A Memory Away. Melinda Curtis
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Название: A Memory Away

Автор: Melinda Curtis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474047142


СКАЧАТЬ in the air between them, pressing her back as if he’d pushed her.

      Snatches of images. Smiles and laughter. Tender touches and endearing words. She couldn’t believe Duffy’s opinion of Greg. Still, doubt crept up her throat, closing it off.

      “Greg took all your money, didn’t he?”

      So much weariness in his tone.

      It weighed on Jess. She’d felt burdened for so long, she wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

      It couldn’t have been Greg who’d taken her money. There’d been love between them. She just knew it. Every time she began to question it, a feeling of love would rise up. That feeling was conspicuously absent today. “I can’t prove he took anything.”

      “Fess up. There’s something missing.” His gaze probed for the truth, but there was a reluctant slant to his eyes, as if he didn’t want to know.

      I’m so sorry, Baby. Jessica’s hand drifted to her stomach. “The only thing I know is that a week before the accident, my bank account was drained.”

      “He did it.” Duffy was maddeningly certain.

      Jessica shook her head when instead she wanted to shake him. “I can’t be certain of that.”

      “I am. I know my brother better than anyone.” His lips pinched upward at the corners, so tense she wouldn’t have called it a smile. “Twins, remember?”

      She didn’t want to believe him. There were the recently remembered smiles and kisses.

      Duffy stood. His gaze cut toward the door. His feet pointed that way, as well. “Sorry about the memory thing, but I need to get back to work.”

      She should never have gotten her hopes up. She should have accepted that the father of her baby was gone and his family wouldn’t want anything to do with her. Being unwanted was her reality.

      But something inside of her wouldn’t settle. Not this time. “Wait. Can I see you again?” At his frown, she rushed on. “I’ve recovered quite a bit today just by listening to you talk. For five months, I’ve had nothing.” Desperation seized her and squeezed. “Please. It’s important to me that I remember.”

      His jaw worked. He didn’t look at Jess. Clearly, he didn’t want to see her again and be reminded of Greg. But his hesitation meant he wasn’t as cold and uncaring as he might want her to believe. That perhaps somewhere in that closed-off heart of his were memories of Greg he cherished.

      Above them, the ceiling creaked.

      “There’s no point.” But he didn’t leave or ask her to go.

      Hope flooded her chest. “There is. There’s every point. Up until today, I couldn’t remember how I got pregnant. If I’d been abandoned by my husband or raped...” Steady, girl. She squared her shoulders. “I grew up without knowing my father, not even his name. All I’m asking for is a little of your time.”

      “I know I’m going to regret this—”

      “You won’t.” Jessica gathered her things, anxious to leave before he changed his mind.

      “Come back Saturday at six. There’s a restaurant in town, El Rosal. I’ll be having dinner there.” She wasn’t entirely sure she’d heard him because it sounded as if he’d added the words Whether you’re there or not.


      THE ONLY THING worse than finding out your brother had left a bun in the oven? Duffy’s new boss hearing all about it. At least Ryan, the assistant winemaker, was off today.

      “Sorry for the lack of privacy. That was pretty heavy.” Christine stood in the doorway between the tasting room and the kitchen. “How are you doing?”

      Duffy shrugged, watching Jessica walk to her car with carefully measured steps. She tugged the ends of her jacket, trying unsuccessfully to wrap them around her belly, hunching her shoulders against the cold.

      So frail. So fragile. Duffy wanted to believe her.

      She didn’t remember Greg? How was that possible?

      Christine came to stand next to him. “I’m not sure how I’d react to knowing I was going to have a niece or nephew soon.”

      I’m going to be an uncle.

      Duffy hadn’t processed Jessica’s news in that light. He’d been blindsided by her presence and her pregnancy and her claims of amnesia. He supposed that as the child’s uncle, he had a responsibility—to be a fatherly influence since Greg wasn’t around, to teach the little tyke how to throw a ball and swing a bat, to make sure the kid had some money socked away for college.


      Recently buried worries resurfaced in his gut, sour and unpleasant.

      After Greg swindled their parents, Duffy had helped support them. Since Greg’s death, he’d sold and liquidated all his twin’s assets, and given everything to his mom and dad. He’d set them up in a senior living apartment complex, one that could help his mother take care of his wheelchair-bound father. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Duffy’s paycheck was his own. His weekends were his own. His life was his own. All because of the money Greg left behind.

      Did Jessica and her baby deserve a share of Greg’s money?

      Morals dictated he give Jessica something. But what if she was lying? What if she was exactly like Greg?

      Jessica drove away in a dinged and dented four-door sedan. Everything about her said trust me. That’s how he’d felt about Greg, too.

      His gut continued its churning. Duffy couldn’t shake off the feeling of being sucked back into a Greg-induced vortex of financial folly.

      Trust Jessica? Give her money? She claimed she had amnesia. Greg would have told her that was a hard scam to sell. And Greg had been the king of con artists.

      Christine glanced up at him. “You think she’s lying.” It wasn’t a question.

      “You know how when you meet someone you give them the benefit of the doubt? How you trust what they tell you is the truth?”


      “You could never trust a word that came out of my brother’s mouth.” Duffy barely recognized his own voice. It was as thick with emotion as the day he’d learned of Greg’s death. “If she and Greg...”

      “Don’t judge her so quickly,” Christine said. “If only for the baby’s sake.”

      Duffy nodded, but the desire to convict outweighed the compulsion to trust.

      Thankfully, Christine’s work ethic intruded. “You mentioned on the phone that you wanted to show me something.”

      He had. “Let’s take a drive.” He needed a distraction and he needed to show Christine the extent СКАЧАТЬ