The Unrepentant Rake. Barbara Monajem
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Название: The Unrepentant Rake

Автор: Barbara Monajem

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781408979105


СКАЧАТЬ over her arm. It would look atrocious with Miss Ottersby’s pink gown. Poor Miss March must be humiliated at the prospect of draping it over the girl’s shoulders. He would give her something more interesting to think about and have some fun as well.

      While Eudora pounded out page after page of a sonata, Simon whispered to one sister and the other, back and forth, making progressively more improper remarks about the sort of pleasures a rake enjoys. Louisa moved an inch or two away. Helena’s hand dropped from his arm. He didn’t need eyes in the back of his head to know how intensely the governess watched him or to sense her gradual approach.

      ‘Come to think of it,’ he said a little louder, running a finger down Helena’s spine, ‘I should like to do it to both of you at once.’

      Helena gave a horrified gasp and sprang away. Louisa merely froze, so he snaked a hand behind her and pinched her bum. She shrieked, and at the same instant Miss March slipped neatly between them, and his wayward hand brushed her breast.

      Beatrix hissed. Mr. Carling’s fingers slid gently down the edge of her breast, sending an inconvenient thrill directly to her core. How could she be attracted to such a devil?

      ‘Feeling neglected, Miss March?’ he murmured. ‘So sorry, but I only have two hands.’

      She wanted to slap him silly, but the music had stopped at Louisa’s shriek. Everyone turned their way. ‘It was a rat,’ Beatrix said quickly. ‘Are you all right, Miss Louisa?’

      ‘Of course she is,’ said her mother. Lord Ottersby had fallen asleep on the sofa and didn’t even stir. ‘Such a fuss over nothing. Miss March, I can’t allow you to foster weakness in my daughters.’

      Yet ruining their lives was perfectly fine? Marriage could be a prison even with a relatively decent man. Beatrix felt in her reticule for her vinaigrette and waved it under Louisa’s nose, as Eudora attacked the piano keys anew. ‘Rodents are disgusting, but unfortunately, they are to be found in even the best houses. Perhaps you should sit down for a while.’ She escorted Louisa to a chair and turned to make sure Mr. Carling hadn’t resumed harassing Helena.

      He was right behind her, and she almost bumped into him. She moved away, but again he followed, so she stopped, refusing to let him intimidate her. Mocking blue eyes glinted down at her. ‘Touché, Miss March. You are not only an instinctive liar, but a clever one.’

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