Fortune's Prince Charming. Nancy Thompson Robards
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Название: Fortune's Prince Charming

Автор: Nancy Thompson Robards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474041041


СКАЧАТЬ He’d arrived at his father, Orlando Mendoza’s, house around eleven o’clock, spent the night and had made it to the team-building retreat as everyone was finishing breakfast.

      His coworkers had boarded a bus at the office just after noon the day before and had spent the night in Cowboy Country’s Cowboy Condos. Joaquin had been relieved when Steffi-Anne hadn’t hassled him about skipping the overnight portion of the trip. Sometimes the woman could be bossy and just this side of relentless, but at least she seemed to know when to back off and recognize that he was meeting her in the middle.

      Inside the park’s gates, he made his way down Cowboy Country’s Main Street, past the old-fashioned restaurants and themed refreshment stands and gift shops. As he approached a rough-hewn wooden gate indicated on the map that Steffi-Anne had provided with the invitation, he heard gunshots and a loud round of whooping and hollering. About twenty yards down Main Street, a couple of cowboys, one dressed in white from his hat to his boots, the other clad in all black, tumbled out of the saloon, the doors swinging behind them.

      “That’s the Main Street Shootout show,” said a park attendant who was dressed like a cowgirl and standing at the gates. “Right on schedule. Feel free to get closer if you’d like, but I must warn you, partner, they take innocent bystanders hostage from time to time.”

      He wondered if everyone who worked here had to stay in character day in and day out.

      “Actually, I’m here for the Robinson Tech event. According to this map, I’m supposed to meet someone here who will point me in the direction of the Sagebrush Pavilion. Am I in the right place? Are you the person?”

      “You certainly are and I certainly am. May I see your invitation, please? And I will direct you the rest of the way.”

      He scrolled up on his smartphone to the invite page and handed it to the woman. Finding it satisfactory, she handed him a map of the park that had his route sketched out with arrows. She opened the gate and ushered him through.

      “Just follow the map and it will take you where you need to go. The Sagebrush Pavilion is right behind the executive office buildings. You can’t miss it.”

      She shut the gate behind him and he was transported from the nineteenth-century cowboy town to the more modern backstage area. There, people not in costume went in and out of flat-roofed white buildings that looked like the portables that had served as extra classrooms when he was in elementary school.

      In the distance he could still see the top of a huge roller coaster and hear the delighted screams of revelers as it turned a cart full of people upside down on a loop-de-loop.

      Better them than me, he thought.

      Then again, even though he hated roller coasters, maybe he would rather be upended on a theme-park ride than jump through the hoops of team-building exercises.

      He hated rah-rah sessions like this. The forced proximity to coworkers with whom he had nothing in common had him grinding his teeth. Did retreats like this really work? Did people really grow closer after being strong-armed into mandatory fun and games?

      Steffi-Anne had organized a full day of obligatory amusement for the Robinson Tech crew. She’d provided him with a schedule when he’d changed his RSVP to yes on the condition that he was released from the bus ride and overnight portion of the program. Actually, she’d thrown him a bonus when she’d told him he could arrive after breakfast because it was only provided to those who were staying in the Cowboy Condos. He certainly hadn’t argued.

      His dad had been glad to see him, even if it had been late when Joaquin had rolled in. They’d chatted for a few minutes before making plans to meet for dinner tonight at the Coyote Steak House just outside the Cowboy Country main gates. By that time, his coworkers would be on the bus and headed for home.

      Cowboy Country was probably a fun place, but it was quite a haul from Austin. He wondered why Gerald had chosen it for the retreat.

      He thought about what Zoe had told him about her father’s possible Fortune connection. Since Horseback Hollow was full of Fortune family members, it really didn’t make sense that Gerald would agree to have the event here if he had anything to hide. Then again, the boss probably hadn’t coordinated the event, and if the Fortune connection bothered Gerald, he probably wouldn’t have hired him, either, given his own ties to the family. In addition to Cisco marrying into the family, his father was involved with Josephine Fortune Chesterfield. In fact, she would be joining them for dinner this evening. She was a wonderful woman and since his father seemed pretty serious about her, Joaquin was eager to get to know her.

      However he also had some things he wanted to discuss with his father. Matters he had pushed under the rug for far too long. Funny, Zoe’s confiding in him had actually brought his own family issues to the forefront.

      What was behind his father’s decades-long estrangement with his brother Esteban? Joaquin had a sneaking suspicion he knew. And it was high time everything was brought out into the open. Because if Joaquin was right, his father’s alienation from Uncle Esteban was an issue that stretched further than a simple disagreement between the two of them.

      Joaquin passed a group of modern-looking buildings and took a left at the last one. As he headed to the secluded area where the theme park hosted large groups for private events, he caught a glimpse of Gerald Robinson walking alongside one of the white buildings. It was odd that a CEO would attend a function like this, but Zoe had mentioned that her dad had meetings with Cowboy Country executives. Joaquin quickened his pace in an effort to catch up with him. It wouldn’t hurt to say hello to the man who signed his paycheck and to let him see that he could be a team player.

      Austin was growing on him. He liked how progressive the city was and he loved the creative freedom that Robinson Tech afforded him. If they had a permanent place for him, he wouldn’t mind considering one once he completed the temporary project.

      Gerald was just far enough ahead of him that he ducked into a building with a sign that read Guest Kitchen before Joaquin could catch up with him.

      Joaquin veered from his path to stick his head in the door for a quick “good morning.” It was a rare opportunity to get Gerald Robinson alone and probably in a good mood since he was away from the office at an amusement park, strengthening his team. Although Joaquin wanted to believe the boss hated events like this as much as he did.

      That’s why it paid to be the boss. You didn’t necessarily have to practice what you preached. This might be a good time to ask him about specifics about the software he was writing for Robinson.

      Joaquin pulled open the door and was hit by a blast of cool air. He blinked. First, to allow his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light, then out of surprise, because at the far end of the room he saw Gerald Robinson kissing a woman who was not his wife, Charlotte.

       Chapter Three

      Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Joaquin silently groused as he walked away. He didn’t get a good look at the petite redhead in Gerald’s arms because she was engulfed by his boss’s large body, and Joaquin certainly didn’t stay around long enough to see if he could identify her.

      He quickly and quietly let himself out the same way he’d entered, hoping like hell that the sound of the door closing didn’t break the couple’s spell and alert them he’d witnessed their tryst.

      Actually, scratch that. On second СКАЧАТЬ