Джон Фицджеральд Кеннеди. Алан Бринкли
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СКАЧАТЬ 25, 1930, Young Kennedy File, JFKL; Record of JFK, November 1 to December 6, 1930, Canterbury School, Young Kennedy File, JFKL; Ralph G. Martin, Seeds of Destruction: Joe Kennedy and His Sons (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1995), p. 32.


      Report of JFK, Choate School, 4 th Quarter, n.d., Young Kennedy File, JFKL.






      Hamilton, JFK, pp. 88–101.




      Herbert Parmet, Jack: The Struggles of John F. Kennedy (New York: Dial Press, 1980), p. 37.


      JFK to JPK, n. d., 1933, JFKL. См. также Hamilton, JFK, p. 110; Dallek, An Unfinished Life, pp. 77–78, 80.


      Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, pp. 456–65, 486–89; Hamilton, JFK, pp. 112–13, 118–35.


      mucker (англ.) – деревенщина, хам.


      Hamilton, JFK, pp. 122–33.


      Ibid., pp. 143–45.


      JFK to Billings, n.d., 1935, JFKL; Edward E. Moore to Richard M. Gummere, May 11, 1935, JFKL.


      Application for Admission, Harvard College, May 8, 1935, JFKL.


      «General Estimate,» Harvard Admissions Application, April 30, 1935, JFKL.


      JPK to Delmar Leighton, August 28, 1936, JFKL.


      JPK to JFK, December 1, 1937, JFKL; multiple letters, JFK to JPK, n. d., 1939, JFKL. See also Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, pp. 505–6, 581–82; Hamilton, JFK, pp. 159–70, 176–77.


      Multiple letters, JFK to JPK, n. d., 1939, JFKL.


      Hamilton, JFK, p.192.


      JFK to JPK, Vienna, n.d., 1939, JFKL.


      Hamilton, JFK, pp. 185, 194, 199.


      «Extra Curricular Activities,» 1937–1938, «Extra Curricular Activities,» 1939–1940, JFKL; Hamilton, JFK, pp. 208–10.


      JFK to JPK, n. d., 1939, JFKL.








      «Report on Thesis for Distinction,» n. d., 1940, JFKL; Dallek, An Unfinished Life, p. 63.


      JFK to JPK, spring 1940, n. d., 1940, JFKL; John F. Kennedy, Why Eng land Slept (New York: Wilfred Funk, 1962, original edition 1940), p. 17.


      Dallek, An Unfi nished Life, p. 64.


      Alan Brinkley, The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Century (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010), pp. 422, 425.


      Hamilton, JFK, p. 331; Kennedy, Why England Slept, pp. 13–14.


      Kennedy, Why England Slept, p. 217.


      Ibid. p. 218.


      Ibid., p. 185.


      Edward M. Daugherty to JPK, November 1, 1940, JFKL; JFK to JPK, n. d., 1940, JFKL.


      Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, pp. 632–35.


      JPK to Stephen Galatti, February 2, 1942, JFKL; Max Beaverbrook to JPK, February 9, 1942, JFKL; Dallek, An Unfi nished Life, pp. 87–95.


      John Hersey, «Survival,» New Yorker, June 17, 1944, pp. 31–44.




      HQ 3 rd Bombardment Division, APO 559, Subject: «Aphrodite,» April 8, 1944, JFKL; HQ 8 th Air Force Outgoing Message, August 12,1944, JFKL; Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, pp. 688–89.


      Hamilton, JFK, p. 659.
