Betting On The Maverick. Cindy Kirk
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Название: Betting On The Maverick

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474002431


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      From the way her eyes flashed and that stubborn chin tilted, it was exactly the wrong thing to say.

      “I’m not moving out.”

      “Well, neither am I,” Brad shot back.

      Natalie grinned, bent over to kiss her mother’s cheek. “I’m almost sorry I have to leave. This is getting interesting.”

      Brad scowled.

      Natalie laughed and wiggled her fingers. “Ciao.”

      The four sat there in silence while the door slammed shut.

      “I’m thinking it might be nice to have a second glass of wine,” Laura offered finally.

      On this point, it seemed, everyone could agree.

       Chapter Six

      “It appears,” Margot said when she and Brad were finally back home and standing in the living room, “we’ve reached a stalemate.”

      “Appears so.” Brad kept a wary eye on Viper. He didn’t trust her any more than he trusted BS.

      “You’re not going anywhere. Neither am I.” She put her hands on her hips, looked him up and down. “We’re going to have to figure out a way to peacefully coexist until my father returns.”

      Though her tone was confident, the look of worry was back, furrowing her brow and darkening her eyes.

      “I’m afraid I don’t have much cash to contribute to running the household, but I’ll pay back what money you spend,” she said when he didn’t respond. “I want to use what money I do have for a private investigator. Someone needs to be actively searching for my father. I can call all his old friends, any family, but I want someone out in the field.”

      “Not necessary,” Brad said.

      “Of course it’s necessary,” Margot said, those almond-shaped eyes now flashing green fire.

      “Paying a PI isn’t necessary,” he clarified, “because I already have one on the case. I told you that when we were riding.”

      For a second she looked confused. “Did you?”

      “How can you not remember?”

      Margot flushed. “The doctor told me cognitive impairment isn’t uncommon after a traumatic brain injury.”

      The fancy words and the look of guilt on her face told him all he needed to know. The injury she’d sustained was more serious than she’d led any of them to believe. “Well, the man I hired is on the job.”

      “You didn’t mention hiring a PI to Russ.”

      “I figure he’ll work harder if he thinks no one else is looking.” Brad shrugged. “Once the guy finds something, I’ll let the sheriff’s office know.”

      “He hasn’t found anything?”

      Brad shook his head. “It’s like your dad vanished into thin air.”

      “He could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere.” She closed her eyes and a few tears slid down her cheeks.

      Without thinking Brad closed the distance between them and pulled her to him. Instead of pushing him away, she buried her face in his shoulder and cried as if her heart would break.

      His shirt was wet by the time she drew a shuddering breath and stepped back.

      “I’m sorry.” With the back of her hand she swiped the last of the tears away, her face now red and splotchy. “I don’t know what got into me.”

      “Don’t worry. Boyd is a tough old bird.” Brad forced a tone filled with more confidence than he felt. “It’d take a lot to bring him down.”

      She lifted her gaze to meet his. “Is that what you really think?”

      He’d have to be the worst kind of jerk to not respond to the bald hope shimmering in her eyes. “That’s what I think.”

      She sniffled and visibly brought herself under control. “Your parents and sister are nice.”

      “They’re okay.”

      “I liked Brandie Sue.”

      He had to smile. “You would.”

      She wiped her eyes and smiled back. “Well, I guess I better go to bed.”

      With any other woman, Brad would have gone for broke and kissed her. But as she’d just cried all over him, making a move now felt as if he’d be taking advantage.

      “Thank you, Brad.”

      Before he quite realized what was happening, she stepped close, plunked her hands on his shoulders and pressed her lips against his. Then she turned and headed up the steps, Viper at her heels.

      “Hey,” he called out just as she reached the top step. “What was that?”

      “That was for not being a jerk.”

      Brad could only stare as she disappeared from sight.

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