Scots Dictionary: The perfect wee guide to the Scots language. Collins Dictionaries
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СКАЧАТЬ but not divorced.

      Andrew, St

      Andrew, St St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. He was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, and the brother of Peter. His feast day is on November 30th.

      ane In some parts of Scotland, ane means one: A guid New Year tae ane and a’!

      anent (a-nent) Anent means about or considering: a few remarks anent the meeting.

      Angus (ang-giss) Angus is a historic county in the northeast of Central Scotland, the southern boundary of which is the Firth of Tay and the eastern the North Sea. It is now the name of a council area occupying much the same area as the old county.

      Arabs The supporters of Dundee United football team are nicknamed the Arabs. [The origin of the nickname is unclear, but it may have started as a jocular reference to the one-time sandy condition of the Tannadice pitch]

      Arbroath The Declaration of Arbroath was a letter sent by the Scots nobles to the Pope in 1320, asserting Scottish independence.

      Arbroath smokie An Arbroath smokie is a small haddock that has been cured by being salted and then smoked unsplit over a fire. [The name refers to Arbroath, a port in East Scotland in Angus, where this method of curing originated]

      Argyll (ar-guile) Argyll is an area and historic county of Western Scotland, consisting of the parts of the mainland west of the Firth of Clyde as far north as Glencoe, and the islands off this area. Most of the historic county is now included in the Argyll and Bute council area.

      Arranite An Arranite is a person from Arran, an island off the southwest coast of Scotland, in the Firth of Clyde.

      arrestment In Scots Law, arrestment is the seizure of someone’s wages, bank account, social security payment, etc., until a debt due to the person or organization who started the legal action leading to the arrestment has been paid: The club appointed a liquidator after the chairman was served with an arrestment order.

      as As is a word meaning than: mair as yin.

      ashet (ash-it) An ashet is a large plate or shallow dish, usually oval in shape, used for cooking or serving food. [The word comes from the French assiette meaning plate]

      ask for To ask for someone is to make enquiries about their well-being or health: Tell your Dad I was asking for him.

      Atholl brose or Athole brose Atholl brose is a drink or a pudding made from whisky, honey, oatmeal, and water. Double cream is sometimes added. [The drink is named after an Earl of Atholl who, according to legend, incapacitated one of his enemies by spiking his well with whisky and honey]

      at it To be at it means to be up to no good: There is a general belief that all politicians are at it and not to be trusted.

      atween (a-tween) The word atween means between: a sausage in atween two dauds o’ breid.

      aucht (awCHt) or echt (eCHt) Aucht is a Scots word meaning eight.

      aucht-day An aucht-day person or thing is an ordinary or unremarkable one: a Northeastern term: jist an aucht-day kinna body. [The word comes from the earlier Scots way of referring to a week as aucht days (counting inclusively from Sunday to Sunday and so on)]

      auld (rhymes with bald) Auld means old.

      Auld Alliance The Auld Alliance refers to the historical links between Scotland and France. These links started in the 14th century when both nations were the subject of English ambition and endured until the Reformation ranged the two countries on different sides of the Protestant-Catholic divide. During this period France had a detectable influence on the development of Scottish institutions and law as well as customs and manners.

      Auld Enemy

      Auld Enemy In Scotland, the English are sometimes referred to as the Auld Enemy, especially now in a sporting context: The worst Scots nightmare, a gubbing by the Auld Enemy, was realized. [This phrase refers to the long history of conflict between the two countries]

      Auld Reekie Auld Reekie is a nickname for Edinburgh. [The name means literally Old Smoky]

      ava (a-vaw) Ava is a word meaning at all: It’s no for the common fowk ava.

      avizandum (av-viz-zan-dum) Avizandum is the legal term for a judge’s or court’s private consideration of a case before giving judgment. A judge or court makes avizandum when time is needed to consider an argument or submission. [The word comes from the Medieval Latin avizāre to consider]

      aw A variant of a’.

      awa (a-waw) Awa means away.

      away To be away to a place means to go there: I’m away to my work. Away! is used to indicate disbelief or surprise. Away wi ye! is used to indicate contempt for a person or dismissal of what they have said. Someone who is away wi it is very drunk. Away and … is used in many expressions of dismissal: Away and chase yourself!; Away and bile yer heid!

      awfy (aw-fi) or awfu (aw-fa) Awfy means awful: Ah feel awfy. Awfy also means very: He’s awfy untidy.

      aye or ay 1 (eye) Aye means yes: Aye, I’ll be there. 2 (iy) Aye means always or constantly: He’s aye complaining.

      ayeways (iy-ways) Ayeways means always: He’s ayeways got a few cans put by; Ye can ayeways try again later.

      Ayrshire (air-sher or air-shire) Ayrshire is a historic county in Southwest Scotland, on the east coast of the Firth of Clyde. It is now administered by three council areas: North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, and East Ayrshire.

      ba or baw (baw) A ba is a ball.

      babby A babby is a slightly old-fashioned word for a baby.

      bachle (baCH-l) A variant of bauchle.

      back court or back green The back court of a tenement building is the shared paved or grassy area behind it.