Trusting The Cowboy. Carolyne Aarsen
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Название: Trusting The Cowboy

Автор: Carolyne Aarsen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474056137


СКАЧАТЬ Forsythe, Drake’s secretary, pounded on her keyboard, glowering through her cat’s-eye glasses at the computer screen. The overhead light burnished the copper of her hair, making it look even brassier than the fake color everyone knew it to be.

      “Hey, Vic, you handsome cowboy, you.” Jane tugged off her reading glasses and tossed them on a pile of papers that threatened to topple. “Drake will be right with you.” She angled her head to look past him to where Lauren sat, then leaned forward, her hand cupping her mouth. “He has to see her first.” Jane put emphasis on the her as if Lauren were some strange species of woman.

      “That’s fine. I’m early,” Vic said. “But let him know I’m here.” He took a chair along the other wall. There were two empty ones on either side of Lauren, but he felt more comfortable giving himself some distance.

      Besides, he had a better view of Lauren from this angle.

      “Always so responsible,” Jane said approvingly, slipping her glasses on. “How’s your mother?”

      “She has her days. It’s been hard.”

      “Losing a parent can be difficult,” Jane said. She looked past him again at Lauren. Vic guessed from the way the secretary scrunched up her face in sympathy, she was getting ready to take a stab at distracting Lauren from her work. “And how are you doing, Miss McCauley? It’s only been a few months since your own father died. Vic here lost his father, too, about four months ago. You two could compare notes.”

      Vic forced himself not to roll his eyes. Jane had a good heart and meant well, but for the secretary of a lawyer she was completely unaware of personal privacy and space.

      Lauren’s gaze rested on Jane, then shifted to Vic, her eyes a soft gray blue fringed with thick lashes.

      “You’re Vic Moore, aren’t you?”

      “Yes, I am,” he said. “I rent your father’s ranch.”

      “I thought Rusty Granger did.”

      “Not for the past three years.”

      Vic wasn’t surprised Lauren didn’t know that. After her parents’ divorce, when Lauren was about nine, she and her sisters had lived for ten months of the year with their grandmother in Knoxville. Two years later, after their mother died, they came to the ranch for the summer to visit their father. But when Lauren turned eighteen, she and her twin sister, Erin, stopped coming. The last time he remembered seeing Lauren here was maybe four years ago, and then only for a few days.

      Their younger sister, Jodie, ducked out of her last visit when she was seventeen and never came back at all. She had returned a couple of months ago, to fulfill the terms of their father’s will, and was now living here permanently.

      Everything he knew about Lauren, Vic had learned over time while working with Keith McCauley on his ranch as well as the occasional coffee-shop chitchat at the Grill and Chill, Saddlebank’s local restaurant. Though chitchat was the wrong thing to call the steady litany of complaints Keith leveled at anyone who would listen about life, the government, the lax sheriff’s department and his wayward daughters.

      The rest he’d learned recently from Lauren’s sister Jodie, now engaged to Vic’s good friend Finn Hicks. He knew Lauren worked as an accountant. That she was single and dedicated to her career.

      Still not his type.

      “I shouldn’t be surprised Rusty isn’t renting it anymore,” Lauren said, giving him a polite smile and closing her laptop. Either she had finished whatever it was she was working on or she had given up. “My father never particularly cared for him.”

      Vic held his tongue. Keith hadn’t cared for too many people, so Vic had handled the man carefully. Vic and Keith had had a lease-to-own agreement for Vic to buy Keith’s ranch.

      Vic wanted to ask Lauren more about her plans. He knew that she was here to satisfy the terms of her father’s will, as well. Her sister Jodie, who was coming to the end of her obligation, had told him all about the conditions their father had put on the girls inheriting the ranch.

      Two of the three girls had to stay at the ranch for two months each before all three of them could make a final decision.

      He’d spoken to Jodie about his deal with her father. But all she could tell him was that she’d have to defer to Lauren’s wishes, and all she knew was that Lauren was agreeable to selling.

      But he wasn’t about to bring that up now. He still had a couple of months.

      “I heard you’ll be staying at your father’s place while you’re here,” he said. “Jodie was excited to see you.”

      “Yes. Jodie said she got my old room ready. I’m headed there next.”

      “Is Erin coming back?”

      Lauren shook her head. “If I stay the two months, she won’t have to, and Jodie and I will make the final decision on what to do with the ranch.”

      She didn’t seem to know anything about the deal he’d made with her father, either.

      Her cell phone rang and she pulled it out of her purse.

      She turned away from him, speaking in a low voice, and he tried not to listen. However, in the small room, it was hard not to. The man on the other end had a loud voice and Vic heard snatches of conversation.

      “I’m at the lawyer’s office...I can’t make a final decision until I speak to him...Of course I’m leaving after my time is done. I’ve no intention of sticking around.” She pressed her lips together and fingered a strand of hair away from her face. “Your offer is fantastic, but I need to talk to my sisters first, but yes, I think you’ll get it.”

      A chill slid through his veins.

      Was she talking about the ranch?

      He swallowed down a knot as she spoke again.

      “Come down in a week or so and I can show you the ranch. That’s all I can say for now...fine...see you then.” She ended the call, a frown creasing the perfection of her forehead. Then she dropped the phone in her purse.

      The room felt short of air as the reality of what she was talking about sank in.

      “Was that a buyer for the ranch?” he blurted out before he could stop himself.

      Her look of surprise clearly showed him what she thought of what he had just done. But it didn’t matter. It was out there now.

      “Actually, yes. It was.”

      “But I had a purchase deal with your father,” he said, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice. “That’s why I was renting it.”

      She lifted her chin, her hands folded primly on her laptop. “Jodie mentioned your situation to me, but we could find no paperwork substantiating your claim.”

      “Your father told me he’d taken care of it.” Vic remembered discussing this with Keith after his cancer diagnosis, knowing that they needed to get something in writing to protect their agreement. Keith had promised him he was putting his affairs in order. That he’d written something out for him and signed it.