Royal Heist. Rachelle McCalla
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Название: Royal Heist

Автор: Rachelle McCalla

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781472014627


СКАЧАТЬ was nothing more for her to read into his words. There would never be anything more between them than friendship—their awkward parting the previous summer had surely guaranteed that. She’d hate to mess up what camaraderie they now shared by drawing attention to words he couldn’t possibly have meant to sound flirtatious. Even if he felt for her something like what she felt for him, nothing could come from it.

      It would be difficult enough for her to leave Lydia when her service to Princess Stasi ended. She didn’t think she could leave Galen behind again, not if he felt for her what she felt for him. It was best not to think about those feelings, certainly not to discuss them.

      Ruby had solidified her convictions by the time she labeled the last of the tiny containers. “Is he still there?” she asked Galen, who remained crouched at the windowsill where she’d left him.

      “I believe so. He stepped back, but I’ve seen that shadow move, so I think he’s just around the corner. Do you feel comfortable walking home or do you want me to call for a car? I’d have driven myself but—”

      “The streets in this part of the old city are too narrow for parking and driving.” Ruby understood completely. “The nearest decent parking is in the royal garage. And we don’t have very far to go.” She pondered the choices before them.

      Was the man on the corner the same person who’d come after her the night before? She had no way of knowing, not unless he tried to come after her again. And until they caught whoever had attacked her, she would never know when he might be lurking behind her. Perhaps it would be best to give him a chance to show himself. Maybe then her life would return to normal.

      “I don’t suppose you can ask your fellow guards to sneak up behind this guy and nab him, can you?”

      “Sorry.” Galen stayed low, out of sight of the window as he shuffled toward her, standing when he reached the table where she’d been working. “He’s not breaking any laws right now. We don’t have any way to prove it’s your attacker. The only way to legally apprehend him is to catch him in the act.”

      Ruby shuddered as she imagined what that act might be. Grabbing her? Fighting Galen again? What had the man been trying to accomplish, anyway? “Have you got a quick way to call in more men if this guy tries to jump us again?”

      “Yes. The head of the guard assigned extra men to this shift in response to last night’s attack. There are two men on duty in the guardhouse, and they can call more reinforcements if they need to. I’ll call them now and tell them we’ll be leaving, so they know to watch for us.”

      As Ruby listened to Galen’s half of the conversation, the guard used his radio earpiece to contact the other men and fill them in on the situation, including the fact that they’d spotted a man across the street. “We haven’t gotten a good look at him. Might be our guy. Might not. We should have a better idea in a few minutes.”

      Galen offered Ruby a focused smile as he ended the conversation. “They’ll be watching for us.”

      Reassured, Ruby did her best to sound confident. “We’ll be fine. You fought him off last night. Why would he be crazy enough to show up again? He has to know I won’t be walking home alone after what happened. That’s probably some innocent man taking a long smoke break.” Ruby made up her mind. “Your men are expecting us. Let’s just go.” She grabbed her pile of notes from that day’s work and stuffed them into her purse, strapping it across her chest as usual.

      Galen walked with her to the stairwell. “I’ll step outside first. Then I’ll stand behind you as you close the door. I want you to walk just ahead of me, a little to my right, closest to the buildings. That puts me in between you and anyone who might come from behind.”

      “Okay. What do we do if he shows up?”

      “Let’s try to stay together. If I tell you to run, head for your apartment door or the gatehouse like last night. The guards will have one man watching through the window, and one watching the security footage of your door. I’ll call for reinforcements if this guy makes any move toward us. If I can, I’d like to bring him in—but not if it means putting you in danger.” Galen’s gaze settled on hers with a protective expression that bordered on...

      No, that couldn’t be it. Not affection. Galen knew better. She’d made herself perfectly clear the year before. Even if he felt things for her, she wouldn’t believe it.

      Couldn’t return it.

      Mindful of her decision not to let on to him about her feelings, she turned her face to the door. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

      * * *

      The night air felt cool on his face as Galen stepped outside. As promised, he took his position just behind Ruby as she bolted the door and slipped the key into her purse. In those brief moments, he turned to get a clear view of where the man had been standing.

      The spot was empty. If it hadn’t been for the lingering scent of tobacco in the air, Galen might have wondered if he hadn’t imagined seeing the shadowy figure. There was no sign of the man anymore.

      Ruby turned resolutely toward the palace.

      Galen listened carefully as he kept pace half a step behind her. He heard no footsteps, saw no evidence of life.

      He exhaled with his mouth half open, not wanting even the sound of his own breath to disguise any sign that Ruby’s attacker might be near. Tuning out the distant noises of traffic from several blocks away, Galen listened closely for the faintest footstep.


      Good. Though he wanted to catch the man, he didn’t want to put Ruby in danger. If he’d thought the guy was crazy enough to show up two nights in a row, he’d have requested more guards with him. But no mere mugger would bother to show up two nights in a row or try to attack a woman surrounded by royal guards. If Galen made such a request only to walk home undisturbed, he’d look foolish. Jason Selini would question his judgment.

      No, it was better this way. No extra guards, and no sign of Ruby’s attacker.

      They turned the corner at the end of the block. The palace lay up ahead, in clear sight. Ruby looked at him over her shoulder and offered him half a smile, hope sparkling in her eyes. She felt it too, then—relief that the man had decided to leave them alone. Maybe Galen’s presence had been enough to keep the thug away.

      But a few steps later he heard a crunch like gravel under the sole of a boot.

      Ruby must have heard it, too. She stiffened and slowed her pace slightly, as if stalling her steps to hear as much as possible between each footfall.

      Galen held his breath, praying silently that Ruby’s attacker would stay away.

      A few more steps crunched softly behind them.

      He turned his head, quickly scouring the street behind them, but saw no one. The sound continued. It seemed to be coming from around the corner, though the echoing effect of the tall stone buildings made it difficult to tell for sure. The man could be anywhere.

      Ruby glanced up at him, her green eyes wide.

      “Walk faster,” he whispered.

      She didn’t need any encouragement. Galen took three long strides after her before the clear sound of footsteps rounded the corner. One glance СКАЧАТЬ