Billionaire Wolf. Karen Whiddon
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Название: Billionaire Wolf

Автор: Karen Whiddon

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

isbn: 9781474036382



      “Okay. Just thought I’d ask. You know, sweetheart...” He paused. “I know you’re organized, but have you ever considered you might be going about this the wrong way? Love doesn’t happen because of a list.”

      Pushing back a twinge of defensiveness, she inhaled. “I don’t know what else to do. This is too important to simply leave to chance.”

      “That’s what love is,” he said. “But you’ll need to find that out for yourself.”

      “I know.” Immediately she thought of Ryan. If only.

      “Tell me about this someone promising you met.”

      Suddenly, the idea of even discussing Ryan Howard with her father made her break out in a cold sweat. “Let me give it a bit more time,” she said. “I haven’t even gone out on a date with him.”

      Holding her breath, she waited for him to question her. In the past, the two of them had discussed each and every man she’d dated.

      But, then again, Ryan wasn’t a date. He was just someone she was going to have a short, sweet fling with.

      The instant the realization occurred to her, she felt relief. Until that very second, she hadn’t actually decided how she would approach this. But yes, she was going to actually take a break from her exhaustive search for a mate and allow herself to have fun with a man who rang every chime she possessed.

      For once.

      And furthermore, her father didn’t need to know about it.

      “Are you sure?” Her dad sounded hurt. “I might be able to help you decide if you even want to date him.”

      “No, I’m fine. So what’s been going on with you?” As changes in subject went, it wasn’t graceful, but she didn’t have a choice.

      To her relief, he followed her lead. They chatted a few more minutes about the weather in Green Bay, and then ended the call. But not before he reminded her to keep him posted if anything changed.

      As always, she agreed, well aware her father had to make reports to the Drakkor Council on a monthly basis.

      Before he hung up, he told her good luck on meeting someone who met the criteria on her list. As usual, she wasn’t sure if he was teasing.

      Thinking of her list gave her a headache. Thinking of Ryan made her entire body ache.

      Her cell rang. Rhonda Thepault, Maria’s best friend. They used to go out once a week together, but since Rhonda had gotten married, Maria only saw her about once every couple of months.

      “I saw you TMZ,” Rhonda gushed. “Why didn’t you tell me you went out with Ryan Howard?”

      Crud. Maria sighed. “We didn’t actually go out. We met in a bar and went for a walk on the beach.” Amended, but factually true.

      “That’s all?” Rhonda practically shrieked. “The Most Eligible Billionaire Bachelor and you didn’t even think to call me?”

      “Nothing happened. The paparazzi showed up, and I ran away. End of story.”

      “You what?” Rhonda sounded dumbfounded. “Ran away, like jogged? In high heels?”

      “No I took them off. I ran barefoot. We were on the beach, after all.”

      Silence while her friend digested this. “Let me get this straight. Ryan Howard wanted you to walk with him on the beach and you bailed because of paparazzi?”

      “Yep. That about sums it up.”

      “Maria, I need to come over there and talk some sense into you.” The exasperation in Rhonda’s voice made Maria smile. “You’re single, you’ve tried several online dating sites, and you’ve been visiting nightclubs. All of this for the purpose of meeting a man, right?”

      So far, her friend was absolutely correct. Except she didn’t know the whole story. She had no idea of the reasons Maria needed to find the right man so quickly.

      And since Rhonda was human, she never would.

      Instead, Maria figured she’d make Rhonda happy when she told her the rest. “Yes, that’s true. So I guess you’ll be happy to know he’s been calling me. He even stopped by at work.”

      “What?” Rhonda went really quiet. “Tell me you are going to go out with him. Please?”

      “I am.”

      “Oh, thank goodness! When?”

      Since Ryan wanted privacy and Rhonda really liked to talk and post to Facebook, Maria decided not to tell her specifics. “Monday, I think.”

      “Where is he taking you?” Rhonda’s hushed tone meant she was in awe. “Off the island, or are you staying here?”

      “I’m not sure,” Maria lied. “But whatever we do, I’m sure we’ll have a good time.”

      “Of course you will. How could you not?”

      Maria had to laugh at that. “I promise I’ll fill you in on all the details after, okay?”

      Mollified, Rhonda agreed. They chatted for a few more minutes about Rhonda’s job and how business had been going at the wedding chapel, and finally Maria let her friend go.

      Her phone rang the second she ended the call.

      “Maria, I saw you on TMZ tonight.” Lourdes Rivera had been Maria’s friend since kindergarten, up in Green Bay. Once they’d been close. These days, not so much, at least not since Maria had moved to Texas and Lourdes had gone out to conquer the world as an investigative reporter. Their lives had gone in different directions and they’d drifted apart. It seemed dating a famous person brought everyone out of the woodwork.

      The instant she had the thought, Maria winced. Swallowing hard, she tried for a lighthearted tone. “You haven’t called me in months and that’s all you have to say?”

      “Hey, I’ve been busy.” Lourdes traveled all over the world for her job. “And now I learn you’re famous and you didn’t even tell me.”

      Maria opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, Lourdes continued.

      “I can’t believe you gave them the scoop,” Lourdes complained. “I could have done so much more with it.”

      “First off, there is no scoop.” Maria couldn’t contain her flash of anger. “Secondly, you should know better than anyone that the gossip shows and magazines are rarely even accurate.”

      “TMZ is pretty darn accurate.” Lourdes sighed. “And if you’re dating a billionaire, then you could have at least called me.”

      “Where are you?” Maria asked. “Most times, you’re not even in my part of the world.”

      “As it so happens, I’m in Mexico. Which is not all that far from Texas. Now tell me what’s going on with СКАЧАТЬ