A Mom For Christmas. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: A Mom For Christmas

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474064064


СКАЧАТЬ had changed between them those last months before graduation. Beth had auditioned for the Forsythe Company but hadn’t made the cut. She was devastated, and he’d done all he could to comfort and encourage her. The incident had drawn them closer together, and Noah had seen a new sparkle in her hazel eyes and a more intimate curve to her lips when she smiled at him. They’d touched more, laughed more and shared longing looks. He’d been certain it was love.

      But he’d been wrong. She’d walked out of his life without so much as a goodbye, leaving him emotionally bleeding and giving him his first lesson in believing in dreams.

      It was only later that he learned a position had opened up with the ballet suddenly, and Beth had gone to New York to pursue her dancing dream. That’s when the truth had hit. Hard. In Beth’s life, dance came first. Always. Friends were easily discarded, like an old pair of toe shoes. Dreams of a future with Beth were just that. Empty dreams. And dreams didn’t come true. It was a lesson he would learn well over the years.

      It was probably good he’d never revealed his heart. Rejecting his friendship had been painful enough. Rejecting his love would have been too humiliating to bear. For the time being, he’d stick to his plan. Avoid Beth at all costs, and when she was gone he could pick up and move forward.

      But how would Beth move forward? Who would help her face the loss of the thing she loved most? An unwanted flicker of protectiveness pinged along his nerves.

      It wasn’t his problem. She’d made her choice, and she would have to adjust to the consequences.

      * * *

      “Please, Daddy, let Miss Beth teach me how to dance. I promise I’ll do my exercises every day.”

      Noah placed the salt and pepper shakers in the cupboard after supper that night. Chloe had talked of nothing else all through the meal. “Just because Miss Beth thinks dancing is a good idea doesn’t mean it is. It could make your injury worse.”

      Silverware clanged as Gram placed it in the dishwasher. “I think it’s a wonderful idea. She needs something to encourage her to do those exercises.”

      Noah shut the cabinet door with more force than necessary. “Chloe is fine. She just needs to do what she’s supposed to.”

      Gram exhaled a puff of air as she glared over her glasses. “I’m supposed to exercise for my arthritis, too, but it’s uncomfortable so I don’t do it. I know it’ll help eventually, but getting to the ‘eventually’ part takes too long. Why don’t you talk to Pete Jones, her physical therapist, and see what he says? Or better yet, have Pete consult with Beth about the pros and cons of letting her dance.”

      “Out of the question.”

      “Honestly.” Gram faced him, a deep scowl on her face. “Would you feel the same if it was anyone other than Beth? I would have thought you’d have gotten over her long ago.”

      “There was nothing to get over. We were friends. It ended. I simply don’t want Chloe getting silly dreams in her head. I want her to have a secure future and a job that will provide a good living. Not something like dancing that could end suddenly or never take off at all.”

      Gram placed the decorative candle back in the center of the breakfast room table. “Like moving to Hollywood and having your own talk show.”

      Noah set the tea pitcher in the fridge and shut the door. “I didn’t say that.”

      “You didn’t have to.” Gram untied her apron and hung it on a peg at the end of the counter. “Have you heard from Yvonne?”

      Noah groaned softly. Another sore subject. His ex-wife and her utter disregard for their child. “Not since she texted Chloe about sending her a plane ticket to come out to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving.”

      “Do you think she’ll follow through?”

      “No. And I’ll have to tell my daughter yet again that her mother is too busy with her career to find time to spend with her.”

      “Maybe having time with Beth and learning to dance would help soften the blow.”

      Noah ground his teeth. “Until Beth packs up and heads back to New York without warning. Chloe doesn’t need another woman in her life pushing her aside when something more exciting comes along.”

      “Are you so sure that’ll happen? Her mother says her ballet career is over.”

      Noah shook his head. “You don’t know Beth the way I do. If she makes up her mind to dance again, then she will. It’s the only thing she really cares about.”

      “That’s understandable. She devoted her life to being a ballerina, and I know how competitive the dance world is. She had to give it one hundred percent of her time and focus to succeed.”

      “No. She had to give up everything and everyone to succeed.” He glanced at his gram, intending to drive home his point, but she was looking back at him with a knowing expression and a glint in her blue eyes as if she’d discovered something delightful.

      “You know, most friendships fade away after school. Why are you still hanging on to this one?”

      “I’m not hanging on. She was a friend I thought I could count on, and she wasn’t. The only thing I can depend on with Beth is that she’ll leave.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Her being back just reminds me that when it comes to women, my judgment is useless.”

      “Oh, I don’t think so.” She sat down. “You’re a lot like your father was. He felt things deeply, but he didn’t express them. He had a tender heart and it was easily wounded. He fell in love with your mother the moment they met. They worked together for two years before he even asked her out. He almost lost her to another guy because he was afraid to share his feelings.”

      “I don’t have feelings. She killed those long ago.”

      “Beth did—or was that Yvonne’s doing?”

      Noah was not having this conversation. “Gram, I love you, but I’m a big boy. I can manage my own life.” He strode from the room, but not before hearing a skeptical huff from his grandmother. She always claimed she knew him better than he knew himself. Unfortunately, she was usually right.

      * * *

      Bethany scrolled through the MLS for Dover and the nearby areas looking for a four-bedroom, two-bath ranch on ten acres. She’d tuned in Christmas music on the radio, and the mellow notes of “White Christmas” filled the air, but keeping her focus was a challenge. After a while the houses all began to look the same. She could never understand how her mother derived so much satisfaction from hunting down homes for sale and finding people to buy them. She printed out a couple of prospects, then stood and walked to the back room to get a fresh glass of sweet tea.

      She was grateful to her mom for paying her to work at Montgomery Real Estate, but she’d have to find something else to do if she stayed in Dover. The thought gouged a channel across her stomach. She didn’t want another job. She wanted to dance. It’s all she’d ever wanted. But if she listened to her doctors and her physical therapist, she wouldn’t be returning to the Forsythe Company. They felt certain with enough recovery time and continued PT she’d be able to dance, but classical ballet was not recommended. It would be too easy to sustain the same injury again.

      Beth СКАЧАТЬ