One Night With A Seal: All Out. Tawny Weber
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Название: One Night With A Seal: All Out

Автор: Tawny Weber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474068291


СКАЧАТЬ just accepted Lenny’s tequila challenge, and the offer of the guy’s couch since it meant Zane only had to walk across the street instead of driving, when Kyle sidled up next to him.

      “Dude, Xander is getting a step up on you,” Kyle muttered, adding an elbow to the ribs as emphasis.

      Zane glanced over to see his brother at the bar with the Princess and shrugged.

      “There’s plenty of time,” he said, grabbing his shot glass and toasting Lenny. “And fair’s fair. Xander got there first, it’s his shot.”

      Zane was drinking his.

      But Zane’s thoughts weren’t on the challenge, the reunion or even sexy princesses when he walked out of the bar. Not at closing, as he’d figured, but at half-past ten. Because, apparently, everyone had to work in the morning.

      What the hell?

      Wondering when they’d all gotten so old, he turned into the alley between the bakery and the coffee shop, heading for the stairs that led to Lenny’s place.

      And rammed into a wall.

      A tall, blond, curvaceous wall that cussed like a sailor when her feet went flying out from beneath her.

      “Sorry,” he muttered, making a grab and catching only fabric. He snagged her arm at the last second, holding her there, teetering on high heels.


      His smile spread wide and wicked at the sight of the gorgeous blonde. She looked like a forties movie star with her side-swept bangs, sloe eyes and Cupid’s-bow lips. She didn’t look happy, though.

      Probably because he’d ripped her blouse, leaving her standing in a body-skimming black skirt that hit her shapely knees, stiletto heels and, if the dangling fabric was any indication, a lace demi-cup bra.

      “Hello, gorgeous.”


      “WHAT THE HELL?” Vivian cursed, yanking herself free from the jerk that’d rammed into her.

      One arm pinwheeled as she tried to keep her balance, the other clutching the box of her latest creations close to her chest. For one second, she thought she had a chance as the stiletto heel of her sandal found cement.

      But she was no match for gravity.

      She hit the ground.

      The box hit the air.

      It rained chocolate. Freshly molded confections flew high in the air before gravity brought them down, too. Squealing, Vivian threw out her hands, trying to catch as many as she could from her prone position.

      “Don’t let them—” she huffed “—hit the ground.”

      Groaning as they did just that, Vivian dropped three pieces she’d rescued into her lap, then shoved at the hair curtaining her face. The better to glare as she cursed the man who’d knocked her on her ass.

      That was when she got a good look at him.


      Vivian’s breath caught in her chest. She was pretty sure there was some surprise mixed in there, but mostly what was running through her system was pure lust.

      “Zane? Zane Bennett?”

      “Damn, sorry about that.”

      He didn’t sound sorry, though.

      He didn’t look it, either.

      He looked sexy. So, so sexy.

      Those dark eyes, the chiseled jaw and, oh, baby, that bad-boy smile of his. It was enough to melt what was left of Vivian’s chocolate.

      “Hi,” she breathed as he helped her to her feet. Realizing she sounded—and probably looked—like a wide-eyed groupie, she cleared her throat and found her pride. “It’s great to see you again.”

      “Do we know each other?” he asked, his eyes narrowed as if he were trying to remember where from. Vivian bit her lip instead of answering. She didn’t want him seeing her as Mike’s little sister. Something about that designation had always seemed to make her invisible in the past.

      And invisible was the last thing she wanted to be around Zane.

      So she took a deep breath, thrust out her breasts and offered her sexiest smile.

      “We’ve never actually been introduced,” she said truthfully. “But everyone in town knows who the Bennett brothers are.”

      “Is that so?” he murmured, his voice dropping one sexy decibel.

      “That’s so.” Vivian cocked her hip to one side and lifted one hand to tick them off, one by one. “The Bennett brothers facts. Twins. SEALs. Football heroes reputed to have scored even more off the field than on.”

      His grin widened.

      “The Bennett brothers can never refuse a dare, never back down from a challenge. Xander holds the Little Creek RBI record, but you, Zane, won three pink slips racing your Chevelle on Old Marsh Road. Nobody has ever broken your doughnut-eating record, but one of this year’s graduates got within touching distance of taking Xander’s role as chug-a-lug champ.”

      “As always, our reputation precedes us.” His laugh faded into a wince as he looked at the mess at their feet. “I’ve got to say, this is the first time I’ve plowed into a gorgeous woman so hard that she lost her...” He glanced down again with a frown. “Is that candy?”

      Sexy-lingerie bridal shower candy, as a matter of fact.

      At her silence, he knelt down to help her gather her ruined chocolate. After scooping up a few, he glanced at them and laughed.

      “Is this a bikini top?”

      Actually, it was a bra. It went with a thong. Vivian bit her lip to keep from blurting that out.

      “Sure,” she said, since bikini was easier to explain than lingerie to a gorgeous man who made her breathless with need. Vivian scooped fast, snagging tiny chocolate nighties, baby dolls and corsets. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Zane to see her undies, but maybe not here on the street.

      “I had no idea Little Creek Bakery was quite so imaginative,” he said, grabbing another piece, lifting it high to see the details in the streetlights. “Whoa, is this a garter belt?”

      Hoping the cloak of night hid her embarrassment, Vivian wet her lips and fought the urge to grab the candy out of his hands.

      “How many styles have you got here?” he wondered, bending down to scoop up another handful. Instead of tossing them into the box like she was, though, he took time to inspect every one of them. “I’m impressed. There might be some here I didn’t know existed until now.”

      Yeah, right. She was willing to bet that Zane Bennett knew just about everything СКАЧАТЬ