Safe Food: What to eat and drink in pregnancy. Rosie Dodds
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Название: Safe Food: What to eat and drink in pregnancy

Автор: Rosie Dodds

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780007399703


СКАЧАТЬ similar nutrients) are found in yellow and orange fruits such as mangoes, apricots, peaches and plums. Green leafy vegetables are rich in beta carotene, as are carrots, pumpkins and tomatoes. Cooked and processed tomatoes, in particular, are considered to be an excellent source of lycopene, another useful antioxidant.

      Antioxidants are important for all of us, whether pregnant or not. A balanced diet, with plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholegrain bread and cereals will provide plenty of antioxidants.

       Vitamin D: the sunlight vitamin

      Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb and use a mineral called calcium. Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. A good intake of calcium is especially important during pregnancy when your baby’s bones and teeth are developing.

      Vitamin D is found in oily fish, such as sardines and mackerel, eggs, milk and other dairy products, and fortified foods such as margarine and breakfast cereals. Vitamin D is also made within our bodies, a process started by sun-light on our skins. People who spend some time out of doors each day, and who eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin D, usually have good stores of the vitamin.

      The UK government recommends that pregnant (and breastfeeding) women should take a supplement of 10μg of vitamin D each day (sometimes written as 10mcg or 10 microgrammes). This is because some women in the UK may not build up adequate stores of vitamin D to meet the extra needs of pregnancy. You may like to talk to your GP about a vitamin D supplement if:


you do not eat milk foods, and other animal foods such as fish and eggs


you do not spend some time out of doors between 11am and 3pm each day (it doesn’t matter if the sun isn’t shining)


you usually cover your arms, legs and head when out of doors


you live in the north of England or in Scotland, where the winter days are short.

       Calcium: a mineral for strong bones and teeth

      Calcium and vitamin D are closely connected because we need vitamin D to help our bones and teeth make use of calcium. Dairy products are the best source of calcium.

      One piece of research suggests that not having enough calcium may mean that some women are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia – but more proof is needed.

       Foods rich in calcium (best first)


milk, yoghurt and hard cheese (soft cheeses, like cottage cheese and cream cheese, also contain calcium – but less than hard cheeses such as parmesan, Cheddar and Double Gloucester)


tinned fish – especially sardines and pilchards (including the soft bones!) and salmon


soya milk and tofu (made from soya) often have calcium added (check the labels – the normal level for cow’s milk is 120mg in 100ml)


foods made using white flour (which is fortified with calcium) – white bread, pizza bases and pastry


spinach and spring greens


chick-peas, kidney beans and tinned baked beans


sesame seeds and almonds


oranges and dried figs

       Zinc: the fertility mineral

      Zinc plays an important part in fertility (getting pregnant) and healthy pregnancy. It is also needed for growth and healing, and for good immunity to infections and disease. Meat, milk foods and seafood are all good sources of zinc. Some experts are concerned that the absorption of zinc by our bodies can be reduced by an excessive amount of fibre in our diets, and by unnecessary iron and folic acid supplements. This is one reason why it is important to consult your GP, midwife or pharmacist before taking any nutritional supplements during pregnancy.

       Foods rich in zinc (best first)


meat – beef, lamb


sardines – especially good for zinc!


cashew nuts, lentils and chick-peas


wholemeal bread


other fish – smoked mackerel and prawns


hard cheese, milk and eggs


baked potatoes


sunflower seeds and peanuts

       Iron: for healthy blood

      Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, a pigment that is found in our red blood cells. Haemoglobin carries oxygen around our bodies. If our red blood cells are not healthy, the transport of oxygen around our bodies may not be good enough. We may begin to feel tired, breathless, dizzy and miserable. These are some of the signs of anaemia.

      Doctors and midwives used to give all pregnant women supplements of iron routinely. We now know that unnecessary iron supplements may interfere with the absorption of other minerals, such as zinc. They may also cause constipation. It is usually better to prevent anaemia by eating more iron-rich foods. Iron supplements are, however, necessary to treat anaemia; your doctor or midwife will advise you as to whether you need an iron supplement.

       Foods rich in iron (best first)