Child Of Slaughter. James Axler
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Название: Child Of Slaughter

Автор: James Axler

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781474036955


СКАЧАТЬ looked bored beyond belief. “Yes, of course. After living here for so long, they are in tune with this place. They have learned how to read it. How to ride it.”

      “Ride it?” Ricky chimed in. “You mean like riding freak spikes punching up from underground?”

      “That is one example,” Union said. “The shifters know what is going to change and when. Then it is a simple matter of being in the right place at the right time.”

      “Must be nice,” Ricky said. “Stand where a rock wall’s about to rise up so you don’t get shot.”

      “Also explains how they got away with Doc,” J.B. stated. “Must’ve ducked down some rabbit hole or other that opened up in the nick of time.”

      Ryan nodded. The past two days were finally starting to make sense. But one question haunted him like the ringing in his ears after a big explosion.

      If the Shift could change at any time, and the shifters knew how to use its changes against outlanders, how could Ryan and his team ever rescue Doc?

      “So what do we do next?” Ryan asked. “What do you recommend?”

      “That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.”

      Ryan hesitated. He hadn’t shown her his cards yet, hadn’t liked or trusted her from the start. But if she might be able to help, maybe the time had come for full disclosure.

      “The shifters took our friend,” he said. “We want him back.”

      Union’s only answer was her usual chilly stare.

      “That’s the only reason we’re still here,” Ryan continued. “We can’t leave him behind.”

      Union narrowed her eyes. “How do you know he isn’t already dead?”

      “We don’t. But if he is, we might be looking for one more thing around here.”

      “Which is?” said Union.

      “Payback.” Ryan nodded curtly. “So are you going to help us or not?”

      Union looked around at the group, turning from one face to the other. When she spoke, her voice was different—brighter and bouncier than before. Her expression changed, too, from a cold stare to a warm smile. “Of course I will help you find your friend.”

      Ryan was caught off guard. Union suddenly seemed like a different person.

      “Perhaps, in turn, you might be able to help me.”

      “In what way?” Ryan frowned as he realized Union’s voice and expression weren’t the only things about her that had changed. Somehow, the single braid that hung from her left temple had changed color from black to chestnut brown.

      “You’ll see soon enough.” Union smiled. “For now, let’s just say we’re traveling in the same direction.”

      “What direction is that?” asked Krysty, who’d appeared at Ryan’s side.

      “Over there.” Union pointed where they’d been headed before the latest attack, along the lava channel. “That way.”

      “What in that direction?” Jak asked. “More shifters?”

      “Oh, I’m sure of it.”

      “Why that? Mebbe you and shifters friends?”

      “Never,” Union stated. “But I know what’s in that direction, and I’m sure it’s the same thing they’re heading for.”

      “So what is this thing you’re trying to reach?” Mildred asked.

      “The core of the Shift,” Union replied. “If your Doc is still alive, you can bet the shifters are taking him there.”

      “So what happens when they get him there?” Ricky asked.

      “That I don’t know. But it won’t be anything good. The shifters are a nasty bunch.”

      “This core,” Ryan said. “Can you get us there? Can you guide us to it?”

      “Sure.” Union smiled at each member of the team in turn. “You seem like good people. If we watch one another’s backs, we might be able to get where we’re going.”

      “Might?” Jak scowled. “Not sound very sure of self.”

      “Here’s the thing.” Union winced. “A lot can happen between here and the core.”

      “Can’t be worse than what’s happened so far,” J.B. said.

      “Actually, it can. The Shift becomes more active the closer you get to the core.”

      “Why is that?” Mildred asked.

      “Because the core is the source. It’s what causes the changes in the Shift in the first place.”

      Ryan stared at her. He still had the feeling he was talking to someone else entirely. “How do you know so much about this core? Have you been there?”

      Union smiled, but it didn’t last. As Ryan watched, her expression turned grim and stiff; all warmth fled from her pale gray eyes.

      Not only that, but the color of her single braid slowly changed from chestnut brown to black.

      It was as if she had reverted to her original self, the one whom Ryan had first met in battle. She gazed at him with that same disdain as before, and he wondered if she would likewise go back to not answering his questions.

      Surprisingly, she did not. “I lived there once.” She looked down at the ground. “I have been broken ever since.”

      “And you’re going back… Why?” Ryan wanted to know.

      When Union looked up, her eyes were narrowed, her face seething with intense emotion. “To fix myself,” she told him. “To put my life back together again.”

      With that, she put her hand on the longblaster at her hip and marched away, storming off in the direction she’d identified as that of the core of the Shift.

      For a moment, Ryan and his team just watched her go. She’d given them a lot to chew on and left even more mysteries for them to consider.

      “So.” J.B. took off his spectacles, blew on them and cleaned them with the hem of his shirt. “None of us has any better ideas, do we? Other than following her, I mean.”

      No one said a word until Ryan spoke up. “I don’t like her and I don’t trust her, but she’s all we’ve got.” The one-eyed man shook his head. “I hate to say it, but she might be Doc’s only hope.”

      “Crazy woman,” Jak said. “One minute one way, next minute different way.”

      “Yeah,” Ricky agreed. “Kind of like the Shift, huh?”

      “She said the shifter muties СКАЧАТЬ