Maddie Fortune's Perfect Man. Nancy Thompson Robards
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Название: Maddie Fortune's Perfect Man

Автор: Nancy Thompson Robards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474077590


СКАЧАТЬ to hold his gaze again.

      There was something understatedly sexy about her and the realization caught him off guard. He could test these mixed signals she was sending—these cracks in her buttoned-up, businesslike armor that kept him guessing, making him wonder if he was reading her right. And he was usually very good at reading people. He prided himself on it.

      But these flirty looks of Maddie’s sometimes morphed into stare-downs that became games of chicken to see who would look away first. The accidental brush of hands, and now asking him if he was happy at Fortunado? What was that all about?

      “Why?” he asked. “If I was, say, restless, would you be willing to make it worth my while to stay?”

      “And how would you propose I make it worth your while?”

      She watched him, waiting for his answer as she held out the white china plate for the server to dish up a piece of chicken and a portion of brisket.

      He arched a brow, and his gut clenched at the thoughts swirling around his head. He felt as if he were contemplating taking something that didn’t belong to him. Like finding a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk—you could stuff it in your pocket and walk away...or you could do the right thing and try to find the owner.

      She must’ve read it in his expression.

      “You’re full of yourself, McCarter.” He watched her walk to an empty table off to the side, rather than joining her sisters and Carlo at the one in the middle of the patio.

      Zach took his plate of barbecue and followed her, claiming the seat next to her. “Full of myself? That wasn’t a very nice thing to say.”

      Her eyes widened. “You’re so sensitive.”

      “That’s me. I’m just a sensitive kind of guy. Isn’t that what the ladies want? A sensitive guy?”

      She cut a piece of chicken off the bone. Raising the fork to her lips, she stopped short of putting the bite into her mouth, a mischievous smile tipping up the corners of her lips.

      “Is that what you tell all the ladies?” Maddie asked. “That you’re a sensitive kind of guy?”

      Zach flashed his best smile. “Whatever works.”

      “Whatever works,” she repeated. “Is that your philosophy?”

      “Nope. Sensitivity is my philosophy. How could you forget?” He made a stabbing gesture in the center of his chest. “I thought we’d finally found something in common. You know, you liking sensitive men and me being sensitive.”

      She laughed and her cheeks colored. He liked the thought of rattling calm, cool, collected, perfect Madeleine Fortunado. He wanted to get under her skin. Because it was the closest he’d come to ever getting under anything of hers.

      * * *

      Maddie took a sip of her margarita, willing herself to calm down. She was grateful when Schuyler and Carlo moved from their original spot and joined them.

      “What’s wrong?” Schuyler asked Maddie when they sat down. “What did I miss?”

      Zach snared Maddie’s gaze and he raised his eyebrow, issuing a challenge for her to explain the conversation.

      “Zach will explain.” She turned to him and smiled.

      “Whatever works.” He winked at her and her cheeks colored again.

      He cleared his throat. “I was just asking Maddie what she did for fun. You know, I’m starting to get the feeling that all she does is work. She doesn’t always work, does she?”

      “Pretty much,” Schuyler said.

      “There has to be something else,” he said. “I’m curious about what she likes to do for fun.”

      Schuyler looked as if she wasn’t buying it. “Oh, really? I know my sister works a lot, but you two get together every Friday night at the Thirsty Ox, don’t you?”

      “Of course we do,” Maddie said.

      “But that’s still work-related,” Zach qualified.

      “And Zach usually brings a date,” Maddie added. “Or he stops by and rushes out to meet a date.”

      “I didn’t realize you noticed,” Zach said.

      Carlo and Schuyler watched them banter back and forth as if they were the lunchtime entertainment, and Maddie wanted to bolt.

      “Even so,” he said. “How is it that I don’t know much about you? What are your interests outside of the office? When you’re not thinking about real estate, what do you think about?”

      Maddie felt herself blanch. “That’s a little personal, don’t you think?”

      “No, it’s not,” Zach said. “Is it? I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just want to know you better. I was hoping you would tell me one thing I didn’t know.” He held up his hands. “But if you’d rather not, it’s okay.”

      Before Maddie could reply, he turned his attention to Carlo and Schuyler.

      “Where will you live after you’re married?” he asked.

      “I’m helping them find a house in Austin,” Maddie cut in before her sister could answer. “And I have a dog.”

      “What?” Zach looked puzzled.

      “You asked me to tell you one thing about myself that you didn’t know. I have a dog. So, there you go. That’s one thing.”

      Zach nodded. “I didn’t know that. Thank you for sharing it with me. What kind of dog?”

      Maddie shook her head. “Nope. You said one thing. Now it’s your turn. One thing. Start talking, McCarter.”

      He blinked. “Fair enough. I lived in San Antonio for five years and before that I traveled around a lot.”

      “I know that about you,” Maddie said. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

      “Really?” He wrinkled his brow. “How do you know that?”

      Maddie bit the insides of her cheeks. She had to be careful not to tip her hand. A lot of her Zach information had come from perusing his social media accounts, which were usually pretty generic and real estate–oriented, but occasionally a friend of his would post a personal morsel and Maddie would gobble it up like cake. Of course, she’d be mortified if he ever found out that she stalked him on Facebook and Instagram. But, hey, it was a free country, and his social media pages were open to the public. It wasn’t as if she’d hacked in or was doing anything devious. It was all completely aboveboard.

      Sort of.

      Social media was a secret crush resource. It was fair game.

      Even so, she would be mortified if he found out.

      “I’m sure you mentioned it before,” she said nonchalantly. СКАЧАТЬ