The Lawman's Secret Son. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: The Lawman's Secret Son

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474064965


СКАЧАТЬ been there before. She thanked the Lord for that and prayed Jack would always feel safe and loved.

      “Seth, I’m going to help Jack brush his teeth. Why don’t you get the bed ready?”

      “Right.” He disappeared down the hall.

      A few moments later Carrie took Jack’s hand and walked him toward the master bedroom. Seth was seated on the edge of the bed, covers folded back and a smile on his face. A brown-and-white stuffed dog waited on the pillow. Jack let go of Carrie’s hand and hurried forward.

      “Leo.” He took the stuffed toy and held it to his chest.

      Seth frowned. Carrie hastened to explain. “It looks like my dog, Leo.”

      “You mean that little fuzzy rodent I see in your yard?”

      Carrie sent him a disapproving glare. “What are you going to name your dog, Jack?”

      The child thought for a moment. “Barky.”

      Seth nodded in approval as he tucked the covers around the small body and ran a gentle hand over the little head. “That’s a super name. Ready to say your prayers?” Jack shrugged his shoulders. “We’ll make this first one short.” He folded the boy’s hands together and a said a quick blessing.

      The gesture caught Carrie off guard. She hadn’t expected Seth to be a man of faith. Something inside her shifted, leaving an odd, uncomfortable tightening in her chest.

      “Amen. See you in the morning, Jack.”

      “Pop? You won’t go away?”

      Carrie’s throat constricted and she could see the tendons in Seth’s neck flex with emotion. “No, Jack. I’ll be right here when you wake up. Promise.”

      Reassured, Jack was asleep before they stepped out of the room.

      As if having the same thought, they turned at the door to watch the small boy in the big bed as he slept.

      Seth rested a hand against the door frame. “He looks so small.”

      “You should have seen him in the tub.” She wrapped her arms around her waist in a vain attempt to quell the sadness inside. “Without his clothes, he’s just skin and bones. It broke my heart.”

      “I know. I can’t believe someone just dumped him on your porch and walked away.”

      “It happens all too often.”

      “You sound like you have experience in these matters.”

      Carrie glanced at Seth and saw the curiosity in his eyes, along with a hint of concern that warmed her. “I’m studying toward my degree in social work. There are too many children who get lost in the system. They need an advocate.”

      One corner of his mouth lifted, revealing a charming crease in his cheek. “Well, from what I’ve seen tonight, you’ll make an excellent one.”

      His compliment brought a rush of heat to her face. She never knew how to respond when people said nice things to her, but the smile he’d given her had kicked her pulse rate up a few notches. One of the first things she’d noticed about him was his knock-you-to-your-knees smile. He had two deep creases, like elongated dimples, on either side of his mouth, and they flashed whenever he spoke. It was a fascinating face, one she could watch for hours.

      She stopped her wayward thoughts and glanced back at the sleeping boy to collect herself. Seth shifted beside her, sending a whiff of tangy aftershave in her direction.

      “Contrary to what you might think, I would never abandon a child of mine. If I’d known about Jack, I would have fought to be part of his life.”

      She wanted to believe that. She wanted to believe that her first impression of him was the correct one. That he was a nice guy, a man of character. But how did she know for certain? Those kind of men had been absent in her life. It was easier and safer to lump them all into one negative category.

      Seth must have read the doubt and confusion in her eyes. He touched her arm lightly, and the contact sent a rush of warmth along her skin, awakening another layer of awareness of the man beside her. At five feet five inches, she wasn’t short, but Seth’s six-foot height and solid build made her feel petite. The kindness in his eyes wrapped around her like a gentle hug.

      “I’ll take good care of Jack. You don’t need to worry. We both care about the little guy and want what’s best for him. But it’s going to take some time to sort this out.”

      His words eased some of her concern. “I know. I just don’t want him to feel alone.”

      “He won’t. I’ll be with him until we get to the bottom of this. And he has you and Leo right next door.”

      She wasn’t sure that was a good thing. In a few short hours she’d become entangled with the little boy and drawn into Seth’s life. She turned her attention back to the bed. They stood at the bedroom door watching Jack sleep, both reluctant to leave him alone. Carrie knew she should not get involved in this situation, but that resolve had already started to crumble.

      “What if you can’t find her?” She hated to think of what kind of future the child might face if that happened.

      Seth sighed. “Let’s not borrow trouble. For now let’s make our little guy happy while we look for answers.”

      Our little guy. Their mutual affection for Jack and their desire to help him had bonded them whether she liked it or not. For the immediate future, they were his advocates. She looked into Seth’s eyes and thought she read the same strength and determination there that was inside her. It would be nice to have a partner, someone equally dedicated to the cause.

      A small chamber of her heart clicked open, as if suddenly unlocked after years of neglect. She fought back the swell of attraction and the need for connection swirling inside. She couldn’t afford to depend on anyone, not even a man as handsome and kind as Seth. There was too much at stake in her life right now. The pressure in her chest increased, forcing her to take quick breaths. She had to get out of there. Away from Seth. She needed space and time to think.

      “I’d better go.” She hurried to the living room, but stopped at the front door when Seth called her name.

      “You want me to check with you in the morning and let you know how Jack slept?”

      No. She wanted out of this situation. A memory of Jack scared and abandoned on her porch tapped into her deep need to help. How could she refuse now that she’d become attached to the little guy? “Yes. That would be nice.” With one last look at Seth, she forced herself to walk away, hurrying across the yard and not stopping until she was safely inside her home.

      Curled up on her bed, she took a few deep breaths to calm her anxious mind. Leo hopped up and settled into her lap, and she buried her fingers in the soft, thick fur. Petting Leo always calmed her down. Too bad he couldn’t teach her to be stronger in her convictions.

      When would she learn to listen to that warning voice inside when it spoke? She’d told herself not to get involved with Jack’s situation. She’d heard the warning bells before she’d stepped inside Seth’s home and again when he’d called and asked for her help. But she couldn’t СКАЧАТЬ