How to become rich or to be a housekeeper. Helena Zelenina
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Название: How to become rich or to be a housekeeper

Автор: Helena Zelenina


Жанр: О бизнесе популярно


isbn: 978-5-9904517-2-8



      15. Accessories for table layout

      16. A freezer

      Ok, nothing was forgotten. All these things were invented by men because they know time price. We should be very grateful to them for it. A man invented pampers if you didn’t know, a washing machine and many other things for making our life easier. Read about it at leisure - it’s very interesting and instructive. They are geniuses, it is impossible to imagine our life without their inventions. We would go to the river in winter to wash clothes…

      Return to our kitchen

      A test: can you to make a dinner for 10 persons in 40 minutes? Such a surprise! Don’t turn the page, try to deal with it!

      And what? Is it Ok? If yes, you are on the way to the dream! And if no, don’t feel upset, you will manage! Otherwise what is this manual for self-tuition for? Look, there is an oven; you can prepare several dishes in it at the same time. While it is heating up we cut all the vegetables from the fridge. We cut meat, pour it with any sauce, season with spices and put it in the oven for 25-30 minutes. So the first course is ready. While it is in the oven we chop the salad (10 min with knife, 2 min in a combine). We can also prepare many tasty and good for health dishes in an electric multi cooker without any energies. Before using any devices it is necessary to read instructions, because they are written by men. My precious husband taught me this rule and it helped me many times. From instructions you know lots of information about the possibilities of household devices.

      These devices are necessary. They are our helpers!

      And if you haven’t got such devices (or some of them), nothing terrible, you can buy them later, the main thing is that now you know that they are necessary for you.

      Purchase of products

      The next test is purchase of products. What do you buy at the shop? That is the question! First of all, make a list of products which you need to buy. Approximately count how much money you’ll spend and take this sum of money in order not to buy something unnecessary. At the shop if you buy semiproducts look at the realization term, the quality of products and the preparation time. Remember, you will cook for your family! As for me I don’t like semiproducts. If I have time I try to cook healthy food and buy only fresh products. Today it isn’t easy to find fresh products but I know where to buy fresh meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Also I spend little time for shopping because I always have an accurate list. I’ll open a secret. In the kitchen on my fridge there is a piece of paper. During a week I write down the products which come to the end. It becomes easier to state a value of the next shop visiting. And I always adhere to the rule – buy only necessary things and just a little in reserve…


      I want to share my experience with you – how to lay the table for 10-15 guests in 40 minutes. As for me I like guests very much!

      A good mistress always has dainties in her reserve: cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, pickled mushrooms, canned marrows, frozen berries and greens. All these things I grow in my own vegetable garden. So if in summer you stored up you won’t have any problems with entertainment of guests in winter. Bur the first course is necessary, so chicken meat should be in your reserve. It is dietetic and cooked quickly – 25-30 minutes. For meat we prepare a garnish, for example, potatoes (it is also cooked quickly – 20-30 minutes). If you have ready dough you can make pizza – it is quick, nourishing and tasty, and if you haven’t ready dough you can make it yourself easily.


      I tested my friends-housekeepers; it was interesting and funny, even instructive. Many of my friends asked me to pay attention to their housekeeping. I didn’t refuse anybody because I wanted to help them very much. Women have lots of troubles but men think that we do nothing at home and don’t think that fresh linen, tasty food and clear house are our labour, time and life!

      I would like to see how BY MAGIC THE DIRTY LINEN WENT AND GOT INTO THE WASHING MACHINE, AND THE WASHING MACHINE ITSELF FILLED POWDER, CHOSE THE PROGRAM AND SWITCHED ON, PLATES AND DISHES WASHED THEMSELVES AND ROSE IN A ROW TO DRY! It’s funny; I remembered a cartoon about Feodor’s grief. If imagine that everything occurs by itself it is possible to shoot the movie about the poltergeist, but everything is simple for us, housekeepers – we see what should be done and do it, that is real magic!

      All the people get tired. Tiredness and shortage of time are the main scourges in the modern world. How to struggle with them? Many doctors advise to spend as much time as possible for the rest, swimming, sport and other activities. “Oh my God! When?” – cries the mother of three under-age children. She just wants to find some time to sleep!“I don’t even remember when I looked at the mirror last time!” What should she do? Where is the magic gin?

      Dear women, I’ve already told you how to find spare time for yourselves. If you don’t remember, return to the beginning of the book and do everything written there. That’s true! I tested it on myself. Now I have spare time!

      The family is the whole business

      Now imagine that a family is an enterprise! It sounds funny only at first sight. It is a business for those who know what business is. For example, a husband (or a wife) is a manager; a wife (or a husband) is an assistant manager; children (adult) are employees; family friends are partners of the firm. A family has its budget, resources, storage facilities, assignments for the charity, dues, accounts, charges, income, holidays, and sick-lists. You don’t believe?

      Budget – income of the members of the family

      Resources – products, clothes, shoes, a flat, a house, a villa, a garage

      Storage facilities – stores (reserve)

      Assignments for the charity – delivery of unnecessary things, help to school (kindergarten) and relatives

      Dues – property taxes

      Holidays – as you wish

      Sick-list – your or your children’s

      Plans – purchases, travelling, education (your or your children’s)

      Income. In this case, income may consist of author’s emoluments or recompense, competent saving of money, interest on deposits, investments of the saved money… I guess you know or hear some of these terms.

      Something like that. Isn’t a firm? I am sure you never looked at your family from this sight.

      In the past I was a major manager. It was difficult for me to think in such a way. After a year of working from 7 a.m. till 11 p.m. without any holidays I began to ask myself: Is it ok? Is it right? Do I want to live in such a way? It seemed to me that something was wrong, particularly this:

      I didn’t see my daughter! I got up at 5 a.m. – she was yet sleeping, I came home at 11 p.m. – she was already sleeping. She was bringing up by her grandmother. At weekend I also couldn’t spend any time with her because either I was working or I was busy with housekeeping – washing, cleaning, cooking and so on.

      I hadn’t any time for my private life and self-developing. I didn’t read books, didn’t visit my friends and relatives, I grew older, got tired and wanted only to sleep.

      I left the service despite of high salary. Of course I gained СКАЧАТЬ