Captivating Witness. Melinda Lorenzo Di
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Название: Captivating Witness

Автор: Melinda Lorenzo Di

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781474063210



      “We’re safe here at the cabin. Doors are locked, alarm is set and I’m not on anyone’s radar. You can still call your friend and give your excuse retroactively.”

      She exhaled, then slid back onto the bed—closer to him, but not quite touching—and held out her hand for the phone. “I’ll send a text.”

      Brayden handed over the slim device. “I’ll make some coffee.”

      She waited until he’d left the room before keying in the number for her best friend—whose family leased another shop from Garibaldi—and typing, Hi, Jaz. It’s Reggie. U up?

      She knew before even asking that her friend would be awake. With a newborn in the house, sleep was an elusive thing for the other woman. The reply came through a few seconds later, confirming it.

      Ugh. Baby’s been awake since five. Whose phone is this?

      Reggie winced. She hadn’t thought of an explanation for that. She decided to ignore the question for a moment.

      I had such a headache last night, she wrote, feeling a little guilty at the fabrication. Crashed before the fireworks even started.

      Hope ur not getting that flu that your staff has had.

      I think it’s just a migraine. But I’m gonna rest for a while longer, just to be sure.

      U still coming to the fair?

      As long as it turns out to be just a headache. Can u let the right people know that I’ll still be there? Don’t want anyone to think I’m not coming.

      Yeah. Sure. What about work?

      I’ll get one of the girls to cover my lunch rush.

      Good plan. Do u need me to bring u anything right now?

      Reggie’s guilt slipped away at the thought that her friend might insist.

      She punched in a quick reply. Thanks, but no. If I do turn out to be sick, I don’t want to share.

      Good point. But u sure u don’t want soup or something?

      Yep. Thanks.

      Reggie breathed out, relieved the deception had gone smoothly. But she didn’t get off quite so easily. The phone pinged again. She looked down with a groan.

      One more thing, though... Jaz had written.



      Reggie sighed. Left mine at work. Borrowed one.

      There was pause. At seven in the morning? Another pause. Omg. A third pause. U MET A MAN!

      She debated lying. She hadn’t met a man in the sense that Jaz meant. At least...not really.

      Her gaze lifted from the phone in her hands to the slightly ajar door. On the other side, she could vaguely hear the sound of dishes clattering, and what she thought was the soft hum of music. And a vision of Brayden making breakfast while he sang along to some oldie pop song filled her head. It made her smile before the buzz of the cell phone jerked her back to the moment.

      How did u meet him? her friend wanted to know.

      The question wiped the smile from her face immediately. In spite of how attractive Brayden was, the circumstances were just the opposite. But she couldn’t very well explain any of that to Jaz.

      I didn’t meet a man. I borrowed a phone.

      From who?

      Customer at the diner. Close enough to the truth.

      Is the customer a man?


      Aha! And aren’t u working at lunch?

      Did I say I was working at the diner right this second?


      I’ve gotta go lie back down.

      Reggie. Seriously.


      U okay?

      Fine. Really.

      Not kidnapped by aliens and forced to send these vague messages that I’m sure are half-truths?

      Reggie smiled. Hardly.

      It was easy to picture the resigned look on Jaz’s face as the next message came through. K. My parents r manning the bouncy castle today. I’ll make sure they tell people ur alive and well.


      Luv u.


      Reggie let the phone rest on her knee, guilt tickling at her again. She wasn’t in the habit of lying to anyone, let alone to her best friend. She hated that this situation necessitated it. And she had a feeling it would get worse before it got better.

      And what about Dad? You’ll have to talk to him soon, too.

      She cringed at the thought of trying to fool him. He was sixty-five, but he was as sharp as ever. Maybe sharper even, with his age. Reggie had never been able to sneak something by him—not as a kid, not as a teenager and definitely not now as an adult.

      She inhaled and straightened her shoulders. The simplest way to avoid having to deceive him would be to figure out what was going on before she had to talk to him. Maybe she could even enlist Brayden’s assistance. He seemed eager enough to help her. And he already knew what was going on and was aware of the danger but didn’t seem too concerned about it. Working together might be the perfect solution.

      “That’s an awfully determined look on your face.” The amusement-laced statement made her jerk her head up.

      She found Brayden standing in the doorway, a tray of food in his hands and an apron tied around his waist. For a second, she forgot what she’d just resolved to ask him. The domestic look somehow suited him and was out of place at the same time, and the result was...good. Better than good. But more complicated words failed Reggie right then.

      Was there anything more seductive than a man who brought her breakfast in bed?

      “Toast?” he offered, then stepped closer.

      As he set the tray on the bed, his scent mingled with the coffee aroma, and the combination made Reggie’s body warm. And it made her stomach growl.

      Brayden laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

      “I haven’t eaten since yesterday at about lunchtime,” Reggie admitted.

      He tipped one of the mug handles her way and lifted a plate. “Don’t be shy.”


      She devoured the first piece СКАЧАТЬ