A Most Unsuitable Bride. Gail Whitiker
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Название: A Most Unsuitable Bride

Автор: Gail Whitiker

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781472039774


СКАЧАТЬ and twenty, you are hardly old, but you do not look as cheery as I might have wished. Perhaps we can do something to put the sparkle back in your eyes, now that you are here again.’

      ‘Just spending time with you will do that,’ Diana said, smiling as she glanced around the room. ‘It seems such a long time since I was here.’

      ‘Four years is a long time when you’re young,’ her aunt agreed. ‘At my age, it is a mere blink of the eye. All right, Chaucer, you may go and make your greetings to Diana. But politely, mind.’

      The wolfhound, which had been whimpering ever since being told to go to his bed, rose to his feet and slowly headed for Diana. He knew better than to jump on her, but he did rest his great head on her knee, his liquid brown eyes staring up at her with adoration.

      Diana wondered how such a huge beast could be so daft.

      ‘Do you still spoil him outrageously?’ she said as she buried her fingers in the dog’s wiry hair.

      ‘Of course.’ Mrs Mitchell reached for the teapot. ‘We all deserve to be pampered in our twilight years. Tea?’

      ‘Yes, thank you, that would be lovely.’

      Mrs Mitchell poured out two cups of tea and set one on the table before Diana. ‘But never mind that great brute, tell me how you really feel about being back in London. Phoebe seems to think you would rather not be here.’

      Diana ran her hand thoughtfully over Chaucer’s head. ‘To tell the truth, I’m not sure how I feel. I had my fair share of doubts about coming, and there were times when I told myself I would not—’

      ‘But come you did.’

      Diana grimaced. ‘Yes, due in large part to Phoebe plaguing the life out of me until I agreed.’

      Mrs Mitchell laughed. ‘Well, if it is of any consolation, there are many in society who are anxious to see you again. I ran into Mrs Townley and her daughter last week, and you should have seen the look of delight on Amanda’s face when I told her you were coming to stay with me.’

      At the mention of the young lady who had once been her closest friend, Diana’s expression brightened. ‘Did she look well?’

      ‘Very well. In fact, Amanda has changed considerably since you last saw her. I dare say you’ll be surprised when you see her again. But I was pleased to hear her express such enthusiasm at seeing you. Has there been any resumption of your correspondence?’

      Diana shook her head as she reached for the china cup. She wasn’t surprised that her aunt had asked about it. Everyone knew that she and Amanda had once been the best of friends. Amanda was one of the few who hadn’t shunned Diana when news of her rift with Lord Durling had become public. She had even written to Diana for the first few months after her return to the country—until one day the letters had stopped coming and Diana had been forced to conclude that pressures had been brought to bear.

      ‘I read that Amanda is recently engaged,’ Diana said, keeping her voice light. ‘Has a date been set for the wedding?’

      ‘Yes, and Mrs Townley did tell me what it was, though for the life of me I can’t remember. One of the hazards of growing old, I’m afraid. Still, Amanda will be able to tell you herself when you see her.’

      Diana looked up. ‘I am to see her?’

      ‘Indeed. Mrs Townley is holding a soirée this week, and when she learned that you and Phoebe were arriving today, she told me that I must be sure to bring you both. Speaking of engagements, did I mention that Sarah Harper married over the winter?’

      Diana put down her cup. ‘Not as I recall.’

      Mrs Mitchell tutted. ‘Of course not, you have only just arrived. Well, she is now the wife of Mr Anthony Jones-Davis. And Lady Margaret Bellows is to be married in the fall. She has much to recommend her, of course, but I did think her eldest sister would be settled first…’

      Diana listened as her aunt told her which of her friends had married and which had not, and tried not to feel envious over the good fortune of the ones who had. After all, she had no reason to be jealous. She too had received a proposal of marriage during her first Season, and would have been a married lady now if all had gone according to plan. One in charge of a large house, and servants, and all the jewels and pretty gowns she could have wished for.

      A married lady, Diana reflected sadly. But one blessed with questionable happiness, if any happiness at all…

      ‘Diana? Did you hear what I just said?’

      Diana looked up to find her aunt’s sharp eyes on her, and felt the colour rise to her cheeks. ‘Forgive me, Aunt. I was lost in my thoughts.’

      ‘Yes, and I’m sure I know where those thoughts were taking you,’ Mrs Mitchell said kindly. ‘But do you still think so much about what happened, my dear? It has been over four years, after all.’

      ‘Yes, and I truly thought I had put it behind me, but now that I’m here…’ Diana stopped, and shook her head. ‘It’s funny, you know. In some ways, I feel as though what happened took place in another lifetime. And yet, in others, it’s as though it was yesterday.’ She looked at her aunt with troubled eyes. ‘Does that make any sense?’

      ‘Indeed. Adversity is a funny thing, Diana. It affects people in various ways, and it always changes them in one way or another.’

      ‘Did it change me?’

      ‘Most definitely. It made you stronger.’

      ‘I wonder.’ Diana took a sip of her tea, savouring the hot, fragrant brew. ‘Sometimes I think I should have just accepted matters and got on with my life. After all, there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Perhaps I was naïve to think there was.’

      ‘Do you honestly believe that?’

      Diana looked into her aunt’s eyes, and knew she couldn’t lie. ‘No.’

      ‘Good, because I would have been very disappointed if you had said yes. Marriage is about what two people bring to it, Diana,’ Mrs Mitchell told her. ‘And though no one is perfect, we usually strive to do the best we can. I know that’s what you would have done because you had your mother and father’s example to follow.’

      Diana’s smile turned wistful. ‘I miss them so much, Aunt Isabel. At times, it feels like a physical pain. And yet, at other times I’m glad they’re not here. They would have been so hurt by what happened.’

      ‘Yes, but not for themselves. They would have suffered for you, and for all you were made to go through. But you conducted yourself with dignity and grace, and that is always the mark of a lady.’

      Diana sighed. ‘Grace and dignity are all very well, Aunt, but what good do they do when one’s reputation is so hopelessly tarnished?’

      ‘What good? Why, they are priceless, child! Tarnished silver can always be made to shine again, but grace and dignity, once lost, are not so easily reclaimed.’

      The analogy made Diana smile. ‘I fear there are many in society who will not expect me to shine again, no matter how thoroughly I am polished.’

      ‘Then СКАЧАТЬ