the various occasions when she had seen her since, Chloe had been at nursery school or playing at a friend’s house, and this was the first time that she had seen her to talk to her.

      ‘Yes. I live with my mummy.’

      ‘Where is your mummy?’ Abby asked thoughtfully. She was concerned, all at once. What was the child doing out here on her own on the shared drive? Luckily, the front gates were shut, and their latches were probably too stiff for the child to manage by herself, but there was always the possibility that she might try to climb over them.

      ‘She’s not very well.’

      ‘Isn’t she?’ Abby frowned. ‘What’s wrong with her, do you know?’

      Chloe shrugged her shoulders, and Abby glanced over at her neighbour’s house and saw that the front door was open.

      ‘Did you open the door?’ she asked.

      Chloe nodded, pleased with herself. ‘I got a stool and opened it,’ she confided. ‘I’m big now.’

      ‘Yes, you are, aren’t you? I can see that.’ Taking the child’s hand, she said, ‘Let’s go and see if we can find your mother, shall we?’ Abby led her towards the house, just as Jessica appeared at the door, looking frantic.

      ‘Oh, there she is. Thank heaven. I was so worried.’

      ‘It’s all right, Jessica. She’s safe.’ Abby briefly scanned her neighbour’s face and noted the dark shadows beneath her eyes, which emphasised the paleness of her features. Her skin had a faintly sallow appearance, and her dark hair tumbled to her shoulders in straggly waves. ‘Are you OK? Chloe said that you were ill.’

      ‘I was being sick.’ Jessica pulled a face. ‘Some kind of stomach bug, I expect. I thought Chloe was still asleep, but she must have got out of bed and come downstairs while I was in the bathroom.’ She frowned. ‘I never imagined she could get out of the house by herself.’ She opened the door wider. ‘Come on in.’

      Abby went into the house. ‘Perhaps you need to have a bolt fitted,’ she suggested, inspecting the doorframe. ‘I’m surprised that you don’t have one already.’

      Jessica grimaced. ‘There was one once.’ She rubbed her stomach, clearly still feeling unwell. ‘It obviously wasn’t a very good one, because it was damaged when my ex-husband came around one night and tried to force his way in. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed, but with going out to work and not feeling too well lately, and one thing and another, I haven’t had the time.’

      Abby frowned. It sounded as though Jessica’s ex-husband was a belligerent character. No wonder Jessica looked tired and washed-out if that was the kind of problem she was experiencing on a day-today basis. No one could live with that kind of strain for any length of time without it affecting her health, especially now that Daniel was away. ‘Isn’t that a bit worrying?’ she murmured. ‘No wonder my brother wanted me to keep an eye on you.’

      ‘Did he say that? Daniel’s a lovely man.’ Jessica gave a faint smile. ‘He’s so thoughtful and kind…nothing at all like Colin, my ex.’ They walked through to the kitchen and she sighed wearily and sank down onto a wooden chair.

      ‘Is Colin likely to try to do the same thing again?’ Abby asked.

      ‘He might do, although the police have warned him to stay away. They gave me a panic alarm so that I could contact them any time I needed help. I’ll get the bolt sorted out today. I don’t want Chloe to wander off again.’

      ‘Are you going to be all right looking after her if you’re not feeling well?’ Even though she was conscious that she ought to be setting out on her journey to work, Abby was worried about leaving her neighbour to cope on her own, СКАЧАТЬ