The Marshal Takes a Bride. Renee Ryan
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Название: The Marshal Takes a Bride

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781408937945



      He rubbed his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Are you taking a tone with me, Miss Taylor?”

      His outrageous remark pushed her to stand on her own, but her foot tangled in her skirts, and she fell back down. “Oh, now look at what you’ve done.”

      He angled his head at her. “For a good Christian woman, you have a pretty mean temper.”

      “How absurd. Christian women get angry, too.”


      She didn’t like this teasing side of him. What had happened to the Trey Scott who couldn’t go three sentences without arguing with her? That man she could handle.

      “You can save the snide remarks, Marshal. And. Help. Me. Up.”

      The light from the lantern flickered off the watch fob dangling from one of his vest buttons, blinding her for a moment.

      “I wish you’d turn around again.” He drew out a long, dramatic sigh. “The other end didn’t bite.”

      A seed of rebellion took hold of her. “Don’t forget, a bee keeps her stinger in her behind.”

      His lips twitched. “Miss Taylor, I’m shocked!”

      Panicked he might start laughing, and then get her started as well, she gave him her let’s-get-down-to-business look. “Marshal Scott—”

      “Right, right. Help you up.”

      Pushing from the wall, he reached out to her. Palm met palm, and…nothing. No fear. No terror. Just a pleasant warmth.

      Then, when he shifted his hold slightly, all she felt in response was…


      At that odd thought, a riot of confusion shot through her already addled brain, and she pulled on her hand. “Either help me up or let go.”

      “Right.” With a flick of his wrist, he yanked her to her feet.

      Quickly dropping her hand to her side, she took a careful step back and then straightened to her full height. Feeling remarkably out of her depth, she resorted to the one tactic that kept her on an even footing with the man. Antagonism.

      “I don’t know why you’re here, but I refuse to continue trading insults with you today,” she said.

      He had the nerve to look shocked by her words. “Is that what we’re doing? I thought we were getting on rather well. For us.”

      She took a deep breath. “Step back please. So I can pass.”

      His expression turned serious, concerned even, and he quickly did as she asked. “Of course.”

      Right. Now he had to be heroic and honor her fears, like he had the day before in Marc’s study. Did he know that when he acted like this, with such careful consideration of her feelings, his closeness didn’t frighten her so much?

      But, if that were truly the case, why were her hands shaking?

      In an effort to hide her trembling fingers, she busied herself with brushing off her skirt.

      “I’d be happy to assist.” He peered around the side of her. “Unless, of course, you brought your stinger with you.”

      “You, sir, are outrageous.” And the more he talked with that smooth Southern drawl, the more her uncertainty increased. “Maybe you should be on your way now.”

      “Don’t you want to know why I searched you out?”

      “Not particularly.” But curiosity poked through her wish to be rid of him. “How did you know I was here?”

      “I stopped at Charity House first. Laney told me where to find you.”

      She couldn’t stop a small jolt of surprise from spreading into something more tangible, more pleasant. But reality set in just as quickly. Had the two ladies from her earlier encounter seen Trey enter the building? Would they think Katherine had set up a secret rendezvous?

      No, she was being oversensitive because of their rudeness. Surely they’d been long gone by the time Trey had arrived. “You came looking for me?” she asked at last, suspicion digging deep. “Why?”

      “I want to talk to you about Molly.” As he spoke, everything about him turned serious—his expression, his body language, even his tone.

      Surprised by the change in him, and her intrigued reaction in response, she focused on ending their discussion as quickly as possible. “There’s nothing more to discuss. In fact, it’s all very simple—”

      “Is it? I was under the impression it was—” he blew out a slow breath “—complicated.”

      She started to push around him, but he evened out his weight, barring the exit. He seemed to fill every available space.

      He looked too big, too casual, and for a brief moment, she feared he would attack. But instead of making her shake, or even tremble, the notion made her temper flare.

      Finally, an emotion she understood. “Get out of my way.”

      A troubled look pooled in his gaze, and he scrubbed a hand through his hair. He shifted to one side, leaving a small opening for her, but he didn’t move completely away. “Not until I’ve said my piece.”

      After his earlier consideration of her fears, she knew she owed him that much. “Go ahead then. Say what you came to say.”

      He nodded. “I was wrong to get between you and your sister yesterday.”

      “You admit it?” Katherine could hardly believe her ears.


      Blinking at this newest change in him, she didn’t know what to think. Trey Scott had just given her what she wanted.

      So why didn’t she feel any satisfaction?

      “It’s not personal, you know,” she said, the truth finally hitting her. “It’s simply that you can’t offer Molly the stability she needs, especially now.”

      “You’re correct. I can’t make promises.”

      She suddenly wished he would. Because she sensed, all the way down to the last hair on her head, that if Trey Scott made a promise, he would keep it.

      “I won’t come around the orphanage anymore,” he said.

      Her stomach bounced to her toes. Now that he’d given her exactly what she wanted, she realized she wasn’t sure she wanted it anymore.

      In truth, she couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing him again. “What about Marc?”

      “I can visit with him during school hours.”

      He looked so sad, troubled, and she found herself no longer concerned about her СКАЧАТЬ