Winning the Teacher's Heart. Jean Gordon C.
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Название: Winning the Teacher's Heart

Автор: Jean Gordon C.

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474032056


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      A Hometown Reunion

      Single mom Becca Norton is surprised to discover her high school crush Jared Donnelly is back in town. The motocross champion hasn’t been home in years, but the former bad boy is as gorgeous as she remembers. And his kindness toward her kids melts her heart. But when she learns his true purpose in town is to build a motocross school on land near her home, she has to put on the brakes. Her children’s welfare is her priority, and her former in-laws have made it clear they don’t approve of Jared or his plans. Soon Becca may have to choose between her heart…and her home.

      “Becca, I like you.”

      He didn’t care if he probably sounded like one of her high school students with a mad crush. He had to get it out. “I like spending time with you and your kids.” He stopped himself from telling her how much the remark made by the woman at the soft-serve ice cream stand about what a nice family they made had affected him. That would have been too sappy. “I’d like to spend more time with you.”

      Her shoulders sagged, and he bounced his leg in nervous anticipation.

      “Oh, Jared.”

      A chill went through him. She’s going to shoot me down. He’d had his share of brush-offs, but none of them had felt as crushing as this would.

      “I like you, too.” Her lips curved in a wobbly smile.

      He slid his arm along the back of the couch behind her.

      “It’s too soon.”

      Too soon? It had to be six or seven years since Matt had left her.

      “I’ve been praying for direction in my life, about the kids and the Nortons, about the Zoning Board decision…” Her voice softened. “About you.”

      His throat clogged.

      “The only answer I’ve gotten is ‘give things time.’”

      JEAN C. GORDON’s writing is a natural extension of her love of reading. From that day in first grade when she realized t-h-e was the word the, she’s been reading everything she can put her hands on. Jean and her college-sweetheart husband share a 175-year-old farmhouse in Upstate New York with their daughter and her family. Their son lives nearby. Contact Jean at or PO Box 113, Selkirk, NY 12158.

      Winning the

      Teacher’s Heart

      Jean C. Gordon

      I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

      —Psalms 32:8

      To my editor, Shana Asaro,

      and my critique group BFS for helping me make Winning the Teacher’s Heart the best I could.



       Back Cover Text


       About the Author

       Title Page

       Bible Verse


       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen


       Dear Reader



      “Look out, Paradox Lake. The Donnelly brothers are back in town.”

      Jared Donnelly fist-bumped with his younger brothers. He didn’t know about Connor and Josh, but if things worked out as he planned, he was back in the small Adirondack Mountains town for good.

      “What do you think got into Old Man Miller?” Josh asked.

      Jared studied a spot on the floor between him and Josh. That was a mystery to him, too. Bert Miller, their former neighbor, had unintentionally been a major factor in Jared’s professional success. At least Jared thought it was unintentional, although СКАЧАТЬ