Romancing the Crown: Kate & Lucas: Under the King's Command / The Prince's Wedding. Justine Davis
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      “Wow.” She rested her fingertips on his chest and leaned closer still. “All the way to Tamir? You must be a really good sailor.”


      Ursula hid her impatience. The hormones that were raging through the kid’s system were starting to shut down his brain. That’s what she was counting on, but not before she got what she wanted out of him. “You know. Tamir. The island that’s nearest to Montebello.”

      “Uh, my mom won’t let me go that far.”

      She flicked her little finger teasingly against his nipple. “Do you always do what your mommy says?”

      His breathing was getting shallow. “The currents are t-tricky. Sometimes the swells can reach ten meters, and my cat’s not—”

      “I would be very, very grateful to get a ride to Tamir.” She rubbed her knee lightly between his thighs. “Very grateful.”

      “I, uh.” He inhaled quickly, beads of sweat popping out on his upper lip. “Oh, geez.”

      “Would you like a sample of my—” she dropped her hand to the front of his swim trunks “—gratitude?”

      He trembled and pushed himself against her hand. His eyes were glazed. “Oh, geez. Oh, geez.”

      “We could meet here at sunset.” She glanced up and down the beach. This cove was practically deserted, except for some kids tossing a Frisbee and a handful of sunbathers. And speaking of a handful, this boy felt about ready to burst. He’d probably never been this close to a real woman, let alone felt one touch him. How tiresome. She squeezed lightly and withdrew her hand. “It can be our secret, hmm?”

      He fumbled for her wrist. “Sure. Whatever you say. Just do that again.”

      It was easy to twist out of his grasp since his palms were so sweaty. Unconcerned with the state she was leaving him in, Ursula turned away, wiping her hand on her thigh. “Later, honey. When we’re on the way to Tamir.”

      Chapter 5

      It was hard to believe that such a change could take place in twenty-four hours, but the quiet office Sam had led Kate to the day before was now a hive of activity.

      Because of the special nature of their assignment, they had been able to bypass the Navy’s usual requisition procedures and had commandeered equipment from every available source. Telephones and a fax machine had been hooked up, along with a row of computers. A printer chugged away in one corner, spewing out maps of the surveillance grid and the course each boat would take. Uniformed men and women, some from the navy, some from the Montebellan police, moved purposefully at their tasks.

      The unconventional fleet was already taking shape. In order to keep the operation from the public, only members of the Montebellan police had been asked for the use of their private vessels. The response from the police had been overwhelming. Offers of everything from cruisers to runabouts to sailboats had been coming in all day. As of twenty minutes ago, the number of boats that had been volunteered would be sufficient to cover the grid.

      There had been no shortage of volunteers from the Navy and the police to help crew the boats. Cruising the picturesque coast of Montebello in search of a lone woman—and being the acting captain of one’s own vessel, no matter how small—was one assignment that had them lining up at the door.

      Communication specialists from both the police and the Navy had set up the radio links, assigning a separate frequency for the boats in each grid and for the nearest Coast Guard or Navy vessel that was cruising offshore. All the frequencies would be monitored at the command post so that reinforcements could be dispatched at any sign of trouble.

      Unless they ran into a major snafu, the first shift should be in place within the hour. They just had to hope that Chambers hadn’t already managed to find a boat.

      Kate was still surprised that Sam had gone along with her suggestion without protest. In her experience, men usually preferred to put their own stamp on an idea before acting on it. She’d run into this time and again during her rise through the ranks and had learned to handle it with calm, steady logic.

      Yet Sam had listened to each of her points and accepted her conclusion without argument. Of all the men she knew, he was one of the most stubborn about getting his way, yet he’d given her credit for having a brain.

      Just because I was more interested in your body than in your mind doesn’t mean I thought you didn’t have one.

      She should have taken offense at his comment the day before, but in all honesty she couldn’t. After all, she knew perfectly well their relationship had been purely about sex. They’d been clear about that from the start. Five years ago, she’d been more interested in his body than in his mind, too.

      Kate glanced over the top of the clipboard she held. Sam was leaning over the shoulder of a young petty officer who was typing furiously at a computer keyboard. The pose flexed Sam’s arms against the short sleeves of his khaki shirt and tightened his pants in a way that outlined his taut buttocks.

      He was six feet two of lean, well-muscled Navy SEAL. Broad shoulders, tapered waist and a set of buns that would get the notice of any woman who had a pulse.

      She shouldn’t be looking, but simply looking wasn’t going to reawaken the pain, was it? The attraction was there, it would always be there, but she wasn’t going to let it screw up her life again. They had reached an understanding yesterday, and they’d managed to function well together for a full day. The emotions that had been stirred up by the incident at the hospital were once more firmly under control. Yes, they were. She could handle this.

      “Lieutenant, I have the meteorological data you requested.”

      Kate quickly yanked her gaze away from Sam’s rear end and focused on the young blond woman in front of her. She glanced at the insignia on her police uniform as she searched for a name. “Thank you, Sergeant Winters.”

      “Here’s a copy of the printout,” the sergeant said, handing Kate a thick stack of papers. “We’ll be getting hourly satellite updates on the major weather systems affecting the region.”

      “Good work. What about forecasting?”

      “I’ve networked my computer with the research station. We’ll have the latest forecasts the moment they’re available.”

      Kate stacked the printout on top of her clipboard. “Excellent.”

      “Would you like me to coordinate the data with Petty Officer Thurlow?”


      “He’s setting up the program for current patterns.” The sergeant nodded toward the young man at the computer keyboard, but her gaze was on Sam. To be more exact, it was on Sam’s butt.

      Kate wasn’t proud of the feeling that went through her. She had no claim on Sam—she’d been crystal clear to both of them on that issue—so she had no right to be annoyed at the woman’s interest. Furthermore, she had just been enjoying the view herself. It would be hypocritical to disapprove when another woman did the same.

      Sam clapped the petty officer on the shoulder and straightened, arching his back in a brief stretch that rippled СКАЧАТЬ