Hawk's Way: Rebels: The Temporary Groom. Joan Johnston
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Название: Hawk's Way: Rebels: The Temporary Groom

Автор: Joan Johnston

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408953617



      Heaven help him, he had forgotten all about his daughters. He shoved a distracted hand through his hair and huffed out a breath of air. “I’ll be working on the range today. If you need anything…”

      Cherry smiled. “Don’t worry about us, Billy. We’ll manage fine.”

      “All right. So long.”

      He was almost out the door when she called him back.


      He turned and found her standing beside the bed with the sheet draped around her in a way that revealed as much as it covered. “What?” he asked, his voice hoarse from the sudden rush of desire he felt.

      “You didn’t kiss me goodbye.”

      He shook his head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea, Cherry.”

      Before he realized what she had in mind, she closed the few steps between them and lifted her face to him. “I thought a lot about our situation last night, when I couldn’t sleep,” she said earnestly. “And I realized that if we’re going to convince Mrs. Trask that this is a real marriage, we’re going to have to act as much like a happily married couple as possible.

      “Zach always gives Rebecca a kiss goodbye in the morning.” She gave him a winsome smile. “So, pucker up, Mr. Stonecreek, and give me a kiss.”

      She didn’t give him much of a choice. She raised herself on tiptoe and leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

      Billy gathered her in his arms and pulled her close as his mouth opened over hers, taking what he had denied himself only moments before. His hands slid down her naked back, shoving the sheet out of his way. Then he held her buttocks tight against his arousal with one hand while the other caught her nape and slid up to grasp a handful of her hair.

      He took his time kissing her, his tongue thrusting hard and deep, and then slowing for several soft, probing forays, seeking the honey within. She made a moaning sound deep in her throat, and he gave an answering growl of passion.

      When he let her go at last, she gave him a dazed look through half-closed lids, then grabbed at the sheet that had slid down to her waist and pulled it back up to cover herself. He grinned and said, “That was a good idea. I think we’ll keep it up.”

      It took all the willpower he had to turn and walk out the bedroom door.

      Cherry watched Billy go this time without calling him back. She was still quivering from his kiss. She forced her wobbly legs to take one step, and then another, as she headed for the bentwood rocker where she had thrown her robe. She slipped it on and let the sheet drop to the floor.

      She was tying her terry-cloth robe closed when she heard a knock on the door. She hurried to open it and found Billy standing there with his hat on, his hip cocked, and his thumbs in his front pockets.

      “Did you forget something?” she asked.

      Not a thing, Billy realized. He remembered exactly how she had looked in bed. And you look as delicious in that robe as you did in bed. He couldn’t very well tell her he had come back just to look at her again. So he said, “I forgot to say good morning.” He smiled and tipped his hat. “Mornin’, ma’am.”

      Cherry laughed.

      And then, because he was looking for an excuse to spend more time with her, he said, “I wondered if you’d like to join me for a cup of coffee before I leave.”

      “I should get dressed,” Cherry said, tightening the belt on her robe. “The girls will be up soon.”

      “You’re right about that.” Billy searched for something else to say, because otherwise he would have no excuse to linger.

      “By the way, I never got around to telling you, but you’ll need to go grocery shopping today. The ranch has an account at the store in town. I think Harvey Mills already knows we’re married—I doubt there’s anyone in the county who doesn’t know by now—but just in case, I’ll give him a call and tell him to put your name on the account. Feel free to get anything you think we’ll need.”

      It was more than Cherry had heard Billy say at one time since she had met him at the pond. But the words had nothing to do with what he was saying with his eyes. His eyes were eating her alive. Her heart was pumping hard. Her breasts felt full. Her mouth felt dry.

      She cleared her throat and said, “Shopping. Got it. Anything else?”

      “Not unless you’d like that cup of coffee.”

      Cherry slowly shook her head. She had to send him away or she was going to invite him into her room. “I need to shower and dress before the girls wake up. Have a nice day, Billy.”

      “Yeah. I’ll do that.”

      When he didn’t leave, she raised a brow and said, “Is there something else, Billy?”

      “If you want, I can go with you later today to see your family…to explain things.”

      Cherry felt a sense of relief. “Thanks, Billy. I’d like that.”

      “Well. I guess I’d better get started.”

      It took him another moment or two before he moved away from the door. She watched his sexy, loose-limbed amble until he was gone from sight, then scurried up the stairs to the shower.

      However, when she reached the bathroom, it was locked. She would have to wait her turn. She leaned against the wall, a towel over her arm, one bare foot perched atop the other and waited. And waited. The door never opened.

      She leaned her ear against the door, but there was no sound coming from inside. She knocked and said, “Is someone in there?”

      No answer.

      “Raejean? Annie?”


      She walked down the hall to the girls’ bedroom. Their unmade twin beds were empty. She checked the other doors along the hall and found an office and Billy’s bedroom, but no sign of the children.

      “Raejean!” she called loudly. “Annie! If you’re hiding somewhere up here, I want you to come out right now!”


      She crossed back to the bathroom door and listened intently. She thought she heard whispers. She banged on the door. “I know you two are in there. I want you to come out right now.”


      She grabbed the doorknob and yanked on it, then slammed her shoulder against the door as though to break it open. “Open up!”


      Cherry leaned back against the wall and sighed heavily. She hadn’t counted on this sort of misbehavior when she had nobly volunteered to rescue Billy’s daughters from their grandmother’s clutches. Right now, Mrs. Trask was more than welcome to the two of them!

      Cherry smiled. Actually, she had pulled the same trick on one of her СКАЧАТЬ