The Doctor Next Door. Marta Perry
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Название: The Doctor Next Door

Автор: Marta Perry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Hometown Heroes

isbn: 9781472021618


СКАЧАТЬ hour. I’ll call you.”

      “I’ll see you later, then.” He should be ashamed at the relief he felt over putting off the difficult conversation.

      “Why don’t you stay and help out?” Rebecca’s voice stopped him before he took a step toward the door. “You’re licensed in Pennsylvania, aren’t you? You could see some of Doc’s overflow and let him get through by lunchtime for once.”

      “You think people really want to consult a doctor they knew when he was a kid?” His reluctance surprised him. Maybe it was the thought of treating people he knew so well—people who’d watched him grow up.

      “Don’t worry about it.” Rebecca gave him a challenging look. “They accept me as a professional, believe it or not. They’ll listen to you.”

      His gaze clashed with hers. She’d made her attitude clear last night, even though they hadn’t had a chance to talk about it again. She thought it was time he took over for Doc, and she probably couldn’t imagine there might be something better than a one-doctor practice, either for the town or for him.

      “Good idea.” Doc nodded. “Let folks see a real city doctor for once.”

      Brett forced a smile. He wasn’t about to let little Rebecca push him into saying anything to Doc about his plans in front of her, if that was in her mind. But he could hardly walk away with Doc looking at him so expectantly.

      “Sure. I’ll be glad to see some patients.”

      He caught the satisfied look on Rebecca’s face, and his jaw tightened. Rebecca might have won this round, but if she thought she could manipulate him into doing what she wanted, she’d better think again.

      Was her plan going to work? The question kept revolving in Rebecca’s mind while she found a lab coat for Brett, showed him the examining rooms, led him through her system.

      She hadn’t been able to sleep after the party, her mind constantly returning to Brett. What had he meant when he’d said he was just home on a break? Didn’t he realize how much Doc needed him? How much all of Bedford Creek needed him?

      It had taken her longer than it should have to realize she needed to pray about it. Even then, she’d found herself wrestling with the situation, trying fruitlessly to see an immediate solution.

      Finally, exhausted, she’d left it in the Lord’s hands and gone to sleep. And when she woke, the answer seemed so clear.

      Brett wouldn’t listen to her, and he certainly wouldn’t let her tell him what to do. But if she showed him how desperately Doc needed him, he’d do the right thing, wouldn’t he?

      Doubt gripped her. The idealistic boy she’d known would have. She wasn’t so sure about the sophisticated stranger he’d become.

      Well, doing something was better than doing nothing. The opportunity to show Brett how much he was needed had come. She had to take advantage of it.

      “If you’re all set, I’ll just see which of the patients would be willing to switch to you.”

      Brett raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean, would agree to be fobbed off on the new guy?”

      It was going to be tough to keep a professional distance, she thought, if he persisted in looking at her with that devastating smile. “I’m sure there won’t be a problem. I’ll just try to keep everyone happy.” She shuffled rapidly through the charts.

      “Is that your main objective in life?”

      The question caught her by surprise. “What do you mean?”

      He leaned against the counter next to her. “Keeping everyone happy. You seem to do a lot of that.” He gestured at the renovated office. “You’re certainly keeping Doc happy. And making a difference here. Is that why you chose a medical career?”

      “I…” She bit back the response that sprang to her lips, shocked at her impulse to tell him he was responsible for that decision. That was something Brett didn’t need to know about her. “I guess, in a way. Doc needs help, and it’s not easy to find qualified medical personnel who want to come to a small town and work in a one-doctor clinic.”

      “So you felt it was your duty?”

      He really seemed to want to understand. “It wasn’t just that. My family’s here, and after Dad died, they needed me.”

      The familiar picture formed in her mind. Her father, his face lined and tired, grasping her hand in his. You’re the responsible one, Rebecca. You’ll have to take care of them.

      Brett nodded, but she could see the question still in his eyes.

      “There are plenty of opportunities for physician’s assistants these days,” he said. “You could go almost anywhere.”

      “I’m happy here.” Why did he assume that just because he couldn’t wait to leave Bedford Creek, other people felt that way? “Not everyone’s destined for the medical fast track.”

      He gave her a wary look. “Is that aimed at me, by any chance?”

      She wouldn’t get anywhere by antagonizing him. “No, of course not.” She picked up a chart. “Are you ready for the first patient?”

      His gaze probed for a moment, as if he tried to see into her thoughts.

      Finally he nodded. “Bring them on. I’m ready.”

      She put Minna Dawson’s chart in Brett’s stack and showed him to an exam room. Chronic indigestion—and Minna was anxious to get back to the shop. She’d agree to see Brett if that meant moving her appointment up.

      Doc fell further behind with every patient; everyone knew that. But everyone didn’t know how tired he was. They didn’t see the little lapses she’d been vigilant at catching and correcting.

      Tension knotted her stomach. Doc had to have help, and soon. If only Doc would be honest about how much he needed Brett.

      As she took histories for the other patients, did preliminary work-ups, and moved smoothly through the morning’s routine, her brief conversation with Brett played over in her mind.

      She’d have to be careful. Brett wouldn’t respond to her trying to make him feel guilty. She knew that instinctively. Just as he seemed to know too much about her instinctively.

      If he saw through her so easily, he’d figure out what she intended before she’d even started. She couldn’t let that happen.

      Somehow Rebecca had to see to it he realized this was where he belonged.

      Please, God. Please let this work.

      Repeating her prayer silently, she went to see how Brett was doing with Minna.

      “I don’t believe it, that’s all.” Minna sat on the edge of the table, clutching the paper gown around her with both hands, a mix of anger and fear on her face. “You’re just making a big mistake!”

      The woman’s words rang in Brett’s ears. You’re making a big mistake. Those had actually been the supervising СКАЧАТЬ