Hotter Than Hell. Cathryn Fox
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Название: Hotter Than Hell

Автор: Cathryn Fox

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408915004




      Hotter Than Hell

      Cathryn Fox

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      Chapter One

      “Am I dead?”

      Jadyn Callahan’s shaky voice echoed all around her, bouncing and reverberating off the long, sunken walls that had suddenly seemed to close in on her, shaping and molding her small frame.

      A long pause and then, “Yeah, baby girl, you’re dead.” The deep, mysterious voice came from the shadows and had her heart pumping like she’d just received a shot of adrenaline.

      Sweat broke out on her body. A lump lodged in her throat. Oh, God, how could this be?

      Jadyn squinted, but could see very little in the hot, narrow cavern. The only visible light was coming from the mouth of the cramped cave a few feet away, just out of her reach. Confused and disoriented, she put her hands out on either side of head, racing her fingertips over the broken and jagged rocks, trying to find her bearings, as she trekked onward toward the light,toward that raspy voice that did lascivious things to her body without even trying—things she couldn’t believe she was feeling under the circumstances.

      The air felt thick, suffocating, and a dry blazing heat—a heat unlike anything she’d ever felt before—enveloped her and practically blistered her skin. Struggling through the discomfort, a survival mechanism she’d learned early on in life, she continued to make her way to the end of the blackened corridor. The pungent scent of hot garbage and rotten eggs reached her nostrils and made her gag. Sulfer. Her exploratory hands trailed cautiously along the stone wall until she came to the scant opening.

      Moments before she stepped through the portal, an ominous feeling curled through her and brought on a shudder. She took a deep, fueling breath and fought to establish her location.

      Where the heck was she and how did she get there?

      She searched her mind and drew on her last memories. After pulling double duty at the emergency room, she’d been driving in her car on her way to her friend’s bachelorette party, and the next thing she knew she’d found herself in some noxious cinder passageway.

      Jesus, she couldn’t be dead, she just couldn’t be. She had too much to do, too much to see, and she was just now getting her life in order. And her sister…her sister needed her. Jadyn’s body stiffened, and her head throbbed as she shook it adamantly, refusing to believe that she was dead, to accept it.

      Ducking, she breached the crevice and poked her head out. Her eyes widened in shock when she glimpsed the hedonistic acts taking place around an enormous glowing fire pit. The hot coal stones gave off an orange luminescence, providing sufficient light for her to see the sprawl of naked, lustful bodies contorted into various sexual positions, shocking even a bold, adventurous woman like herself.

      Jadyn gulped air as she emerged from the tunnel and stepped into what felt like a fiery kiln. Her lungs filled with the chalky, ash residue.

      “Is this hell?” she asked, her voice as shaky as her hands while she waited for that same deep, masculine voice to answer her, unsure if she really wanted to hear his response.

      A moment later, a large body stepped from the shadows and moved in front of her. “Yeah, baby girl, this is hell.”

      There was something eerily familiar about the way he called her “baby girl.” She took a moment to work through the chaos erupting inside her head so she could digest and understand his words. The fact that she’d landed in hell shouldn’t have surprised her, considering her jaded background and all, but nevertheless, since she’d changed her wicked ways, she still held a modicum of hope that she’d go up in glory, instead of down in flames.

      She twisted around to look into the long, black passageway from which she’d just come, fight-or-flight instincts kicking in. Even though she spoke withsurety, she couldn’t keep the tremor from her voice. “I think there’s been a mistake—”

      “There’s no mistake about it, Jadyn.”

      She caught the inflection in his tone when he called her by name. Cocking her head, she stole a glance at him, but his dark eyes were clouded, unreadable, and his mouth was set in a straight line. Pushing down a burst of panic, she drew on calm and logic, the way she would when dealing with an outpatient emergency. “How do I get out of here?” she questioned, striving to keep composed.

      “You don’t.”

      Two large arms circled her and anchored her in place, shocking and exciting her at the same time. Taking her by surprise, his alluring heat whipped through her blood and aroused all her senses. When he cemented her to him, her nipples tightened in painful bliss and her pussy throbbed, clamoring for attention. His attention.

      “What the hell?” she said.

      “Precisely,” he replied and dipped his head. Warm, chocolate-brown eyes with a slight amber glow met her glance. It was that seductive strike of amber that acted like a catalyst to her flesh, sparking and igniting a fire deep in her loins.

      She should be afraid, she knew, but something about his touch intrigued her, comforted her.

      Seduced her.

      “Who are you?” she asked.

      Breaking his tenuous grip, she inched back slightly. She let her glance race over him, taking note of the lacerations on his tall, broad frame, the sinewy skin that stretched across his bare chest and the perfectly hewn thigh muscles that hadn’t been sculpted in any gym. Lust prowled through her and pooled in her belly, where need gathered in a ball. Her gaze lingered an extra moment on his skimpy loincloth and the large bulge behind it before moving back to his dark face and hair. Despite his scar-ridden body, the guy looked like a Greek god straight out of Mount Olympus. Except she wasn’t in heaven and this man was no god. He looked dark, damaged and downright sexy. In fact, he looked hotter than hell. Clichéd she knew, but considering her locale, she could actually say it with conviction.

      What the hell had she gotten herself into?

      The tall Adonis before her gestured with a nod. Following his lead, Jadyn angled her chin to see a man—if one could call him that—seated in a large, uncomfortable-looking stone chair overlooking the libidinous activities, four virile warriors flanking him. A tremor moved through her and her throat dried from trepidation. She chanced another glance and noted that his horned head seemed too large for his body, and his hoofed feet tapped restlessly, as though fighting a deep-seated boredom.

      The sexy voice at her ear pulled her back. “I’m Gage, servant of our Master Lucifer and guide to you until he claims you.”

       Our Master.

      Her stomach lurched and in a deceptively calm tone she said, “Define claim.” She took the opportunity to glance down at her clothes, which consisted of nothing more than a chamois cloth covering only the bare essentials. What the heck…?

      He paused, as though weighing his words carefully, and then said, “You’ll find out soon СКАЧАТЬ