Die Before Nightfall. Shirlee McCoy
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Название: Die Before Nightfall

Автор: Shirlee McCoy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781408967447


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      “I told him Abby needs more than what she’s getting right now.”

      “He’ll hire more qualified people. Shane’s that way. He loves his aunt. Wants what’s best for her.”

      “I sense that.”

      “So Abby’s wandering woke you up and you couldn’t get back to sleep?”

      “There were other things on my mind, but I’m fine now.”

      “Then maybe you’ll consider coming with me today.”

      “I can’t, Ben. I have to get settled. Look for a job. Do a million other little things that come with a move.”

      It was Ben’s turn to pace the room, his movements abrupt, his long legs covering the floor in three long strides. “You were upset yesterday. You can say I’m wrong a thousand times and it won’t change what I know.”


      “It isn’t because I’m going to the reunion. I know that. So what is it, Rae?”

      Rae. Ben was the only one who’d ever shortened her name. She’d forgotten until now, the memories too bittersweet to dwell on. “I felt awkward yesterday. I should have called, set up a meeting, then you wouldn’t feel torn between me and your family.”

      Ben came to a halt in front of her, his blue eyes blazing, the muscle in his jaw tense. “You are my family.”

      “Ben, you call them Mom and Dad. How can they be anything less than family to you?”

      The anger seeped out of him as quickly as it had arrived. “So that’s what this is all about.”

      Raven felt petty and jealous. She didn’t like the feeling, and her own anger rose because of it. “Yes. That’s what it’s all about.”

      Ben eyed her for a moment, then took a seat on the sofa. “You remember Vacation Bible School? The year Social Services was called in?”

      “Yes.” How could she forget? She’d told a kind VBS worker that Ben took care of her. That her mother was never home. That sometimes there was no food to eat.

      “Remember when we prayed? When we committed our lives to Christ? You were young. Only eight.”

      But old enough to know what it meant. Old enough to understand that even if her mother didn’t love and care for her, her Heavenly Father did. That had meant a lot to her as an eight-year-old. “I remember.”

      Ben nodded, smiled. “I’ve wondered. Anyway, I was angry when we were separated. Angry with Mom, with the system, even with God. I got into trouble. Spent five years being shipped from foster home to foster home. Spent some time in a group facility. Right before I turned seventeen, Mike Spencer came to see me. Said he and his wife had heard about me and they wanted to offer me a home for as long as I wanted to stay.”

      “Your foster father?”

      “Yeah. I figured anything was better than where I was, so I packed my things and went home with him. I made their lives incredibly hard for a few months, but no matter what I did, no matter how foulmouthed and awful I was, Mike and Andrea never turned away from me.”

      “It sounds like they’re good people.”

      “Better than good. They’re amazing, loving and tough. I might have pushed the limits, but it felt good to know there were some.”

      “I’m glad, Ben. Glad you found a family, people who love you.” And she was, despite her own wish that she’d been there with him. Maybe if she’d had limits and love she wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.

      “I am, too. But that doesn’t mean I don’t need you in my life. You’re the best of what I remember from childhood. Remembering you, imagining finding you again—that’s what kept me from getting involved in the kind of crime that would have put me in jail.”

      “Good. I’d hate to be visiting you in prison.”

      “There’s that. So, why don’t you come with me? Mike and Andrea would be thrilled to meet you. And I’d love to spend more time getting to know you.”

      “Not this time. I really do have to get settled in and look for a job. But tell them I’m looking forward to meeting them. And thank them for doing such a good job with you.”

      “I will. And now I’d better get going.” He stood and walked to the door, then turned back to Raven as he stepped outside. “If I didn’t think you needed space, if I wasn’t sure I’d smother you with attention and drive you away from Lakeview before you had a chance to settle in, I wouldn’t go. I’d camp out in this house and ask you the million questions that are buzzing through my mind. But you’d run—leave here for someplace where you could think. So I’m giving you the time, Rae. And I’m praying for you.”

      He was gone before his words could register, before Raven could realize how right he was, and wonder how it was possible he could know her so well after so many years apart.

      She waved as he drove away, refusing to acknowledge the sadness she knew she shouldn’t feel. She’d found her brother, reunited with him after years apart; her heart should be overflowing with joy. Instead she felt hollow.

      It was a feeling she was all too familiar with. Luckily she had a cure—running. It was something she’d been doing both literally and figuratively for years. She could see no reason to change the pattern now. Especially not with the sun bright overhead and a cool spring breeze wafting across the yard.

      Ten minutes later she began a slow jog up her driveway and onto the road, increasing her pace as she followed the curves and bends of the country lane. Birds chirped and called to one another, the sounds mixing with the pounding of her feet and the soft gasp of her breath. She lost herself in the rhythm of the run, racing across the pavement until there was nothing in her mind but the pulsing of blood. Then, when she couldn’t run another step, she turned and began walking home.

      She hadn’t gone far when a police cruiser passed and stopped several yards ahead of her. An officer stepped out. “You all right, ma’am?”

      “I’m fine. Just out for a stroll.”

      “Not much around here but trees and grass. You must have walked quite a ways.”

      He spoke as Raven approached, and she could see the suspicion in his dark blue eyes.

      She stopped a few feet from the cruiser, trying hard not to look guilty of something. “I’m renting the Freedman property. It—”

      “I know where it is. Like I said, you’ve walked a long way.”

      “Not so far. I run marathons. Five or six miles isn’t much.”

      He studied her for a moment longer, as if trying to ascertain the truth of what she was saying. Then he nodded, extending a hand. “I’m Jake Reed. County Sheriff.”

      “Raven Stevenson.”

      His eyes flashed recognition, then surprise. “Ben Avery’s sister?”

      “That’s СКАЧАТЬ