A Hope Springs Christmas. Patricia Davids
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Название: A Hope Springs Christmas

Автор: Patricia Davids

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472007995


СКАЧАТЬ how his girlfriend is treating him.”

      Sarah pressed a hand to her chest and widened her eyes in disbelief. “You don’t mean you’ll mention this to the bishop’s wife.”

      “I might, if the opportunity presents itself.”

      “You are a brave soul. I could never bring myself to tell Esther Zook that I heard her son was playing fast and loose with Grace and Esta Barkman.”

      Her aunt nibbled at the corner of her lip, then said, “It did sound that way, didn’t it?”

      “Grace is a sweet girl and would never raise her voice without serious provocation. I know Esther dotes on Henry and won’t hear a bad word against him. I can only imagine how upset Esther would be with someone who spread word of his poor behavior. You know how much sway she holds over the bishop.”

      Her aunt’s frown deepened. “I see your point. We don’t actually know what happened, do we?”

      “Nee, we don’t. A lover’s spate is all I heard. Not worth mentioning.”

      “You could be right.”

      “I know I am.” Sarah waited until her aunt gave up trying to see over her and returned to the window. Sarah grinned as she started to close the door. Across the street, she caught sight of Levi Beachy standing motionless at the door to his shop. He’d obviously heard his sister’s commotion, too.

      His breath rose as white puffs in the cold night air. Their eyes met across the snow-covered street. Sarah couldn’t see the color of them from this distance, but she knew they were as blue as a cloudless summer’s day. They contrasted sharply with his dark hair and deeply tanned skin.

      She rarely saw his eyes, for Levi kept them trained on his feet unless he was working. He was painfully shy, and she wished there was something she could do to help him overcome it. He had been a wonderful help to her when her husband was sick.

      A quick frown formed on Levi’s face before he turned away with a shake of his head.

      “Great, now I’m the one who looks like the nosy neighbor,” Sarah muttered. She sometimes had the feeling that Levi disapproved of her, although it wasn’t anything she could put her finger on.

      “What was that?” Emma asked.

      Sarah pasted a smile on her face as she closed the door and returned to the kitchen table to resume her mending. “I saw Levi across the street. He’s working late again.”

      “The poor fellow. He was saddled with raising his younger sister and those unruly brothers at much too early an age. He should have had the good sense to send them to his father’s sister or even let his grandfather raise them. Reuben Beachy would have been glad to take care of the children.”

      Since Reuben was well past seventy, Sarah wasn’t sure he would have been able to handle the twins any better than Levi did. “I’m sure Levi loves his family and wants to take care of them himself.”

      “I don’t know how anyone could tell. The man hasn’t spoken more than a dozen words to me in all his life. I think he is a bit simple.”

      Sarah leveled a hard gaze at her aunt. “Levi is shy, not simple.”

      Emma lifted the tea bag from her mug and added two spoonfuls of sugar. Stirring briskly, she said, “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:28.”

      Coming to her neighbor’s defense, Sarah said, “Levi works very hard. He builds fine buggies, and he always pays the rent for the shop on time. He is a good man. I don’t like to see him maligned.”

      “Gracious, child. I’m not maligning the man. I know several women who think he would make a good match, but I’ve had to tell them all that he is a waste of time. Levi Beachy will never find the courage to court a woman, much less propose. I’ve rarely met a fellow destined to remain an old boy, but Levi is one.”

      An old boy was the Amish term for a confirmed bachelor. Since only Amish men who married grew beards, a clean-shaven face marked a man as single no matter what his age. Like her, Levi was nearing thirty. She knew because they had attended school together until the eighth grade. She’d known Levi her entire life. He’d been the first boy to kiss her.

      That long-forgotten memory brought a blush to her cheeks. Why had it surfaced after all these years? She bent over her mending.

      “What about you, dear? It’s been nearly five years since Jonas’s passing. Are you ready to think about marriage again? I can’t tell you the number of men who have asked me that question. One in particular.” Emma eyed her intently.

      Sarah should have known this wasn’t the simple social visit her aunt claimed. She met her aunt’s gaze as sadness welled up inside her. For once, she couldn’t stop it. Tears stung her eyes. “No, Aenti. I’ve made my feelings on the subject clear. I won’t marry again.”

      * * *

      Sarah was laughing at him. She and her aunt were having a chuckle at the expense of his odd family. Levi knew it the way he knew the fire was hot—because he’d been burned by both.

      It was wrong to dwell on the past, childish even, but the embarrassing incident came to mind when he least expected it. He’d long ago forgiven Sarah, but he hadn’t been able to forget her part in his humiliation.

      He had been fourteen at the time and the least athletic boy at school. His shyness made it easy for others to make fun of him, but Sarah had seemed kinder than his other classmates. She sat one row up and across the aisle from him.

      How many hours had he spent dreaming about what it would be like to simply hold her hand? Too many.

      Then one day, he found a note on his desk saying to meet her down by the creek after school if he wanted a kiss. He’d been ecstatic and frightened all at the same time. Of course he wanted to kiss her. What boy didn’t? It took all the courage he could muster to make the short trek to the meeting spot.

      She was waiting on the creek bank with her eyes closed just as the note said, but when he caught her by the shoulders and kissed her, she pushed him away. He never knew if it was by design or by accident that the fallen tree limb was right behind him. He tumbled backwards, tripped and landed in the water with a muddy splash.

      On the other side of the creek, a dozen of his schoolmates began laughing and hooting, including Sarah’s twin sister, Bethany. Mortified, Levi had trudged home in wet clothes and refused to go back to school. Working beside his father in his carpenter shop was the only thing that felt normal to Levi.

      Less than a year later, both his parents were killed in a buggy accident. Levi was forced to sell his father’s business. No one believed a fifteen-year-old boy could run it alone. Jonas Wyse bought the property and started a harness shop and buggy-making business in Hope Springs. He hired Levi, who desperately wanted to earn enough to support his sister and little brothers. The two men quickly became friends. Within five years, they had a thriving business going making fine buggies. They stopped repairing harnesses and focused on what they did best. It was a wonderful time in Levi’s life.

      Then Jonas decided to marry Sarah and everything changed.

      Levi shook off his thoughts of the СКАЧАТЬ