Secret Desire. Gwynne Forster
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Название: Secret Desire

Автор: Gwynne Forster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472018878


СКАЧАТЬ and he didn’t move it. “I want a definite answer.”

      Without moving a muscle or blinking her eyes, as alert as a sentry on duty, she stared at him a full minute. “Impatience has buried a lot of men.”

      Well, she wasn’t going to disconcert him, and he refused to let her know how she affected him, so he forced an ambiguous smile. “You bet. And I don’t expect to join them.”

      He let his thumb graze softly over her bottom lip. “Thanks for your company. I’ll be around if you need me.”

      The key in his hand caught his gaze, and—careful to avoid looking at the flickering heat in her eyes—he opened her door, handed her the key, and walked off while he had the strength.


      He stopped, swung around and waited. He did not need temptation right then. “What is it, Kate?”

      She seemed to hesitate, as though uncertain of her next move. “I was…uh…thinking I could make the gingerbread Friday night, and maybe we could—”

      He interrupted her, not allowing her a chance to say something they’d have to deal with. “And could I come over Friday night and get it? I’d planned to spend the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law down in North Carolina, but if you’re going to give me gingerbread, I’ll stop by on my way out of town.”

      Her demeanor said she’d meant for them to make an evening of it, as he’d suspected, but if she was disappointed, she didn’t let him see it.

      She held up both hands, palms out. “Please don’t let me disturb your plans. I just thought…”

      He walked back to her. “Like me, you want one thing, but you’ve been there and you don’t think you want to go that route again. You’ve signaled to me more than once that you don’t want to get involved with me. Whatever your reason, you’re very wise, because it isn’t a good idea.”

      “I know we can’t have it both ways,” she said. “Just…just come by the store on Friday, and I’ll have it there for you.”

      She was so close, so alluring. He stared down at her, accepting his punishment. Then he shook his head, wondering where his attraction to her would take him. Frustration seeped into him, tugging at his insides, and he kissed her cheek and walked away.

      I’m going to stay away from that brother, Kate promised herself as she watched the door of the lobby swing shut behind him. All I need is to fall for a guy who has everything a woman wants and is dead set on keeping it to himself. Once is enough for me. From now on, it’s cool Kate.

      The next afternoon, as she shelved a new shipment of books, the door of her store opened and Lieutenant Strange strutted through it. Kate was sure she’d lost her bottom lip.

      “Hi,” he greeted like a friend of long standing. “How’re things? Thought I’d drop by and see how you’re doing.”

      She told herself to smile and be gracious, that as a businesswoman, she didn’t need enemies. Somehow she managed it, though it was difficult with Luke’s frown mirrored in her mind’s eye.

      “Good afternoon, Lieutenant,” she said, uncomfortable with the cool tenor of her greeting, which was at odds with her natural warmth and friendliness. She wondered if his smile was as practiced as it seemed, whether she looked at the man with Luke’s eyes. Some charmer, she decided, as he treated her to a strong dose of male charisma. A tall, polished man with reasonably good looks and a daunting uniform to cover up whatever flaws he had, he should have presented a more commanding picture. Still, she’d seen worse.

      His nasal tone got her attention. “I said, let me give you a hand with that.”

      A refusal sat on the tip of her tongue, but falling rows of books took care of the matter. She couldn’t move unless he helped, and she watched, exasperated, as Axel Strange wormed his way into her life, putting her firmly in his debt.

      “Let me take care of it,” he said again, removing his jacket and rubbing his hands together as if he were about to get a mouthwatering bite of thick, juicy steak. You’d think he was glad the books almost knocked me over, she thought with not a little annoyance. He piled the books on the floor, releasing her from the burden of bracing the shelves with her back, and had started shelving them when Luke walked into the store.

      Chapter 3

      Kate glanced toward the door when she heard it open, and a wave of apprehension swept through her. What a time for Luke to walk in! She hoped he’d realize she hadn’t encouraged Axel. She wanted to meet him as he headed toward her, but if she did, he or Axel might consider that a statement of sorts, and it wouldn’t have been. It didn’t surprise her that Luke stopped short when he saw Axel, his face bearing all the warmth of an iceberg, and that his entire body took on a predatory hostile posture. She waited, wondering what would happen when Axel realized Luke was standing little more than a yard from him.

      “I assumed you signed out for half a day’s vacation leave, Lieutenant,” Luke said, his voice dark and overlaid with disgust.

      Axel’s head snapped up, and the stack of books he’d picked up fell back to the floor. The careless smile he struggled to paste on his face didn’t quite make it. He reminded her of a bad actor trying to play Macbeth.

      “Well?” This time there was no mistaking Luke’s assertion of authority. “I don’t recall seeing your report on that arson case that you should have put on my desk no later than five o’clock yesterday.”

      “Aw, give a guy a break, boss. The lady needed a hand.” Axel put his hands in his pockets and let his gaze sweep the store. Then he moved his head to one side and backed away several feet. “I don’t see your desk around here anywhere.”

      Luke narrowed his left eye. “If what I did was any of your business, you’d be the captain. I want to see you in my office in twenty minutes.” He turned to leave, seemed to remember her presence and walked back to her.

      “I’m sorry, Kate, but I can’t permit the willful disregard of precinct rules. I’ll be in touch.”

      She couldn’t fault him, but if he and Axel had to play one-upmanship, she wished they’d leave her out of it. Axel resumed the shelving the minute the door closed behind Luke, obviously attempting to impress her with his indifference to his superior’s command, and she wouldn’t tolerate it.

      “Lieutenant, don’t continue that, please. I appreciate your wanting to help, but I’ll shelve the remainder myself.”

      “He’s just jealous. He can’t do a thing to me.”

      Annoyed at the man’s impertinence, she took the books from his hand. “That may be, but if you’re going to disrespect your own rank, please do it someplace else. One expects more from a lieutenant.”

      He covered his icy stare so quickly that she doubted having seen it. “Just trying to be of service, ma’am,” he said, spreading his hands in affected humility. “I’ll call you, and we can get together.”

      “Goodbye, Lieutenant Strange.” He didn’t seem all bad, though she had a suspicion that he would go to great limits to irritate Luke and get the better of him. She didn’t want to be caught between them, but until the man gave her concrete reasons to СКАЧАТЬ