The Jade Temptress. Jeannie Lin
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Название: The Jade Temptress

Автор: Jeannie Lin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472074881


СКАЧАТЬ a coin here and there. Then Li had offered him the position as head constable. Kaifeng had thought he could make a new life here.

      Magistrate Li regarded him for a long time. “Who have you offended, Wu?”

      “No one that I know of.”

      “Are you certain?”

      “Criminals feel accosted when they’re caught,” he offered. His was a hated position, without doubt.

      Li snorted, then folded his hands before him while his brow furrowed in thought. The magistrate’s features were often described as boyish, which was not a compliment for someone of authority. He was famous for not only passing the imperial exams at an early age, but passing in the third spot. Apparently among the elite this was a source of bitterness and envy as much as admiration.

      “You did not answer the question, Magistrate,” Kaifeng interrupted. “Am I to be dismissed?”

      “No, of course not.”

      “I wouldn’t blame you if you did so.”

      “Dismissing you would be the same as cutting off my own hand. I need you, Wu. More important, I owe you a debt.”

      “You know that debt was settled long ago, sir.”

      They rarely spoke of the incident that had first brought them together. They spoke no more of it now.

      “What if this current demand is not to target you, but to attack me?” Li posed. “I certainly have more enemies than you do on my name alone.”

      “There was the case with the slave trading ring last year,” Kaifeng suggested. “There were enough people involved for us to offend someone. A lot of dirtied hands.”

      A murder had turned into two murders which had turned into a conspiracy.

      “You may have something there, Constable. The case was resolved, but perhaps not to everyone’s satisfaction. Such political games are a consequence of living in the capital. Be careful, Wu. Someone wants both of us removed.”

      Li Yen was a good read of people and situations, but only of the sort of people and situations he knew very intimately—those of the scholarly elite. Magistrate Li was at a loss when it came to commoners and life among the lanes and alleys. It made their partnership a balanced one. Apparently it took knowledge of politics and the street to survive in this city.


      MINGYU LAID HER head back and let the evening breeze flow over her cheeks as the carriage rolled forward. The air was cool and calming in the final hour before dusk. Drums beat in rhythm throughout the quarter to signal the closing of the official city markets. It was time for merchants to close shop, for city dwellers to make their final purchases and return home.

      The silence afterward was a resting period before the drinking houses set out their lanterns and the banquets began. For now, the streets were dim and vacant and Mingyu could watch the pattern of the trees against the buildings.

      Summer was gone and autumn was here. The celebration banquet season was over and now began the time when graduates of the imperial exams vied for official assignments. The parties at this time were more intimate affairs where introductions and connections could be made.

      “You are beautiful tonight, Elder Sister.”

      Little Hong’s eyes glowed with admiration as she looked covetously over Mingyu’s silk robe and the jewels in her hair. The girl was eleven years of age that year, a good time as any to begin her training. They were sisters by profession, not blood. Both of them belonged to the same foster mother.

      “Are we going far tonight?” Hong asked.

      “Not far. The gathering is at a public garden in the northern part of the ward.”

      “Will there be many gentlemen there?”


      Little Hong brightened. “Distinguished scholars? Men of high rank?”

      “Of course.”

      Little Hong leaned over, looking left and right to try to take in the sights around them. They had just left the main section of the Pingkang li, where most of the pleasure houses were located and where the two of them resided.

      “Be mindful of the pipa,” Mingyu said gently when she saw how the girl had the strings pressed against the side of the carriage. “The guests will be very disappointed if I cannot play tonight.”

      “Oh, yes! I’m sorry, Elder Sister.”

      Hong settled back down into her seat, cradling the instrument in her lap. To the girl, this trip must have seemed like freedom. The courtesans of the Lotus Palace were only allowed to leave if hired out for an event or by special permission.

      Mingyu had been in her place once, but it seemed so long ago. Now she was part of the cycle, training another girl into the life: bondage and servitude on one side, poetry and music on the other.

      Shops and buildings flowed by on either side of them like an endless river. Mingyu closed her eyes again only to be jolted forward when the carriage lurched to a stop. Little Hong yelped beside her and clutched the pipa to her chest. As they righted themselves, Mingyu could hear the driver yelling at someone.

      A boy dressed in ill-fitting rags crouched beside the front wheel. He whimpered as the driver shouted.

      “What are you doing, boy? Get out of the street!” The driver made a threatening motion with his crop, but the child remained in the dirt with his hands clutched around his knee.

      “Uncle.” Mingyu deliberately used the familiar honorific to address the driver. “Uncle, the boy is terrified.”

      “Don’t be fooled, Miss. This street scum is just playing the victim.” He glared back at the boy. “Get up, runt.”

      “Are you hurt, child?” She rose to step down from the carriage, holding the edge of her robe away from the dirt as she bent down.

      “Be careful,” the driver warned from behind her. “He looks ready to snatch your purse.”

      The boy looked nothing of the sort. He stared up at Mingyu with eyes as large as quail eggs. There was a smudge of dirt across one cheek and his bottom lip trembled.

      At that moment, an ominous shadow fell over Mingyu, engulfing both her and the child.

      “The carriage driver is right. The boy is pretending.”

      The deep gravel of the voice set the hairs of her neck on edge. Mingyu let her mask fall in place before straightening to greet the newcomer.

      “Constable Wu.”

      “Lady Mingyu.”

      She hated to be seen lowered before anyone, most of all this demon. His skin was bronzed from being out in the sun like a common laborer and his demeanor was darker still, black as night. Wu Kaifeng towered head and shoulders over her, as he did over everyone in the quarter. Most found СКАЧАТЬ