The M.D.'s Unexpected Family. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The M.D.'s Unexpected Family

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474002097


СКАЧАТЬ fixed his gaze on his son. “Your girls adore the runt.”

      At his father’s raised eyebrow and the pointed look that accompanied the comment, Tim lifted his hands, palms out. “One day I’ll get them a pet. Now is not the right time.”

      Tim expected his father to come back with some pithy comment. Instead his expression turned thoughtful. “I’ve found the best things are often those that are unexpected.”

      If his father’s cryptic remark was intended to make Tim reconsider his decision to punt on kitten number four, the play failed. “I’m not changing my mind.”

      He slanted a glance at his mother and found her staring.

      She gestured toward his jeans and white polo, frowning slightly. “What made you decide to dress so casually for your date?”

      Though Suzanne had made it completely clear she thought the whole bachelor-auction-date thing had been a mistake, obviously in her mind that didn’t negate the fact that her son had an image to uphold in the community.

      “It’s Old West Days.” Tim glanced down. “And this isn’t really a date.”

      He didn’t know why he’d added the last part. Actually, this was as close as he’d come to a date in the four years since Caro had passed away. While he may have escorted Jayne Connors—a media specialist at the local high school—to various functions over the years, that was because he and Jayne had an understanding. They’d agreed to fill in as each others’ plus-one when needed.

      “You’re absolutely right. It’s not a date.” His mother’s lips tipped in approval. “In fact, that’s exactly what I told Paula when she called in a panic.”

      Tim knew Paula was Paula Connors, Suzanne’s BFF and Jayne’s mother. The women talked every day. When they weren’t on the phone, they were texting each other. The two friends belonged to the same clubs, volunteered at the hospital and served together on too many-community committees to count.

      He’d have thought the women had more important things to discuss than his personal life, which was nonexistent. “Why does Paula care if it’s a date or not?”

      “Oh, Tim.” His mother clucked her tongue. “She cares because of Jayne. You know she and I still hope the two of you will get together.”

      Tim stifled a groan. He’d walked right into that one. It had been about a year after Caro died that he’d revived his childhood friendship with Jayne. From the start he’d been clear he hadn’t been looking for anything more than friendship. Thankfully, Jayne felt the same way. The only ones who couldn’t seem to get the message were their respective mothers.

      “Jayne and I are friends, Mother.” Tim wished he’d recorded those words so he could simply pull out his phone and push Play each time Suzanne put on her matchmaking hat. The thought of how she’d react to that stunt made him grin.

      “I’m happy you find this so amusing.” Suzanne took a step forward, her compact body rigid and stiff as any soldier. Though only five foot three, she was definitely a force. It was easy to see how she’d been able to keep classes of rowdy fifth graders under control during her years of teaching. “Well, son, let me tell you what I know.”

      His father shot Tim a sympathetic glance before pivoting on his sneakers and retreating around the side of the house.

      “You and Jayne are perfect for each other. She’s a good person. While this Cassidy creature—”

      “Not. One. More. Word.” The steel in Tim’s voice brought his mother up short. He didn’t want to be a hard-ass, but on this matter, he’d brook no argument. Up to this point, he’d tried to ignore his mother’s subtle digs against Cassidy, but he’d had enough. “Cassidy Kaye is a well-respected businesswoman in this community. I won’t allow you to disparage her character.”

      Suzanne blinked. She opened her mouth but when her eyes met his steely ones, she appeared to reconsider and closed it without speaking.

      Seizing the blessed moment of silence, Tim changed the subject. “Are you certain keeping the girls overnight isn’t a problem? I don’t anticipate being out late. I can easily swing by and pick them up.”

      “No, no.” Suzanne waved a dismissive hand, regaining her composure. “They’ve been looking forward to a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa.”

      “Okay, then.” He thought about going inside to tell his daughters goodbye, but knew it wasn’t necessary. This was their second home. “Thanks again.”

      Tim was almost to the car when his mother called his name. He turned, cocked a brow.

      Suzanne hesitated, chewed on her lip. “I hope you have a wonderful evening.”

      Tim accepted the olive branch she’d offered with a smile. “I’m sure I will.”

      * * *

      Cassidy took a bite of the Philly steak pizza and nearly groaned in ecstasy. “Oh-my-gosh.”

      Across from her in the booth, Tim grinned and picked up a slice. “That good, huh?”

      “Positively sinful. Take a bite. You’ll see.” She let the flavors linger on her tongue. Even as she savored, she watched Tim from beneath lowered lashes, eager for his reaction.

      When she’d asked what kind of pizza he liked, he said anything that didn’t have anchovies, while admitting hamburger was a particular favorite.

      She’d nearly grimaced, stopping herself in the nick of time. Hamburger pizza? Boring with a capital B.

      Then she noticed that Perfect Pizza—a popular eatery in downtown Jackson—had added a Philly steak option. She’d immediately known that was the one she wanted them to share on this special night out. He’d been agreeable and it now sat on the table between them, a gooey mass of cheese and perfectly spiced meat.

      “Wow.” Tim’s eyes met hers. “This is good.”

      She shot him a wink. “Told you.”

      As he chewed, he glanced around. Following the direction of his gaze, she took in the dining room area. Even though it was only a few minutes past four, the place was packed.

      “I can’t believe all the people that are here in the middle of the day.” His voice reflected the surprise in his eyes.

      Cassidy decided the man really needed to get out more. Anyone who ate out with any regularity knew Perfect Pizza was always busy. “In an hour it’ll be standing room only.”

      “Good call on coming early.” He took a sip of soda. “Are you going to tell me now what’s on the agenda for the rest of the evening? Or is that still a secret?”

      Cassidy picked up her slice of pizza, her lips slightly curving as she took a bite. Tim was a planner, a busy OB doctor who scheduled his personal life with the same precision he used in his medical practice.

      When she’d told him she’d chosen the Saturday of Old West Days for their date, he’d fished for a detailed outline of the evening. She’d deliberately been vague, hoping the uncertainty would keep his thoughts on the evening...and on her.