What Happens in Vegas…. Kimberly Lang
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Название: What Happens in Vegas…

Автор: Kimberly Lang

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408918227


СКАЧАТЬ details. Graphic ones.” Sabine shook her shoulder. “Spare nothing.”

      Evie pried open her eyes and looked at the clock. After ten. “You lie. The day is not half-over. Wake me in another couple of hours.” She could go back to the dream where she and Nick were swimming in that cove not far from where she grew up on St. Kitts…

      “Evie Harrison, I am dying for details.” Another shake. “Get up or I’ll call Will and tell him you stayed out all night.”

      She didn’t believe Bennie would do such a horrible thing, but…“Fine. I’m up.” She untangled herself from the covers and sat up slowly.

      Sabine giggled as Evie pushed her hair out of her faced and yawned. “You look awful.”

      Bennie, as always, looked like one of Botticelli’s angels: adorable round face, curly blond hair, big blue eyes. Petite, thin and perky, Bennie was the perfect debutante. On the outside, at least. On the inside, she was more trouble than a biker gang at a Sunday School picnic. Sabine—unbeknownst to her family—was what Uncle Marcus would call a Bad Influence. It was why they were such good friends. “Thanks, Bennie. Just what I needed to hear. I feel awful, too.”

      Sabine handed her a bottle of water and eyed her critically. “Good thing I made reservations at the spa. It’ll take them all afternoon just to take care of those bags under your eyes.”

      “Oh, that sounds excellent.” Evie unscrewed the lid and drank deeply. Some of the cobwebs left her mind, and she felt better almost immediately. Nick had warned her that the desert air would dehydrate her. “How was your night? You and Toby have a good time? His name was Toby, right?”

      Bennie smiled angelically. “What Toby lacks in finesse, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm and stamina. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but who needs conversation, anyway?” Bennie nudged her. “If I want to talk, I’ll call you.”

      Evie scrubbed a hand over her face as she laughed. “I’m glad you had a good time.”

      “I am a little achy this morning.” Rolling onto her back, Bennie stretched, then grinned. “But enough about me. I want to know who you hooked up with. I nearly died when I saw your text, and then when I beat you back to the room, I couldn’t believe it. Spill.”

      “His name’s Nick.” A little smile tugged at her mouth.

      Bennie nearly crowed. “I know that smile. Was he that good-looking or just that good?”

      “Both. Tall, dark, drop-dead-oh-my-God gorgeous. Broad shoulders. Great arms, too.” Evie sighed, feeling like a school-girl with a crush.

      Bennie echoed her sigh. “Oh, I love good arms.”

      “I had a fabulous time, though.” Evie scooted to the head of the bed and leaned against the headboard.

      “I can tell.”

      “Not just that.” She tried for a disapproving frown, but Bennie laughed it off. “Well, the sex was fabulous, too, but we danced and talked—”

      “Why on earth would you waste time talking if he was that hot?”

      “Because I like to get to know people a little bit before I get naked with them.”

      Bennie shrugged.

      “So much fun and absolutely no pressure at all to do anything except enjoy myself. Have I mentioned how much I love this town?”

      “I would, too, if I’d hooked up with a hottie like your Nick. Are you going to see him again?”

      She could feel the goofy smile tugging at her cheeks. “He wants to do something again tonight. If you have other plans, that is. Are you seeing Toby again?”

      “Lord, honey, even if I wasn’t, I’d expect you to go with Nick. That’s why you came here, after all.”

      Evie felt her jaw drop. “You think I came to Vegas just to hook up?”

      Sabine was wide-eyed. “Didn’t you?”

      “It wasn’t my primary agenda, no. I wanted to let off a little steam, drink a little, let my hair down and dance.” She raised an eyebrow at Bennie. “I came to Vegas to have a girls’ weekend.”

      “Then I misunderstood. My bad.” Bennie was wonderfully unrepentant. “But now you’ve found someone yummy, so you should make the most of it. And take a few pictures tonight. I wanna see this god who’s got your libido doing the lambada.”

      “I’ll try,” she promised and her stomach growled. She pounced on the distraction eagerly, not really sure she wanted to go into too much more detail with Bennie at this point. She wanted to hug it all to herself for a little while longer. “I’m starved. Is there anything in the minibar besides pretzels?”

      “I took the liberty of ordering brunch. If you can hang on a little longer without falling away to a shadow, it should be here about another twenty minutes or so.” Bennie gave her a once-over. “I’d recommend you use that time to grab a shower and sort out your hair. You really do look a mess.”

      “I do not!”

      Sabine merely raised an eyebrow. “Our first appointment is at twelve-fifteen. I’ve booked the works—massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a detoxifying hydrotherapy bath. What time are you meeting him?”

      “Seven.” Her pulse kicked up at the thought.

      “What are you wearing?”

      Damn, she had no idea what Nick had planned. “Not a clue.”

      “Then we’d better get moving. We may have to shop.”

      “You are an angel, Bennie.” Evie leaned over and kissed her cheek. “What would I do without you?”

      “Based solely on today? Sleep all day, starve and be celibate and inappropriately dressed.” Sabine threw her legs over the side of the bed and started to leave. In the doorway, she paused and turned around. “Hmm, I think I’ll call the spa back and add a wax for you.” She winked.

      In the shower, Evie debated whether she should go tonight. Last night had just happened. The stars or whatever aligned to give her one wonderful night, and she should just leave it at that—a perfect memory. What if tonight didn’t turn out, as well…? Who was she kidding? Tonight would be just as good as last night.

      Although she would like to have a bed this time. She had a bit of a crick in her neck from last night.

      She didn’t even sound like herself. Standing here planning to…This wasn’t like her at all. There was her usual life, and then there was…

      Then there was Nick.

      Bennie was right. She’d needed this. Needed someone like Nick to shake her up a little. Las Vegas had to be the next best thing to heaven.

      Evie turned the tap off. Sabine must’ve been listening for the water to stop, because a second later, her voice drifted through the open door. “Food’s here. And your phone was ringing.”