Dark Tide. Susan Sleeman
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Название: Dark Tide

Автор: Susan Sleeman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781472073389


СКАЧАТЬ Derrick paused and seemed to consider his next words carefully. “I don’t think we were tailed, but we’ll pretend we’re on a date again while we walk in. Just in case.”

      She opened her mouth to protest, and he flipped up his hand. “Don’t worry. I won’t kiss you again. But I am going to put my arm around you, and you’ll have to suffer my touch one more time.” He jerked open his door and quickly climbed out as if he needed to get away from her.

      She shifted Sophia to her shoulder, and as she stepped down from his SUV, she grabbed his jacket. When she joined him at the door, he took the jacket and covered Sophia then slipped his arm around her back. His warmth seeped into her body and, she hated to admit, the attraction she’d felt since the first day she’d seen him in psychology class seeped into her heart.

      He didn’t seem to notice. His eyes alert and watchful, he hurried them through the lot and across the gangway to a floating home much larger than Lilly’s boat. Inside, Gina took a moment to look around. She’d once thought floating homes were cramped like a boat, but in Derrick’s home, floor-to-ceiling windows made the room look large and inviting. The spacious kitchen with full-size appliances and connected to a large family room made it feel like a regular house.

      He crossed to a gray sectional and shoved a padded ottoman into the corner. “Your daughter should be fine on the sofa as long as one of us is in the room.”

      “About that,” she said, feeling a need to clarify. “Sophia is my niece—Jon’s daughter. His wife died in a car crash when she was seven months pregnant, but they were able to save Sophia. I stepped in to help raise her. When Jon also died a few months ago...” Feeling no need to elaborate, she quit speaking.

      “I’m sorry for your loss.” His words carried an understanding that came from losing his parents when he was not even eleven years old.

      “Thank you,” she said and quickly moved on before she started getting weepy. “I’m thinking the man who attacked me tonight is the same man who killed Jon. I was hoping you’d help me find him.”

      Derrick ran a hand over his damp hair that curled at the edges and seemed to mull it over. She caught sight of his bare ring finger and immediately squelched the joy that knowing he was single brought.

      “Since this is going to be a long discussion,” he finally said, “I’m gonna put on a dry shirt and get one for you before we get started.” He didn’t wait for agreement before turning away. As he climbed the stairs, he pulled out his phone and called his sister Dani.

      True to course, he phoned his twin whenever he had a big decision to make. Apparently he hadn’t changed after all. After her unexpected reaction to discovering he was single, she’d best watch herself or she’d find herself falling for him all over again.

      And she’d be hurt again. After so much pain in her life already.

      She pressed a kiss on Sophia’s downy curls. A moment of sadness lingered for all they’d both lost. Her sister-in-law dying, Jon’s murder. Now Lilly.

      Tears Gina had kept at bay since last night burned at the back of her eyes, and she hugged Sophia tighter. When she heard Derrick pad down the stairs, she forced down her grief.

      If she’d learned anything from her father’s lack of affection and from men who couldn’t put her first in life, it was never to let them see her vulnerability.

      After settling Sophia on the sofa, Gina watched as Derrick came into the room wearing a body-hugging T-shirt and a deep scowl. One hand shoved in his pocket, he carried a worn flannel shirt in the other. When he got close enough, he tossed it to her as if he hated to think of touching her again.

      “I’ll keep an eye on Sophia while you change. There’s a bathroom down the hall.” He tipped his head at a hallway near the far end of the family room.

      She clutched the nubby fabric that smelled just like him and hurried to the bathroom, where she stripped off her shirt. Her eyes drifted to the mirror and fixed on the large purple bruise on her shoulder courtesy of last night’s attack. She quickly slipped into Derrick’s shirt and hugged the comforting fabric close. She didn’t like their past issues adding turmoil to this already difficult situation. Still, she lifted her head and prayed that Derrick would stay close by so the man who’d put this ugly bruise on her shoulder and likely killed Jon and Lilly wouldn’t come anywhere near her or her beloved little Sophia again.

      * * *

      “C’mon, Dani,” Derrick whispered under his breath as he made a cup of tea for Gina. “Get here already.”

      Gina’s tea was nearly ready, and if he lingered in the kitchen any longer, she’d figure out he was stalling so he could avoid her. It was for her own good. He couldn’t look at her and not remember what they’d once had. Something he still wanted in his life but couldn’t grab hold of.

      After her traumatic day, the last thing she needed was to deal with their past. She deserved to be treated with kid gloves right now. Her situation roused all his protective instincts and he wanted to be there for her, but he didn’t know if he could do it.

      What’s a guy supposed to do in a situation like this, God? Should I run as fast I can in the other direction? Let her find someone else to help as she offered to do?

      He looked over the large island to the family room, where she changed Sophia’s diaper. She wore his shirt buttoned up to the neck, giving a break to her black attire. A music major in college, she’d worn bold colors and bright patterns to complement her artistic flair. Never black. Maybe she’d changed, or maybe she’d dressed this way not to draw attention.

      She got up from the couch, Sophia in one arm, and held out the dirty diaper. “Do you have a trash can outside for this?”

      He nodded and before he could offer to dispose of it for her, she settled Sophia into his arms. “I’ll be right back.”

      He gaped after her and jiggled the baby. He could count on one hand the number of times he’d held a baby. Wouldn’t even take half of his fingers. Maybe he should put her on the sofa. Wouldn’t want to break her or anything.

      He was moving cautiously toward the family room when the patio door slid open.

      Dani stepped inside and her jaw dropped. “You didn’t mention a baby.”

      “I didn’t know what to tell you.” He quickly off-loaded Sophia onto Dani and sighed out a breath of relief. “She’s Gina’s niece. Her brother, Jon’s, child, but she has custody of her.”

      Dani arched a brow.

      “I’ll make sure she explains it when we question her. Just be patient.”

      “Me, patient?” She laughed and dropped onto the sofa. She put Sophia on her lap and cooed at the child. Eliciting no response, Dani patted her chubby hands together, something Derrick would never think to do.

      “What’s your name, little one?” Dani asked in a high voice.

      “Sophia,” Derrick answered.

      “Well, hello, Sophia.” A goofy smile claimed Dani’s face. With looks like that, it wouldn’t be long before she had a family of her own.

      Sophia grinned, revealing one tooth on the bottom, and despite Derrick’s lack of СКАЧАТЬ