Hearts In Bloom. Mae Nunn
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Название: Hearts In Bloom

Автор: Mae Nunn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472079572


СКАЧАТЬ never mastered that area myself,” she admitted.

      Drew bent toward the waiting dog, collected the blue leash, handed it to her with a smile and said, “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

      Jessica climbed the hill slowly, but faster than she had a month ago. Frasier really had helped. His constant demands for attention had forced her out of survivor guilt mode, off the couch and back into the sunshine. Back to the gardens, where she couldn’t resist the call of crabgrass. It was like a siren, tempting her to bend, reach, pull and then to find a way to gather up the mess and haul it away.

      Like most able-bodied people, she’d taken the ability to perform those simple tasks for granted. Not anymore. Valentine said Jessica was blessed, but if that meant losing your career and killing a man in the process, God could keep His blessings.

      As Frasier tugged at the leash, urging her on, she turned her face upward, enjoying the sun on her cheeks. The warmth suddenly deepened as she realized Rambo could still be watching. Just as quickly, she shrugged off the thought. Why would a handsome guy give her a second glance? And even if he did, the view from where he stood was certainly not much to see.

      She snorted laughter at her own cruel joke. There was plenty to see. In this red sweat suit she must resemble the broad side of a barn.

      Drew couldn’t resist watching as she trudged slowly up the incline. Red had always been his favorite color. Even filthy, it was perfect with her fair complexion and those challenging eyes.

      “That precious girl has been through a lot in the past few months. But she’s a fighter.”

      He turned his attention to the older woman. “I noticed.”

      “Shall we get on up to the models? I know you’re anxious to see our homes.”

      “I’d like that. And thank you for showing me the gardens. Everything I heard is true—they are magnificent.”

      Taking the lead, Valentine sashayed up the long stone path, putting one small, fashionable pump in front of the other.

      “Well, they’re a real source of pride. The landscaping is a special touch we think adds so much to the beauty of the property. We considered replacing the vegetable beds with a basketball goal.”

      She waved her hand in that direction and sunlight danced off the many diamonds on her fingers and wrist. “But most of our residents objected. They enjoy the option to hoe a row of their own if they like, and Jess keeps the older folks up to their elbows in tomatoes and summer squash. Why, that girl can fling cantaloupe guts into her compost heap and accidentally grow melon better than anything that was planted on purpose.”

      She tilted her platinum head back and smiled up at him in a beguiling way. “You’ll see.”

      They reached the formal terrace and took a path lined with yellow-leaved hostas.

      “Let me show you the three-bedroom model, Drew, honey. I’m certain this is exactly what you’re looking for,” Valentine said as she fitted the key into the lock. She swung the door wide and stepped aside.

      He fell for the high ceilings, red oak floors, stark white walls and old-fashioned louvered windows in less time than it took to rotate a set of tires.

      “Would you mind if we went to your office now?”

      “Drew, dahhhlin’, we can do whatever you like,” she murmured agreeably.

      She led him toward the end of the common hallway. Valentine stepped carefully around a bag of potting soil that had tipped over and spilled out onto the otherwise spotless floor. She appeared not even to notice, much less mind.

      A door stood wide open and pop music, mingled with excited yapping, flowed from inside. He felt like a snoop for peering in as they passed, but he was naturally curious about his new neighbors.

      Where the empty unit he’d just seen had appealed to him in its monochromatic, uncluttered state, this one couldn’t have been more different, more colorful or more alive with…stuff.

      From behind a wall of potted ficus trees, a blur of white fur flashed into view, triumphantly dragging an empty plastic tray that had once held bedding plants. In an instant the plastic was forgotten. The animal charged the doorway.

      “Hey, buddy, we meet again.” Drew squatted to accept the greeting.

      The pup stood on its hind legs with front paws perched atop Drew’s knee. Drew scratched the length of its back while it arched appreciatively and broke into a big doggie smile, pink tongue lolling to one side.

      “He is the worst excuse for a guard dog that I have ever seen!” Jessica complained.

      “Nobody said he was supposed to save your life. Just get you out for a walk once in a while,” a female voice farther inside replied.

      Jessica was followed by what Drew could have sworn was a caftan-clad ringer for the lead singer of the Mamas & the Papas, the late Cass Elliott.

      “Frasier, who’s your little friend?” Mama Cass smiled down at Drew.

      Valentine took over. “Allow me to make introductions. This is Jessica’s friend and temporary roommate, Miss Becky Jo Osborne. Becky Jo, this is Captain Andrew Keegan.”

      “Pleased to meet you, Captain Keegan.”

      Drew stood and took the hand as it was offered, palm down, wrist slightly limp. He hadn’t served time at Virginia cotillions without learning a little something. He bent again, from the waist, and lightly brushed a kiss on the soft skin of Becky Jo’s very fragrant hand. He raised his head and stared into eyes the color of Texas bluebonnets.

      “What a pleasure to meet you,” he said sincerely, still holding her hand.

      “The pleasure is all mine,” Becky Jo responded sweetly.

      A disgusted gag resonated from Jessica’s direction as Frasier quietly chewed on the leather tie of Drew’s shoe.

      “Break it up, you two. I think we’d best scoot along before it gets much later,” Valentine cautioned. “Drew wants to work out the finances this evening and it’s getting on toward supper, so I think we’d better get a move on.”

      “Ladies.” He inclined his head.

      Jessica’s smile was forced.

      Becky Jo’s was downright sappy.

      Frasier growled.

      Drew followed the women’s eyes as they all looked down to see the dog pawing an open bag of potting soil, sending sprays of dirt in every direction. It was too late to jump out of the way. Soil cascaded across Drew’s foot, clung to the slobbery lace and then fell neatly down between his fresh cotton sock and leather shoe.

      He shook his foot in mild annoyance, stepped carefully around the mess, nodded goodbye and turned toward the exit.

      “Talk to you dahhhlin’ girls shortly,” Valentine drawled just before the door closed behind her.

      “Is that guy perfect for you, or what?” Becky СКАЧАТЬ