The Forever Family. Leigh Bale
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Название: The Forever Family

Автор: Leigh Bale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781408964279


СКАЧАТЬ was Gladys?

      Danny stuck a red lollipop in front of Rachel’s eyes. Focusing made her stomach churn. In her hazy vision, she could make out the doctor and a woman standing behind Danny, both wearing blue smocks. A stethoscope dangled from the man’s neck beside a name badge that read: Dr. Sam. He leaned close to Danny and smiled, showing a dimple in his left cheek. “All right, son, why don’t you go with Gladys, now? She’ll get you something to eat and put you to bed. We’ll take good care of your mommy.”

      “Okay.” Danny slid away.

      Rachel reached for him, feeling a sinking of dread. Her fingers grasped air. “Where…where are you taking my son?”

      The doctor spoke close by. “Gladys lives just down the street. Danny can bunk in with her son, Charlie.”


      “Yeah, the two boys are the same age. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. I’ll take you there just as soon as you feel well enough to walk.”

      Rachel relaxed for a moment, then reconsidered. “Am I going to be okay?”

      In the vague light, she could make out the doctor’s frown and intelligent brown eyes. A thatch of hair the color of a crow’s wing fell over his high forehead. He brushed his hand across the raspy stubble on his chin and his brows gathered together in perplexity. “Of course. You just need rest.”

      Good. Danny needed her now more than ever.

      She felt the doctor’s hand against her shoulder, warm and comforting. How she missed her husband. How she missed his firm, take-charge manner. Thinking about Alex caused tears to bead in the corners of her eyes.

      The doctor patted her hand and placed it beneath the thick quilt covering her. She allowed her body to relax.

      “Take it easy. You’re safe now,” the doctor said.

      Buoyed by his words, she tried to think good thoughts. Somewhere in her imagination, a dog barked, followed by the bleating of a sheep.

      A sheep? She must be dreaming.

      “Oh,” she groaned. If only this muzzy feeling would vacate her brain, she’d be able to think clearly.

      She listened to the woman’s muted tones as she spoke to the doctor, aware of their presence in the room but unable to make out their words. She tried to focus, but her insides felt jittery. “Can you give me something for the pain?”

      “Sure. What would you like?”

      How odd. Shouldn’t the doctor know what to give her in a situation like this? “My arm and head hurts.”

      She opened her eyes and peered at the man standing beside the door. She recognized his stance. Legs braced. One hand cocked on his hip. Gaze piercing her to the bone. The kind of man who knew how to handle himself and never backed away from a fight. In the depths of his eyes, she saw a shadow of frustration. She couldn’t blame him. It was the middle of the night after all. No doubt he resented her for disturbing his sleep.

      He leaned one hip against the counter and spoke to the cabinets as he picked up a bottle of pills and popped the lid. He shook several white tablets onto the palm of his hand. “Your arm has a bad sprain and you’ll have a nasty bruise, but nothing’s broken. I think you might have a concussion, so we’ll keep an eye on you for a few more hours. I don’t have any powerful medications for humans. Will some aspirin suffice?”

      She looked away. A patchwork quilt draped her body. Definitely not normal hospital issue. She expected white sheets and a sterile blanket. “Aspirin is fine.”

      He brought her a paper cup with water and watched as she took it and swallowed the pills down. She handed the empty cup back to him and he balled it up and tossed it at the garbage can, where it made a perfect two-point shot.

      “What kind of doctor are you?”

      “I’m a veterinarian.”

      She laughed, her mind whirling as she flung back the quilt to free her legs. Still dressed in her jeans and heavy blue sweater, she wriggled her bare toes. Someone had removed her socks and shoes. The doctor or Gladys? It made her feel odd to think of a strange man handling her bare feet. “You’re kidding.”

      “Afraid not.” He gave her a look that told her he was serious. He pointed at her shoes sitting beside the bed, and she swung her legs over the side of the cot. Her feet rested against the cold linoleum floor, helping her feel grounded. From the outer room, she caught the distinct sound of a cat meowing.

      She stared at the collar of his denim shirt, listening to the deep timbre of his voice. “Doctor Greene’s out of town until Wednesday. If we weren’t in the middle of a blizzard, Lloyd would have driven you to Elko for X-rays. Instead, he brought you here to me.”


      “He’s the local law-enforcement here in Finley. Carl called him after you hit his truck.”

      Her head kept spinning. “Who is Carl?”

      “Carl Frasier, the driver of the truck you hit with your car.” He sounded slightly annoyed at having to repeat himself.

      Of course! She remembered the accident with frightening clarity. “I’m sorry you had to come out in the middle of the night to help Danny and me.”

      He didn’t respond and a swelling silence followed.

      “Where…where are my car and belongings?” she asked.

      “The accident totaled your car. Lloyd towed your trailer over to Gladys’s house. It’s intact, but the contents are a mess.”

      Great! No transportation and no money to buy a decent car. Thankfully, she still had collision insurance. Too bad she’d sold Grammy’s old sedan when she came in for the funeral. She only got five hundred dollars for the junker and used the money to buy a travel trailer. How was she going to get to Grammy’s place, five miles outside of town? She prayed nothing else went wrong.

      She struggled to stand and instantly regretted it. Her legs wobbled and she feared her knees might buckle. Nausea settled in her stomach. A jolt of pain swept her arm, leaving her weak and shaking. As she sat down, she bit back a groan, wishing she could sleep for a few hours. But she had to think of Danny. Had to find out how serious her predicament was.

      “Easy there,” the doctor urged, as he reached to help her up. Once she found her bearings, he withdrew quickly, as if touching her burned his fingers.

      His gaze swept her forearms where a myriad of pink and purple scars covered the smooth flesh. She jerked her sleeves down to hide the ugliness; a constant reminder of why she feared and hated dogs. And why she usually wore long sleeves.

      “Do they hurt?” he asked.

      She almost flinched, wishing he hadn’t noticed her scars. Shaking her head, she leaned against the wall and clenched her eyes closed, willing her insides to settle. “No, they’re old wounds I prefer to forget. Where am I?”

      “You’re in my medical office,” he said.

      She СКАЧАТЬ