The Death Trade. Jack Higgins
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Название: The Death Trade

Автор: Jack Higgins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007532636



      ‘He could be early for a pick-up in one of those Victorian villas on the other side of the road,’ Sara said, and at that moment Farouk got out of the cab in spite of the pouring rain and relieved himself into the bushes.

      Roper went in for a close-up. ‘A large young man in grubby denims and kicking boots, the kind who only shaves his skull, never his face. What’s he doing out there?’

      Dillon shrugged. ‘He could be a hard-rock labourer on some building site. But let’s go and see. Is that all right with you, girl?’

      ‘Absolutely,’ Sara said and led the way out.

      They stood in the porch for a moment, the rain bouncing from the flagstone of the courtyard. ‘God help us, but it’s like Belfast on a wet Saturday night. Even an umbrella won’t do you much good. Let’s see what’s in the cloakroom.’

      There was an ample choice hanging from the pegs in there, and Sara selected a khaki anorak and jungle hat to go with it that was so soft, it crushed in the hand. Dillon helped himself to a military trench coat and an old black trilby hat.

      ‘Will I do?’ he asked.

      ‘If you want to look like a French gangster in one of those old Jean Gabin movies.’

      He smiled wickedly. ‘But that’s exactly what I was hoping for.’

      He took her arm and they ran through the rain to the Mini.

      Abu was in a small car park outside a burger bar on the main road, one of several bikers and truck drivers. He and Farouk had a highly sophisticated device in the left ear that allowed them to communicate with each other, and it was Farouk who used it first.

      ‘The main gate is moving, so I’m getting out of here now. I’ll pull in on the main road.

      ‘Excellent, and I’ll be on your tail unless it turns out to be a false alarm. Remember to switch on your For Hire lights so you look nice and normal.’

      Roper picked up the cab on his security camera the moment it moved and called Dillon on his radio. ‘You’ve got traffic, Sean, take care.’

      On the main road, Farouk had pulled in to the kerb, switching his For Hire lights on, and was immediately approached by a middle-aged couple. He turned them away, saying he was booked, and the Mini flashed by a moment later. He allowed three or four cars to pass before pulling out, and Abu did the same thing so that he hung well back, relying on Farouk to give him a running commentary as to where their quarry was going.

      Meanwhile, Dillon, handling the Mini carefully in the pouring rain, had Roper on the line.

      ‘He’s definitely on your tail, Sean. What do you intend to do about it? Are you sure the cab is the only vehicle you have to contend with?’

      ‘It’s all your security cameras noted. A few cars, the odd van or truck behind, is all. It’s early morning, remember.’

      ‘What about Sara?’

      ‘Just now she’s reloading her Colt .25.’

      ‘Never mind that. What’s going to happen to her?’

      ‘Well, I can’t take her home to Mayfair, because gunfire at this hour in the morning would certainly disturb the neighbours.’

      ‘You could drop her off at the Dorchester?’

      ‘Get real, Giles,’ Sara told him. ‘I’m going where Sean is, so no arguments.’

      ‘I’ll come back to you on that,’ Dillon told him. ‘Just now, I want to try some heavy driving. I’ll leave the radio on so you can monitor.’

      Sara said, ‘Are we aiming for your place?’

      ‘Let’s say the general direction, then I’m going to divert down to the Thames. There are some decaying warehouses on Butler’s Wharf. A couple of cobbled streets, a few alleys, and the warehouses waiting to be knocked down. With development money being in short supply these days, everything is locked up. I often do my early-morning run down there, and I know it well.’

      ‘So what are you suggesting?’

      ‘Bottom of the hill is the big gate into the yard of an old warehouse. It’s been smashed open by someone so you could drive inside.’

      ‘And why would you do that?’

      ‘Because if someone was pursuing you at speed and you swerved into that yard, the only way the cab would have to go would be straight along the wharf. As that collapsed halfway along two years ago, they’d go straight over the end to drop forty foot into the Thames.’

      ‘My God,’ she said. ‘And that’s the best you have to offer? You must be crazy.’

      ‘That’s what everyone says, so let’s get on with it. Driving should be fun, don’t you agree? I’ve had this little beauty for years and it’s been supercharged, which gives you quite a turn of speed, so let’s do it, shall we?’

      He dropped a gear, slammed his foot down, and the engine roared as he swerved out of the tail of traffic and took off. Farouk was caught napping, but only for a moment, then smiled in delight.

      ‘You want to play games, do you? Well, let’s see what you’ve got,’ and he pulled out of what traffic there was and roared after Dillon, leaving Abu far behind.

      Belted in tightly, Sara braced herself with both hands as they swung off the High Street into a network of mean lanes and run-down houses, with lights still on in some of them, Dillon working the wheel and the brake pedal expertly, sliding on cobbles slippery in the rain.

      Farouk, on his tail, was enjoying himself, because this bastard was as good as anyone he had ever raced against and that was meat and drink to him. He drove as he hadn’t driven for years, and Abu, far behind because he’d been totally caught out, was shouting loud in Farouk’s ear, demanding answers.

      ‘He’s broken away,’ Farouk told him. ‘We’re heading down to the Thames. It looks like he’s trying to shake me off in the warren above Butler’s Wharf. I don’t know what he’s playing at, but he’s a hell of a driver.’

      ‘But what would he be trying to do down there?’ Abu called.

      ‘I haven’t the slightest idea,’ Farouk replied.

      ‘Well, take care. This guy is special, I told you.’

      Dillon turned into Butler Walk and slowed, the narrow alley dropping steeply, just the odd streetlight still working, the warehouse below. What was left of the wharf jutted out into the river, lights sparkling on the other side, a couple of tugs moving towards the estuary, lights on.

      Farouk roared in behind him, Dillon glanced sideways at Sara, who braced herself, a fierce look on her face, and nodded. He stamped hard, gunning the engine, and they plunged down, gathering momentum. At the head of the wharf was a single light, and it seemed to rush towards them.

      Farouk followed, giving it everything he had, teeth bared as he shouted, ‘I’ve got you, you bastard.’

      The СКАЧАТЬ