Wrapped Up for Christmas. Katlyn Duncan
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Название: Wrapped Up for Christmas

Автор: Katlyn Duncan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780008364892


СКАЧАТЬ for her. Angie had only been single for a few days before she met Brett. And before that with Jonathon. There wasn’t much of a break between men in her past, and she needed to change her pattern, give herself the time and space to heal.

      Reese eyed her friend but gestured for her to continue. ‘So, let’s get back to why you don’t have money. Did Brett do something else to screw you?’

      Angie put her food down and grabbed her phone. ‘I was supposed to get the severance already. Do you mind if I check my account?’

      Reese waved a hand at her to go ahead, while she started on the second half of her bagel.

      Angie plugged her mobile banking data into the app. In the few seconds it took for the website to load, her stomach clenched. Then it plummeted when she saw the overdraft notice.

      ‘I’m assuming it didn’t go through?’ Reese asked.

      Angie shook her head, willing away the sting in her eyes as she moved money over from her savings to account for the overdraft. She tried not to dip into that account often, but in this instance she had no choice. Her job had been enough to keep her afloat while she saved as much as she could. Angie never counted on Brett dumping her, in a way forcing her to leave her job. ‘I don’t want to call them. It’s so mortifying.’

      ‘You did nothing wrong. He made you uproot your life. I’ll call them if you want.’

      ‘No,’ Angie said, protecting her phone. Reese had always been like a big, scary older sister to anyone who messed with her. Angie had to do this on her own.

      ‘Do you need a loan?’ Reese asked.

      ‘No.’ Angie had created this mess, and she was going to fix it.

      ‘Well, the offer stands. Whenever you need it.’

      Angie nodded and drafted an email to Melissa from the hotel. She handled all the employee paychecks and would be discreet in Angie’s hour of need. She wanted to avoid contacting Brett if she could help it. It would only prove that he had made a better choice with whatever woman he thought was worthier than Angie of his grandmother’s diamond ring. Though she had some choice words she wished she could give him.

      She had only just put her phone in her bag when her email pinged.

      ‘That was fast,’ Reese said.

      ‘They owe me,’ Angie said, checking the message. It was from Melissa, but her hopes disappeared as she read the out of office reply.

      ‘She’s not in the office today,’ Angie said, reading the email three times, hoping it would change into a message more in her favor.

      ‘Is there anyone else you can talk to?’ Reese asked.

      ‘No,’ she said, even though it wasn’t true. Today wasn’t about her old life. She had enough savings to get her through as long as she kept to a tight budget.

      Angie couldn’t help the sinking feeling that her pride was getting in the way of reaching out to Brett about her paycheck, despite it being what she was owed. Her heart was heavy in her chest, and she was considering that it might be better to go without than confronting Brett again. Her cheeks burned with anger and frustration. Shaking Brett from her mind she glanced up at her friend.

      ‘So, what are you looking for?’ Angie needed to change the subject. ‘I’m your bag carrier for the entire day.’

      Reese ticked names off her fingers. ‘Jeremy, his parents, our niece and nephew, his coworkers too. Are you sure you’re not going to do any shopping?’

      Angie knew Reese was fishing to find out about her gift. She was awful at accepting surprises. When they were kids, Reese used to come over even more than usual around her birthday and Christmas to try and find presents in Angie’s house. Little did she know Angie’s hiding spot was behind her dad’s toolbox in his basement workshop.

      Reese pushed off the bench. ‘Well, let’s get going then. I might fall asleep here if we stay any longer.’


      As they walked through the department store, Angie continued eating her breakfast. Her stomach was a jumble of nerves, but she tried to savor each bite. There was no way she was eating lunch out. She was looking forward to her mother’s home-cooked meals, and there was no way her bank account would allow too many frivolous purchases until she was sure of the extra money. Sneaking small pieces of bagel out of the bag at a time, Angie remembered how food wasn’t allowed in the store. It didn’t stop her keeping candy in her pocket when she worked there all those years ago, and it certainly wouldn’t stop her now.

      ‘Bringing back memories for you?’ Reese asked.

      ‘It’s like stepping into another time,’ Angie said. The harsh lighting was still the same, and the warmth inside the store was unmistakable. It was a simpler time and place in her mind, yet it had a substantial impact on her life. Starting work young had helped her understand the importance of responsibility. It helped that Dad was proud of her for accepting the important responsibility of work. Paychecks funded her trips to the movies and new clothes for school.

      ‘Have you thought about what you’re going to do moving forward?’ Reese asked.

      ‘I sent a bunch of resumes before I left California. It’s a good thing since the Wi-Fi is spotty at home.’

      ‘You can always come over to my place to do that stuff. You know Jeremy and his gaming. We have the highest tier of internet we can afford. Which still seems not enough for him.’ She made no effort to hide an eye roll.

      ‘Thanks,’ Angie said, unsure of why she didn’t think of that before. ‘Hopefully I’ll hear back soon.’

      ‘Are you considering staying local?’ Reese asked.

      Angie remembered what Jeremy told her the other day about Reese missing her. She missed her best friend too, but soon a baby would distract her. Though, Angie wouldn’t mind being closer to home for visits. Anything to be as far from Brett and his fiancée as possible.

      ‘I’ll take anything I can right now but most of the bigger jobs are in cities, and I feel like I can’t stay at home with everyone there. Mom is already driving me crazy and I’ve only been back for two days!’

      ‘How so?’

      Angie rarely complained about her mother around Reese since her friend’s parents had died in a car accident not long after their high school graduation. ‘It’s just a lot. I went from being on my own to a house full of relatives. Nonna and Nonno are at each other’s throats most of the time. It’s all innocent, but loud. Since they came to stay with us, Mom is working less, so I think things are a little hectic for everyone.’

      ‘Well, you know my house is always open to a little company. We have a sweet couch bed. Jeremy says it’s comfortable.’

      ‘Do you really make him sleep out there?’

      She shook her head. ‘He chooses to. I can’t get comfortable lately, and this prevents him from shuffling around like a zombie at work after I toss and turn all night.’

      Angie wished there was someone in the world who was that selfless for her. With the СКАЧАТЬ