Shadow Of The Vampire. Meagan Hatfield
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Название: Shadow Of The Vampire

Автор: Meagan Hatfield

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781408928349


СКАЧАТЬ she set the needle to the torn flesh by his ribs. Before she could push it through his skin, long fingers dug into her wrists.

      Her gasp stuck in her throat as the prisoner hauled her down. A pop, like sails unfurling, rent the air. One massive black wing tucked beneath her, cocooning her against his hard flesh and cushioning her fall to the floor. The cool scales glided against her shoulders, a contrast to the hot breath feathering against her face.

      “Did you like what you saw, vixen?” he said in a smoky voice.

      Embarrassment flooded her face. She wriggled beneath his hold on her and barely moved an inch. “Let me go.”

      The dragon propped himself up on an elbow. His electric-blue eyes slid from hers, to the flesh her leather bodice failed to conceal.


      Her jaw slackened. “Release me or—”

      “Or what?”

      “Or—” She looked around, nodding to the needle and thread beside her. “I won’t stitch up your wounds. Unless, of course, you’d rather bleed out in this dungeon.”

      A black brow arched. “If I’m in a dungeon, why bother healing me at all?”

      “Would you rather die?”

      His lips kicked up. “Do you always answer a question with a question, little vampire?”

      Alexia shook her head, and tried to ignore that sinfully sexy curve of his mouth. “No.”

      “Then answer me.”

      She sighed. “We cannot torture you in the state you’re in. You’d never last through questioning.”

      At her words, flames flickered behind his icy eyes. Soft tufts of smoke wafted out of his nostrils.


      Her eyes widened, panic gripping her like a spiked glove to the throat.

      “Don’t tell me you’re frightened of me now?” His thumb began to draw lazy circles over the pounding pulse in her wrist.

      “I’m not frightened of you,” she said, the words coming out in a breathy sigh.

      His wing coiled tighter, crushing her breasts against the warm steel of his barrel chest.

      “Then why are you trembling?” He dipped his head below hers. “I can hear your heart hammering. Right here.” His hot, open mouth covered the pulse beating beneath her skin.

      A tingle of pleasure shimmied along her spine. She sucked in a breath and held it as his soft lips caressed her neck. Alexia knew she should be fighting him. Knew she should beg for death by his hell-sent flame rather than allow him such liberties. But the excitement and fear of being handled so gently paralyzed her. Never had a man touched her so softly, held her so tenderly. When his lips hummed against her skin, her eyes fluttered and a little sound purred out of her throat.

      His lips curved against her neck and then a low chuckle rumbled in his chest.

       Was he laughing?

      Heat flooded her face as anger surged, taking over her misplaced desire. Eyeing the vein throbbing in his neck, she focused on the steady rhythm of his pulse. A red haze flooded her vision. Two teeth stretched past her lips. Although feeding was forbidden between vampires, no such laws prevented taking the blood of an enemy. Opening her mouth, she snapped for his throat.

      He dodged her attack and then leaned more of his delicious weight atop her, restricting her movements. “Easy, little one. Your teeth don’t frighten me.”

      “No?” She lunged for him and, maddeningly, he diverted her again. Only this time when he parted his lips in a smile, fangs twice the size of hers hung from his mouth.

      Her dead heart flipped over on itself.

      “You’re—” she stammered.

      “Hungry. And you look tasty.”

      His dark head swooped.

      Fear had her grabbing his arms, trying to push him off. No man, not even Lotharus, dared drink her blood. It meant instant death in their world. Then again, what would a dragon lord care of the horde’s laws?

      All thoughts melted away as his hot tongue licked her throat. Then, in a winding path, his fangs raked down, searching out the vein. A shiver passed through her when they stopped over her hammering pulse. She sucked in a breath and held it, waiting. Teeth pierced her flesh. Alexia gasped at the twinge of pain from his bite, even as her body arched into it.

      A large hand speared through her hair, keeping her neck tilted. The other covered her side at her waist, fingers digging into her leather bodice. The skin beneath his grip tingled. The blood surging through her veins, rushing to feed him, burned.

      He was a fire, spreading through her, consuming her from the inside out. Each long, sensual pull of his mouth crackled white heat to her core. Her center wept, aching for something more. As if he read her mind, the tapered edge of his powerful wing dug into her butt, pressing her against the long, hard length of him. Pinwheels of fire licked her lower belly at the contact. When he did it again, she moaned at the sheer pleasure of it.

      Parting her legs, she allowed his wide hips to sink into the cradle of her body. Big, heavy, he fit against her perfectly. Even though she knew she should be pushing him away, her fingers curled around his large biceps, pulling him closer. Nothing she’d experienced in her hundred and twenty years felt this natural, this right. To think she’d been denied this for so long would have sent her into a blind rage had she not felt so blissfully contented.

      When he finally tore away from her throat, she mewled a whimper of protest. Dazed, Alexia opened her eyes and drank in the impressive sight of him arched above her. Once limp and useless, his other wing stretched out like a cat after a long nap. Her eyes fell to the gaping flesh wound on his side and widened as she watched it close as if sewn by an invisible thread. It struck her then her threat not to heal him meant nothing. He never needed her tools. He only needed her.

      Her blood.

      Then what did that make him? Dragons didn’t feed from one another.

      Before she could form words, he grinned and dipped his head again. The flat of his tongue ran along her throat, soothing her torn flesh. She licked her lips, tucking the lower one between her fangs as he nibbled and licked his way across her jaw.

      “I should have warned you,” he whispered in her ear. His smoky voice snaked around her, tightening the knot of lust already sinking hard and heavy inside her. “Feeding makes me horny as hell.”

      Me, too, she thought as he fit his lips over hers. They melted beneath the heat of his mouth. The taste of him and the flavor of her own coppery blood on his lips sent hunger coiling tight around her spine. Or maybe that was his wing, she thought as his tongue swept between her lips in a languid lick.

      Alexia opened for him, eagerly accepting his searching tongue. Needing him to fill her any way he could. He tilted his head and swept his tongue inside. Two large hands palmed the sides of her face as his СКАЧАТЬ