Redemption of a Fallen Woman. Joanna Fulford
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Название: Redemption of a Fallen Woman

Автор: Joanna Fulford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472000545


СКАЧАТЬ undertaken.

      Glancing around his attention fixed on a large desk across the room. He could already see ink and blotter so the chances were good that there would also be notepaper. A swift search revealed it to be the case. Accordingly he sat down and began to write his letter.

      He was so preoccupied with his task that he failed to hear the door open. It was only when he heard a familiar voice that he realised he wasn’t alone.

      ‘I hope I’m not disturbing you, my lord. I just wanted to return this book but I can come back later if …’

      He turned quickly to see Elena standing on the threshold. Her presence was so completely unexpected that it took him aback. Moreover, she had changed her gown for an elegant sprigged muslin creation which looked particularly fetching. Privately he thought she looked good enough to eat. With an effort he gathered his wits and rose quickly.

      ‘No, you’re not disturbing me.’ He gestured to the shelves along the walls. ‘Please, feel free.’

      ‘Thank you.’ She crossed the room and replaced the volume, then turned towards him. ‘I saw my uncle return to the house earlier. Has he made any progress in his enquiries about your brother?’

      ‘He brought good news.’ He gave her the gist of the conversation.

      Her heartbeat quickened and, as she listened, the germ of an idea began to grow. ‘Then you will be leaving very soon, my lord.’

      ‘Tomorrow, early.’

      ‘I see.’

      Harry regarded her steadily. ‘I wish that you had news as good to tell me.’

      ‘Alas, I do not.’

      ‘When do you …’

      ‘In two days’ time.’

      ‘That soon?’

      ‘My family is eager to see the matter concluded. I will do what I must, my lord.’

      ‘Yes.’ He didn’t make any attempt at consolation; nothing he could say would be of comfort to her now, given what was about to happen, and she certainly didn’t need platitudes. It sickened him to think of any young woman being forced into something so contrary to her desire, and saddened him to know he was powerless to prevent it.

      ‘I am glad that you have some news at last,’ she said. ‘I hope your journey will prove to be worth the effort.’

      She smiled and he felt his throat tighten. In two days’ time she would be lost to the world for good, her youth and beauty shut away. He could only hope that, in time, she might somehow become reconciled to her lot, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t imagine how. His gaze followed her to the door. Then it opened and she was gone.

      He sighed and returned to his letter. When it was finished he sanded and blotted the page and then sealed the document before writing the direction. His driver could take it back when he left. It would doubtless be just as fast as sending the missive any other way.

      Having dealt with that, he directed his thoughts into other channels. First he needed to speak to Jack and make arrangements for the journey. They could lead a spare horse apiece to carry what they required. Saddlebags and a couple of small boxes would suffice. They’d need provisions, of course. Where possible they could make use of inns along the way; where it wasn’t they would camp. After years in the army it wouldn’t be any hardship. If it meant that he would finally learn the truth, Harry was prepared to take on whatever came.

      Elena hurried off to her room, her mind buzzing with the details of that last conversation. As Lord Henry outlined his plans her own had finally taken shape. The result was mingled hope and excitement. If it worked she would be free. It had to work; she couldn’t afford doubt or fear. If she hoped to have a future, then this opportunity must be seized. On reaching the safety of her chamber she lost no time in communicating her plan to Concha. Her companion listened with quiet and smiling approval.

      ‘We have the opportunity now, Doña Elena. The rest is up to us.’

      Elena nodded, feeling anticipation rising. For the first time since entering this house she felt real hope. She was more than ready for the coming adventure. Goodness alone knew what her unwitting accomplice was going to say when he found out; she would cross that bridge later. All that mattered now was escape and she knew exactly how it was to be done.

       Chapter Four

      The following morning Elena rose before dawn and dressed for her role. Surveying herself in the mirror afterwards she couldn’t repress a smile. Her aunts would have a fit if they could see her now, her figure shamelessly displayed by the masculine attire. It felt good though, comfortable and familiar after the restrictions of female clothing. She checked the priming of her pistol and then thrust the weapon into her belt beside her knife. The smaller blade slid into her boot. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed to wait, turning over in her mind every last detail of the plan.

      Minutes crawled by like hours until three discreet taps on the door announced Concha’s return. Quickly Elena unlocked the door and let her in.


      ‘The horses are ready and waiting, Doña Elena. I’ve packed the saddlebags with a change of clothes and a few other necessities. I couldn’t risk taking too much out of the house with me. We’ll have to buy provisions later.’

      Elena nodded. ‘Did you meet any of the other servants?’

      ‘No, but they will be stirring soon. We need to make haste.’

      ‘You’ve done well. Get changed now while I find out what’s happening.’

      Concha nodded and began to strip off her gown. Elena went to the door and, after listening carefully, opened it a crack. From the end of the corridor she could just make out the murmur of men’s voices. Then a door opened further down the passageway.

      ‘Is that everything?’

      ‘Aye, my lord. Groom’s bringing t’horses round directly. I’ll take these bags down now.’

      A few moments later the English servant went past carrying saddlebags. Elena frowned; she had mistakenly assumed that Lord Henry would continue his journey by coach but of course it was quicker to ride. Easier too, given the state of the roads. She had no leisure to consider the implications because, as the servant disappeared from view, his master hove into sight and he was unmistakably dressed for riding. Elena’s heartbeat quickened. She could only hope he would forgive what she was about to do. When he had gone she turned back to Concha.


      The two women left the room and, closing the door silently after them, hurried along the passage to the chamber so recently vacated. Once inside they locked the door after them. Concha dragged the sheets off the bed. While she tied them together Elena went to the window and peered out. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. The lane below was deserted. Just now all attention would be on the front of the house from whence Lord Henry was leaving. Her aunts had said their farewells the previous evening and Don Fernando and Don Esteban never rose before ten. Her uncle would likely be the only one abroad because courtesy demanded he be present to see his guest depart. With a СКАЧАТЬ