A Texas Soldier's Christmas. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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Название: A Texas Soldier's Christmas

Автор: Cathy Thacker Gillen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474060479


СКАЧАТЬ without warning, a soft staccato sounded. Was that...?

      Catching her frown of dismay, he confirmed, “It’s raining.”

      Nora gathered Liam in her arms. She looked up at Zane, achingly aware how cozy this all was. How right it felt. And would have been if only Liam were Zane’s baby, too.

      But he wasn’t. The sound of the rain overhead picked up, thundering against the roof. Nora peered outside and frowned. “How are you going to get back to your vehicle?”

      Looping his soiled garments over his arm, Zane shrugged nonchalantly. “I think I can handle a little precipitation. Besides—” he held out the stained fabric of his dress shirt and the T-shirt beneath “—maybe the downpour will help rinse out some of the smell.”

      Nora grinned.

      Only Zane would be able to find the bright side in that.

      Together, they walked downstairs.

      The rain came down even harder. Nora hesitated. Only a heartless woman would send a soldier home on leave out into torrential downpour at one in the morning. Reluctantly, she insisted, “You have to stay.”

      He shook his head stubbornly, shrugged on his damp jacket and turned up the collar against his neck. “I don’t think so.” Zane opened the front door.

      Another wave of guilt and anxiety swept through her. Followed swiftly by a soul-deep emotion that was even harder to rein in. “But...” she protested.

      Their gazes clashed as surely as their wills. His scowl deepening, he said huskily, “You’ll only resent me in the morning.”

      She put out an arm to stop him from shrugging on his jacket. Her hand curled over the flexed muscles of his bicep and she felt a jolt of electricity skitter through her. Face flushing self-consciously, she looked him in the eye, determined to clarify this much. “I didn’t mean in my bed.”

      He regarded her with mounting amusement. Eyes gleaming mischievously, he said, “I didn’t think you meant in your bed.”

      She dropped her hand. “Then...”

      His sensual lips formed a sober line. “I showed up at Laramie Gardens today because I promised Miss Mim and Miss Sadie and all the guys that I would. It wasn’t because I wanted to annoy you.”

      She fought back a sigh. “You didn’t.”

      He clearly didn’t believe her for one second. “Uh-huh.” Another silence fell, fraught with tension. Gently, he continued, “I came by your office after the last game ended to tell you that.”

      And then he had stayed to rescue her. Lending a hand, showing her all over again what a great guy he was.

      Nora released a wistful breath.

      Why did he have to make everything so simultaneously hard and wonderful? “So now that I have...” He released her, turned, and swung open her front door again. Another blast of wet air flowed in. A sudden yellow zigzag of light filled the sky, followed immediately by a clap of thunder loud enough to make her jump. “I’ll be on my way.” He stepped onto the porch.

      Like heck he would. Feeling very glad he was there, despite herself, she caught his arm, her palm curving around the swell of his bicep and tugged him right back inside. “You’re not going anywhere, soldier. Not in a thunderstorm.”

      He turned to her, his shoulder nudging hers in the process. “There’s no need for you to babysit me,” he insisted.

      Her palm tingling as badly as the rest of her, she dropped her hand.

      Rocking forward on his toes, he hooked his thumbs in the denim loops on either side of his fly. “I’ll wait out the worst of it on the porch. Then go.” Their eyes met and held, and another jolt of awareness swept through Nora. Letting her know just how very much she had missed him.

      She hesitated, unsure.

      “I’ll be fine.” His tone was both conciliatory and deadpan. So why was he suddenly looking as if he were thinking of kissing her again? Why was she feeling the same way?

      Nora winced and ducked as another sharp zigzag of electricity lit up the sky and thunder rumbled half a second later. Wow, that was close. Dangerously so.

      A fact that left her no choice.

      She had a duty and responsibility here to maintain his safety, just as he’d done for her half an hour prior.

      Her heart racing, she countered in exasperation, “No, you won’t,” she said.

      He quirked a brow.

      She dragged in a bolstering breath, then stepped closer, determined to try and talk sense into him. “You know how it is in Texas, Zane, particularly this time of year. This storm could go on for hours.” She gave him a long level look. “There is no reason to huddle out here on the porch, never mind risk life and limb, waiting for a reprieve that might not come until dawn. I have a guest room. You can bunk there tonight.” She waved an amiable hand, deciding if she was in, she might as well be all in. At least when it came to reluctantly hosting. “I’ll even wash your pee-soaked shirt.”

      He waved off her offer of aid, then cupped her shoulders warmly. “I can do that if you point me toward the laundry room. You look ready to collapse on your feet.”

      She was.

      “So how about you go on to bed?” he suggested, seemingly oblivious to the way the casual contact was affecting her. With another brief companionable squeeze, he let her go. “I’ll start the washer and close up down here.”

      Had she acted too hastily? Could they still actually be friends?

      Savoring the possibility, she reluctantly gave in. “Okay. Thanks.”

      He nodded at her, like the Texas gentleman he’d been raised to be. “See you in the morning.”

      His innate gallantry brought forth another slew of memories. Time seemed to be suspended. Suddenly it was just the two of them again, their only duty and responsibility to each other.

      Her heart racing, she jerked in a steadying breath, inhaling the brisk masculine fragrance of his hair and skin. It had been hours since he had shaved, and the stubble of new beard on his jaw only enhanced his raw sex appeal. “You know which one the guest room is?”

      He cocked a brow, his gaze drifting over her lazily. “The one on the other side of the nursery, with the silver comforter on the bed?”

      Trying not to wonder if his mind was traveling down the same forbidden paths as her own, Nora smiled. They were both adults. They could handle this.

      “That’s the one,” she confirmed lightly. “There are towels, washcloths and soap in the hall bath, extra toothbrushes and toothpaste, if you need that.”

      Thunder roiled, even louder.

      He nodded again. “Thanks.”

      She felt him watching her as she headed upstairs, realizing that despite everything, even when they were СКАЧАТЬ