Little Girl Lost. Shirlee McCoy
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Название: Little Girl Lost

Автор: Shirlee McCoy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781408967454


СКАЧАТЬ by dark sunglasses. “I know you don’t want to come back to New York.”

      “That’s not true.”

      “It is.” Rissa smiled, the expression so sad, Portia’s own content mood disappeared.

      “The truth is, I don’t know what I want anymore.” She rinsed her paintbrush. “I’m not like you. I don’t have one dream, one goal, one passion. I wish I did. Then maybe my choices would be clearer.”

      “If it weren’t for Father, would you come back to Stoneley?”

      Would she? It was a question she’d been asking herself over and over again since Tad went back to his ex. “Maybe.”

      “‘Maybe’ is not an answer. ‘Maybe’ is just you sitting on the fence, letting life pass you by because you’re too afraid of standing up for what you want.”


      “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You’re the kind of person who never wants to disappoint the people you love. I understand that. I just hope you don’t regret it one day.” Rissa shrugged. “Anyway, Sonya asked me to track you down. Mr. Dugal called to remind you that you’re to be at the parade a half hour early. That gives you less than an hour to get there.”

      “It’s that late already?” Portia grabbed her supplies, hoping Rissa couldn’t see how deeply her words had cut. It was true that she didn’t want to disappoint those she loved, but was that so wrong?

      Only if in refusing to disappoint them you ignore God’s leading.

      The thought weaseled its way into her mind and she pushed it away. Of course she wanted to go wherever God led. She just needed to figure out where that was.

      Later. When she didn’t have so much going on, so many things to deal with, she’d sit down and look at her options. For now, she’d just take things a day at a time and pray that God would keep her from making too many mistakes.

      An hour later, she realized that He’d allowed her to make at least one. The Winter Fest Princess costume had seemed harmless enough when she’d picked it up earlier in the day. Now that she was wearing it, she was sure it had its origins as a medieval torture device. The corset top pinched in at the waist and the brocade skirt weighed almost as much as Portia herself. The tiara dug into her scalp and made her uncontrollable curls stick out in a hundred different directions. Beautiful she was not, but a promise was a promise, and she somehow managed to stuff herself and ten layers of petticoats into the Bug.

      As she’d expected, the parade route was cordoned off, parking close to the beginning of the route was impossible. Fifteen minutes after she’d arrived in town, she parallel-parked between two pickups on a street fifteen blocks from where she needed to be. She was already five minutes late. Mr. Dugal wouldn’t be pleased.

      The heavy, fur-lined cape slowed her pace, but she managed a semi-jog, her high-heeled boots slipping and sliding over icy patches.

      “You look like Cinderella running from the ball.” Mick’s voice was a deep, warm and all too familiar surprise. “Only, no glass slippers.”

      “Glass? Please. I’m having enough trouble in these.” As if to prove the point, her foot slipped and she slid sideways.

      “Maybe if you slowed down…” He grabbed her elbow, the amusement in his gaze obvious.

      “I can’t slow down. The parade is going to start in fifteen minutes and I’ve got to be in it.”

      “Ah, the Winter Fest Princess. I’d almost forgotten that tradition.”


      “I grew up here. Went to school with your sister, Miranda.”

      “Really? I’m surprised I don’t remember you.”

      “You were probably still in pigtails when I left town.” His gloved fingers cupped her arm, his shoulder brushing against Portia’s as they walked, and she was absolutely certain that if she’d ever met him, she would have remembered him.

      She swallowed hard, trying to force down fluttery nerves she had no business feeling. “My pigtail phase lasted a while. I still sport the style sometimes.”

      “Not tonight, though.” He used his free hand to touch the curls that framed her face, his eyes dark blue in the evening light. “I have to say, I like the curls.”

      “Thanks.” She needed to change the subject fast. The conversation felt way too personal. “I guess your ice fishing trip is over.”

      “It had to be. I’m on duty tonight.”

      “Too bad.”

      “Not really. I haven’t been to a Winter Fest Parade in years. I’d forgotten how many beautiful sights there were to see.” His words, coupled with the appreciative gleam in his eyes, were a quiet caress that stole Portia’s breath.

      “Yeah, well, the local businesses really do go all out to make impressive floats.”

      Mick laughed and shook his head. “I’m making you uncomfortable. I’ll stop. There is Mr. Dugal’s carriage, so I guess I’ll say goodbye for now.”

      “Thanks for escorting me. I hope you didn’t go too far out of your way.”

      “Actually, I ended up exactly where I needed to be. There’s something we need to discuss.” He turned to face her, the hardness in his eyes warning that Portia wasn’t going to like what he had to say. “Your grandfather’s actions earlier today.”

      He knew. Somehow he’d already found out about the attack against Alannah.

      “I can tell from your silence that you know exactly what I’m talking about. How about we meet after the parade?”


      “Mr. Dugal is heading this way and he doesn’t look happy. So, as much as I’d like to get your version of what happened this afternoon, I think it had better wait.”


      “Portia Blanchard, what is it you’re waiting for? A written invitation? The parade is about to start.” Mr. Dugal’s voice carried over the sounds of music and laughter that filled the night, and Portia winced, knowing she had to hurry or risk the entire town knowing she’d been late. That would almost be as bad for Aunt Winnie’s reputation as coming up a few cookies short in the snacks she’d provided. After all, despite Portia and her sisters’ ages, the town regarded everything they did as a reflection of the woman who had raised them.

      “All right, I’ll meet you after the parade.”

      “I’ll be at the end of the parade route. Until then, do your best not to worry about it.”

      Portia nodded, but couldn’t speak past the lump in her throat. Alannah had actually gone to the police. Could things get any worse?

      “Stop frowning. I can’t have a sour-looking Winter Fest Princess riding in the parade.” Mr. Dugal helped her up into the turn-of-the-century СКАЧАТЬ