The Lawman Claims His Bride. Renee Ryan
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Название: The Lawman Claims His Bride

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472023261


СКАЧАТЬ You need to open your eyes.” Dr. Shane’s voice came at her stronger this time. More insistent. Closer.

      Too close.

      She snapped awake and sat up with a jerk.

      A burst of light flashed before her, momentarily blinding her. She breathed in a quick gasp, blinked past the grit in her eyes, but the room remained hazy. The sickly odor of mold and something else filled her nose. What was that other smell?

      She didn’t want to know.

      “Sleep,” she muttered again, then squeezed her eyelids shut and started to lie back down.

      “No.” The doctor’s hands caught her by the shoulders before her head connected with the pillow. “Stay with us.” He urged her back to a sitting position.

      She managed a squint. The sun spread golden fingers of light across the floor, chasing shadows to the outer edges of the room. She opened her eyes fully and connected her gaze with a long row of iron bars. She’d spent an entire night in jail.

      Her eyes filled with tears.

      “Megan, darling, don’t cry.” The words washed over her like a soft plea.

      She turned her gaze in the direction of the voice. “Logan,” she breathed.

      He moved toward her slowly, his steps relaxed, careful, as though he didn’t want to scare her with any sudden movement.

      The dear, dear man.

      “Logan, wait just a moment.” Dr. Shane stopped his progress with an outstretched hand.

      Ignoring the command, Logan continued toward her. No hesitation. No hitch in his step. Just bold purpose.

      Dr. Shane muttered something about “arrogant, single-minded lawmen.” Megan didn’t listen to the rest of the words. She was too busy watching Logan’s approach.

      He crouched down in front of her and placed his palms on her knees.

      His movements were still slow, but the fierce angles of his face and the severe expression in his eyes said he was anything but calm.

      At the sight of all the intensity directed at her, a quick jolt of fear slithered down her spine.

      Megan instinctively leaned back. Away from Logan.

      There was a flicker of hurt in his eyes but then he gave her a wide, nonthreatening smile.

      Remorse instantly filled her. This was Logan. Her Logan. There was nothing to fear from him. Just being near him was all she’d ever wanted, all she’d ever craved. “You’re still here,” she whispered.

      He swung around then sat beside her on the cot. As before, the ancient springs creaked in protest under the additional weight.

      Reaching down, Logan took her hand and laced her fingers through his. “I’ll never leave you again.”

      The magnetic force of his sincerity took her breath away. For one fleeting moment, every dream she’d ever had about this man and their future together seemed possible.

      In the next moment, an onslaught of images beckoned for release and a feeling of dread balled in her stomach.

      Her vision blurred.

      Logan slung his arm across her shoulder to steady her. “Doc. Do something. She’s losing color.”

      Dr. Shane was at her feet in an instant. But he was too close.

      She suddenly felt trapped.

      “No. Please. Step back.” She waved her hand in his direction. “I need…” She let her voice trail off, not sure what she needed. “Just…give me a moment.”

      Breathing slowly—very slowly—she pressed her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose and ordered her mind to slow down. But her thoughts continued running in countless directions. There were too many images fighting for release.

      Sights, sounds, smells all came at her at once, attacking her in rapid succession.

      “Breathe, Megan,” Logan urged softly in her ear. “Just breathe.”

      She tried to do as he suggested. In. Out. In. Out.

      Her efforts only made matters worse.

      Blood roared in her ears.

      Logan’s grip on her shoulder tightened, reminding her she wasn’t alone in this terrible, terrible mess.

      Why was there no comfort in the thought?

      Was she fooling herself? Was she grasping at a dream she’d built in her head over the last five years?

      Confusion and panic tangled together in her mind. Rather than giving in to either, she called on one of her favorite verses. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavey laden, and I will give you rest.

      One heartbeat passed.

      And another.

      By the third she shrugged away from Logan’s support and tried to stand.

      “Megan,” he began.

      “No.” She thrust a palm in his direction. “Don’t help me. I need to do this on my own.”

      Brave words. Necessary words. She had to call on her strength, like always, or risk losing more control than ever.

      Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite get her feet underneath her. Logan grasped her elbow gently. Once she caught her balance, she stepped away from him.

      Pain shot through her right foot. And she lowered back down on the cot.

      “What is it?” he asked. “What—”

      “Just wait a minute, Logan.” Dr. Shane cut him off. “Give her a moment to find her bearings.”

      Logan gave an unhappy grunt in reply, but surprisingly didn’t argue this time. Keeping his eyes on her, he moved to the opposite end of the cell in three ground-eating strides, then leaned a shoulder against the brick wall.

      The hard look he shot Dr. Shane reminded her of…of…

      She pressed a shaky hand to her quivering stomach and felt the knots tighten beneath her touch. What was wrong with her? How could she possibly be afraid?

      This was Logan. Her Logan.

      Confused, she turned her attention back to Dr. Shane. There was certainly nothing threatening about him. His clear blue eyes held compassion while a hint of concern showed on his handsome face. His dark hair shot out in every direction, as though he’d run his hands through it too many times.

      He slowly crouched in front of her, placed his fingertips on the inside of her wrist and began counting her heartbeats. After a moment, he nodded in approval. “Do you hurt anywhere other than your head?”