The Surgeon's Baby Secret. Amber Mckenzie
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Название: The Surgeon's Baby Secret

Автор: Amber Mckenzie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474004343


СКАЧАТЬ the princess castle also contains the military museum, which should appease you.”

      They made their way through the irregular streets toward the Edinburgh Castle entrance. She knew not to object as Ryan paid their entrance fee and they passed through the castle gate. “Look up,” he instructed.

      Above them was a spiked portcullis designed to protect the castle against siege. “Not exactly a fairytale castle feature,” he added.

      “I don’t believe in fairy tales.”

      “Another thing we have in common, because neither do I.”

      Ryan held her hand as they passed in and out of the buildings that made up Edinburgh Castle. She had always enjoyed history and was happy that Ryan also seemed fascinated by the depth of history within the castle walls. They took their time exploring the National War Museum and she was impressed with his knowledge as he took the time to explain to her the nuances of past wars. At the end of the museum was a new exhibit dedicated to war veterans with amputations and the use of prosthetics.

      “Amazing, isn’t it?” Ryan remarked, as they examined the cabinet filled with examples of modern bionic limbs.

      “It is.”

      “I should have been an orthopedic surgeon,” he remarked, not knowing the effect his words would have on her.

      “No, you shouldn’t have been,” she blurted, not able to censor herself yet again.

      “Why not?” he asked, confused by the shift in her demeanor.

      “Because I like you just the way you are,” she answered, trying to cover the real meaning behind her remark.

      “Why do I feel like there is something you are not saying?”

      She sighed, realizing that her deflection hadn’t worked and she was going to have to bring her past into what was already the best day she’d had in years.

      “Because there is. My ex-husband is an orthopedic surgeon and I would like to think that you have nothing in common.”

      “Ah. So you have a thing against doctors?” She could tell he was testing her and she hoped she didn’t sound like a bitter, scorned woman.

      “That would make my life very hard, considering I am one. I’ve just learned the hard way about the dangers of mixing personal and professional lives and would never risk that again.” She watched him, waiting for his reaction, and didn’t miss the conflict in his face. Was he so surprised that she was a physician or was he just as bothered as she was that her ex had entered into their time together. She wanted to go back and take away her comment. “Besides, the only type of man I could now ever imagine being attracted to is one in the military.”

      She smiled, and her smile only grew as he smiled back at her.

      “Is that so?”

      “Absolutely and completely.”

      “So doctors are not your type?”

      “Nope, I only have eyes for ruggedly handsome soldiers who save my life and come with no strings attached.” As the words left her lips even she didn’t doubt her sincerity. Ryan was the complete opposite of Kevin and the possibility of something between them felt more and more right with every moment they spent together. He was what she needed, a couple of days of abandon to restore everything her failed marriage had taken away from her.

      The way he looked at her she had no doubt he was feeling the same attraction she was. “Well, Dr. Erin, I think we are both fortunate that you have equally opened my eyes to the appeal of female physicians. So I take it you are not in orthopedics. What do you do?”

      “Obstetrics and gynecology.”

      “That would be the opposite of orthopedics,” he remarked, and she appreciated that he, too, was trying to lighten the mood.

      “It’s less complicated than taking care of men.” She laughed.

      “Ouch.” He feigned injury.

      “It is actually amazing helping women and being there for one of the most special times in their lives.”

      “Did you know that Mary Queen of Scots gave birth in this castle?”

      “No, I didn’t.”

      “Then let’s go check out the birth chamber of James VI.” He once again connected his hand with hers and she marveled at how the same action brought even more excitement each time he touched her.

      She had been right. Her face hurt from smiling. As they toured the entire castle she felt completely at peace and in her element, learning about Scottish history and with a man she respected and whose company she enjoyed. Not to mention an attraction that was growing exponentially. Every time he reached for her hand it felt as if they were connecting and throughout the day she was holding her breath, waiting for the moment when he would kiss her again.

      She felt the first drop hit her shoulder as they once again passed through the castle gates. Then the second, then the third. Within seconds the sky had opened and rain was pouring down on both of them. She felt a tug on her hand as he pulled her into the protection of a narrow corridor between the old brick buildings. The small space necessitated being pressed together and any thoughts she had of being cold immediately vanished. Ryan’s hand swept her wet bangs from her forehead before his lips came down on hers.

      Finally, she thought as she met him with equal passion. His lips were wet with the rain and added to the freshness of his taste. She opened her mouth to him, wanting more, and was rewarded by his response. His tongue met hers until she didn’t know where he ended and she began. At the same time his hands trailed from his initial position on her face along the sides of her body until she felt them on her bare back underneath the dampness of her shirt. Another point of heat between them.

      She wanted more. Wanted him to move his hands over her and caress her aching breasts. Wanted to feel the ultimate fulfillment that the rigidity pressed into her abdomen promised.

      “Not here,” he murmured into her ear, when they finally broke apart.

      She looked into the pouring rain. “Want to make a run for it?”

      “Yes,” he agreed with the same smile she had become accustomed to.

      She kissed him once more, pressing her lips to his with the firm passion that had ignited inside her, before they broke apart and made their start on the sprint back to the hotel. It took them ten minutes but on arrival in the hotel’s lobby she was completely soaked through and panting from the exertion of their run.

      She followed Ryan’s lead and they said nothing to each other, the understanding already present between them as they entered the elevator and Ryan pressed the button for his floor. As soon as the door closed they were once again wrapped around each other. His lips were on hers. His hands were covering her body. And she was burning up despite the cold, wet clothing covering them both.

      As the doors opened they broke apart and with one mutual look their sprint continued hand in hand. One swipe of Ryan’s key and they were tumbling into his room. They reunited in their embrace, but this time there were no restrictions from being in a public place to hold them back. She watched as he pulled СКАЧАТЬ