The Millionaire Cowboy's Secret. Karen Whiddon
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СКАЧАТЬ they were all seated in the dining room, Matt began passing around the bowls of food. “Spaghetti with clam sauce,” he said, looking directly at Skylar. “My specialty.”

      There was also salad and garlic toast. After a tentative first bite, Skylar relaxed. It was good. More than good. Restaurant quality. “You can sure cook,” she told Matt before twirling up another forkful of pasta. “This is marvelous!”

      He dipped his chin in a nod, barely sparing her a glance. Again she felt a bit uneasy, though for no good reason she could fathom.

      When they’d finished the meal, José jumped up and went into the kitchen, returning with a tiramisu that looked almost too good to eat.

      “Don’t tell me you made that, too,” Skylar said, eyeing the cake and wondering how she could possibly eat another bite.

      “Nope. I picked it up at the bakery.” Unabashed, Matt grinned at her. Despite thinking she had her armor firmly in place, she felt the warmth of that grin all the way to her tailbone.

      Which reminded her to straighten her spine. “None for me, thank you,” she said, keeping her expression pleasant. “I’m already full, and if I eat anything else, I’m going to need a nap.” Not to mention gain a couple of pounds.

      Rather than press her, Matt simply began cutting slices from the cake and passing them out. Eyeing the three layers of sin, Skylar’s mouth watered, but she managed to resist, pushing the piece of cake back into the middle of the table, where it sat, practically begging someone to eat it.

      “Testing yourself?” Matt asked, one eyebrow raised.

      Surprised at his perception, she almost nodded. But she caught herself just in time. “No, I’m just full.”

      The glint in his eyes practically calling her a liar, he dug in. She fiddled with her camera while he and José devoured the cake.

      Ignoring José’s glare, Skylar looked around, intrigued at this slice of Matt Landeta’s ordinary world.

      Finally, Matt pushed back his chair and stood. “Skylar, do you want to take a walk with me? We can sit outside on the patio and discuss the particulars of your photo shoot.”

      Her heart skipped a beat. He wanted to be alone with her? José’s narrowed eyes and tight lips told her what he thought of the idea. As for her...well, she was supposed to try to seduce Matt, after all. She hadn’t expected him to make it this easy.

      “Follow me,” he said, apparently taking her silence for consent.

      Intrigued despite herself, she did. They went into the kitchen, then out the back door onto the patio. Immediately, the greenery and flowers, along with the warmth of the evening air, soothed nerves she hadn’t even realized had become jangled.

      Turning to face her, Matt jammed his hands into his jeans pockets. Despite her earlier resolution to begin her seduction attempts, she stood frozen. Maybe because he looked...vulnerable.

      And devastatingly handsome both at the same time.

      Reminding herself who and what he was, she decided he was a damn good actor. As she needed to be, if she was going to successfully close this case.

      Swallowing hard, she tilted her head to look up at him. She knew how to flirt, knew to angle her pelvis just so or brush her breasts up against his chest.

      The only problem she had was that she still couldn’t force her body to cooperate. What she couldn’t figure out was why not. She’d never had a problem detaching herself from her job. She did what needed to be done and wrapped things up.

      Except now. She couldn’t even flirt with the guy.

      This angered her. She wasn’t weak or helpless. She was a crack shot, a damn good ATF agent, and she needed to do her job.

      “It’s a beautiful night. Relax with me,” he said.

      Flirting, she reminded herself. Simple flirting. She could do this’she’d done it at least twenty times on her last assignment.

      Closing her eyes, she breathed in deeply, striving to find her center and the calm resolve that resided there. Instead, she caught a whiff of his scent, spearmint and the outdoors, masculine and tantalizing and too damn sexy for her equilibrium.

      Hurriedly, she opened them and looked around. A fat robin perched on the edge of the porch railing. Acting on instinct, she raised her camera and squeezed off a couple of shots. When she finally lowered the camera, he shook his head.

      “You look like you’re thinking about taking off and running away,” he drawled, moving slightly closer.

      Despite her instinctive desire to keep distance between them, she held her ground, gritting her teeth and trying like hell to look mildly interested. Scratch that’greatly interested.

      “Not running.” Her slightly breathless laugh had perfect timing, if she did say so herself. “But quite honestly, Matt, you’re a bit out of my league. I’m just a reporter who’”

      “Happens to be exquisitely lovely,” he interrupted smoothly.

      Despite knowing it was all an act, she couldn’t help blushing all over. “Er, thanks.” It should have helped that she knew the truth’she was passably pretty, but not even close to the level of women he usually had hanging on his elbow.

      Only one man had ever found her beautiful, and he was dead. She crushed that train of thought, aware now would be the worst possible moment to wallow in grief.

      Forcing herself to focus on Matt, she realized her reticence most likely was the very thing that made him want to pursue her. Men like him loved a challenge.

      Now would be the perfect time to say something. Anything, but she couldn’t seem to force words past her lips. Damn it. She couldn’t help wondering why it felt as if this assignment was already beginning to spiral out of control.

      The way he watched her with his head tilted just so told her he’d expected...more. Inwardly wincing, she knew she couldn’t give it to him. Not yet. Not now. Maybe not ever.

      Glancing at her watch, she knew she’d better go back to her trailer and figure out a plan of action. If doing this felt like retreating, then so be it. “I need to go. Thank you for dinner and everything, but tomorrow is going to be a big day with the photo shoot.”

      He raised his wineglass in a sort of farewell salute.

      Then, moving far too slowly on her too-high heels, she fled.

      * * *

      “What the hell was that all about?” José asked, coming up behind Matt. Together, they watched Skylar pick her way across the grass as she headed toward her trailer.

      Matt took a long drink of his wine before replying. “Damned if I know. She reminds me of one of those wild horses I picked up at auction.”

      José nodded, looking thoughtful. “I wonder if my information was correct. She sure doesn’t act like a federal agent.”

      Staring at her wobbly retreating back, Matt had to agree. “Double-check, will you? Either she’s СКАЧАТЬ